Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

It was 96 here. I cut the grass at 10:30am and it was already steaming hot out. I feel bad for animals.


I was out painting a ā€œchildrenā€™s head start facilityā€ this past week. Every time I turned around, there was something new in this place that gave me the creeps. Two way observation mirrors looking into the class rooms, the whole place was government gray, phones that didnā€™t have any dial tone when you picked them up. That kind of shit. The whole place was giving off vibes like itā€™s a government facility where scientists study children with advanced mental capacities like they can teleport to other dimensions and move shit with their minds but fronting as a daycare. So I go to check out the bathroom and itā€™s an entry hallway of floor to ceiling tile. Then you turn around the corner and you are in a sub room that looks like it might have been a gym shower at some point. There is a long wooden bench perfectly in the middle of this room. At the end of this room is another door. That leads you into a small powder room. Iā€™m pretty sure this room with the bench is where they spray down the children that zap back from an alternate dimension as they scrub them down with a deck brush in their hazmat suits.

If I end back up in this place Iā€™ll take some videos. It gave me the creeps for real.


You just gave me the creeps. :grimacing:


Itā€™s an orphanage that pays the bills running the kids in a focus group. How is the tiktok Junior? Does it trend? (Writes on clipboard behind two way glass)


Omg. I donā€™t wanna say too much out in the open, but this totally tracks. The guy that runs the shit has always struck me as a little odd, but after this week he definitely gives off emotionally detached undercover scientist.

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I feel like heā€™s tracking your online movements now. Maybe even peeping at you through the window. :rofl:


Welp, there goes sleep tonight.


That was totally my intention, lol. Jk-ing. :grin:


Iā€™ll sleep like a baby. Thereā€™s a million child labor farms. Where does vanilla come from? Cocoa? Etc plenty the kids could be doing worse than mirror school. Mellow out brah. Maybe the kids get something for being there.

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Not according to any of the TV shows of this particular genre. Itā€™s always some nefarious shit a foot.


Thatā€™s just entertainment. Real life horrors are out there. I donā€™t think this is one. Thereā€™s probably a reason. The phones off the hook no one pays for a landline that doesnā€™t seem that weird. The shower maybe they donā€™t use it anymore so they took it apart. The bench sounds like a locker room. Sometimes what we imagine is much worse than what actually is. I can get carried away too but tv and life donā€™t correlate.


I generally believe this wholeheartedly. Well, I used to. May I present, Exhibit A:


Aliens are fictional. From the same article exhibit b

but many sightings have been found to be of pedestrian origin, from weather balloons to drones, airborne trash, and birds.


Iā€™m gonna document this creep show facility. Youā€™ll see.


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Bra are you trapped in the facility? Is this a rescue mission now? (Rolls blunts just in case)


Haha. Im done there and havenā€™t been back. They are throwing new roadblocks in my way to get paid. Pretty shady actually. Just like a bunch of shady ass secret scientists.


Itā€™ll be like boiler room. You show up Friday looking for a check and all the phones are on the ground and the desks and chairs are gone. I hope you get paid. All future sketch places should pay up front.


I have a couple of favorite movies and that is one of them.

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Iā€™m usually pretty skeptical when I read something is, for example, the most lavish, and I canā€™t be certain it applies here, but this public crapper is pretty fucking opulent. Iā€™d be happy to dump an offering.