Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Yesterday was 16 years since my last cigarette. With the help of atropine and scopolamine.
Itā€™s near the top of my list of the best things I have ever done.


Thatā€™s awesome !

I think I quite maybe 6 years ago now. I agree, it was one of the best things Iā€™ve done.

I didnā€™t realize how much I smelled like cigarettes until I had stopped smoking them.

After a month I smelled someone I knew after they came in from one, and oh man it was strong !
And I always used to think nobody would know if snuck out for one


Congratulations!! Thatā€™s got to be one of the most difficult things to quit. d8JBdDJ

And a big congratulations to @HappyTrees23s too! That is so awesome, you guys!!

Approximately 50 years for me. I cannot imagine suckinā€™ another one of those things.


it always makes me happy when I see someone quitting cigarettes - congrats to yā€™all @RadioWaves @HappyTrees23s @mota

it always makes me sad when I remind myself chemical ridden cigarettes are legal and cannabis isnā€™t


Yes, definitely a tough habit to kick. Wtg guys!


I didnā€™t know where to post this, as I couldnā€™t find your post that connected with thisā€¦
Anyway, thought this might interest you.


Great info! Thanks for thinking of me. Iā€™ve been thinking for years that Some of the more potent varieties of the past could have been hybrids. I wonder if they mixed Acapulco and Columbian or if the Acapulco is a Colombian transplant, or vice versa? Likely the former, if true. Colombian being part Southeast Asian in some cases, and potentially part Indian in others, throwing Acapulco into the mix you have the major components of Haze. Thai, Colombian., Mexican and Indian. No wonder it had the reputation it did.
Where did you come across this great info?


:rofl::sweat_smile::rofl::joy::rofl::heart:good one!

I came across this, believe it or not, while looking for info on non skunk1 skunkā€¦
When I get more than 18seconds of free time, I go on and search for cannabis related books then search specific words within each books.

This the one

I canā€™t access the full book but would love to check sources. Either way, fun stuff.


Iā€™ll be checking out that site and that book, thanks

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Wait youā€™ve never been to the web archive, prepare to get your mind blown brother :grin:

Itā€™s like the library of Alexandria with better chairs


Awesome! Iā€™ll check it out with my coffee tomorrow morning. Thanks!

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Morning OG,
Can anyone help me get my SIP thread wikified? Had some homies do a couple tutorials that I would like to add to the beginning of the thread so they donā€™t get lost. I have reached out to LemonadeJoe and any other admin I could think of, to no response. Can anyone out there help?

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Look at the bottom of your post: for the ā€œā€¦ā€

Click it to reveal the :wrench: :

Click that :wrench: to ā€œmake wikiā€





Thanks @Pigeonman! Iā€™m not given that option.

In the past, I would reach out to LemonadeJoe and he would wikify the thread, so I could edit, then I would let him know I was done and he would close it. I reached out months ago and havenā€™t heard anything from anyone.


@CrunchBerries ahh! The post is old enough that you need someone from OGTeam @moderators to do the deed for yee. :+1:



just roughly ground up about 1 pound of old bud to make dry sift dry ice hash or bubble hash. not sure what to expect from it.

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Sore forearms from all the shaking?


nah. ground it up by hand. surprisingly not much finger hash at all. i put on the movie zombieland while doing it so i know it took about an hour. trimming is worse. i wish i could have put on pineapple express bout itā€™s currently unavailable on netflix/hulu. thats my go-to trimming movie, dont even have to watch it to know whats going on.
i think i misunderstood you. i havenā€™t made it yet, just prepared it.


Anyone familiar with member @outcold ?