Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Not Iā€¦. Everything good brother? @Mithridate

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Sure, I was in the middle of a trade with him before I got raided and disappearedā€¦ noticed he had an account here but havenā€™t logged on in a while :grin:

Would like to finish the trade lol


Lmmfaoā€¦ā€¦ now thatā€™s commitment :facepunch:t2:


Hahaha damn right, almost 3 years later :wink:


What a guyā€¦and I trimmed up your Sour Strawberry this morning and jarred itā€¦and now just gotta wait for the cure. :yum:

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Thatā€™s the hard part haha

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my new most hated job is pounding ground rods for new service panelā€¦


Did you pound that grounding rod through a French drain? Lol


Drain was old had to move it out of my way, have to replace it with new pipe. First pipe was a bitch 2nd one went much easier.


Will be sooo worth it in the end @Mrgreenthumb


The panel replacement went OK. Had to put in a trough box to extend some circuit wires. These new plug in nuetral panels are pretty aweet



Thatā€™s badass! Very nice. I love it





I sold my truck (a 2006 Tacoma 5-speed with 63k and a shell) to my son last week. He said he wanted it a couple of months ago when I asked. I gave up my driverā€™s license in February because I just didnā€™t feel safe driving any more nearly 6 years post stroke. I was horrified at the thought of injuring someone seriously, especially a kid. So this was the weekend he flew down and we drove back up I-5. It was a beautiful day!

There was a very dramatic sky!

The thing I was really looking for was to see Lake Shasta. I started hitchiking up/down I-5 in 1965. I started driving up/down it the following year. Iā€™ve been up and down it several hundred times. Used to be it was always full up to the water line. Last decade at least that hasnā€™t been the case. Since I knew this might be the last time I will ever drive (even as a passenger) north, I wanted to see Lake Shasta full one more time.

This was taken while we were moving. You can see the water is up to the tree line! Yippee!

This was taken from under the I-5 bridge. Itā€™s where we ate lunch. This looks up one arm of the lake. It was so beautiful! And so exciting for this geezer to see full once again.


What a great time I bet it was


No shit, brother, it was a grand time! Itā€™s been a difficult transition to being not a driver, but this certainly mitigated that to some degree for the time being.


Have another low mileage tacoma for sale? :smiley:

Beautiful drive, even better with your family. Good times. It is nice to see full reservoirs again. How far north ya guys go?

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I wish I did have another one! Iā€™d be happy to sell it to you cheap too! :+1:

He lives just outside of Portland (and Milwaukee) in an odd little bit of Clackamas County. Heā€™s south of PDX, where his current job is. I live in Berkeley.

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The CA coast is a wonderful drive, its been a while since Iā€™ve gone the whole trip myselfā€¦ Iā€™m jealous. Have me thinking of weekend road trip ideas nowā€¦

Iā€™m forever looking for a low mileage tacomaā€¦ :smiley:

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