Check out my perpetual grow!

That’s AWESOME! I had my dab press obsconded with along with a ton of other shit including a freeze dryer I paid over 5g’s for and a tumble sifter that wasn’t much less…. Long story but the person who made our stuff for many years bounced along with product and ALL of our equipment out West several years ago, still haven’t gotten myself a press but rosin is my shit! Absolutely love it, oh man you are gonna have some fun bro! I’m envious!


Holy moly man! I can’t believe being out that much! I’ve got probably 12k in my grow as it sits now and I couldn’t imagine ever having to just restart


I was discussing the costs of growing with a buddy and he commented that it was probably cheaper just to buy from the government outlet.

I said it was my hobby and my weed was better than their crap.
And as hobbies go, it’s pretty cheap… especially when compared to something like bass fishing… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



He’s right :point_up_2:t3:Ha…. Even worse Try fly fishing even my weed obsession and grows have nothing on my fly/float fishing collection!


Shoot idk project carS take my money everytime. My last lady was purple haze 3rd gen camaro ram air hood with silver racing stripes she was sharp! Dumped 10gs on it in a year


Very Nice! Don’t get me started on my baby…… she’s sitting in the garage in need of another 3 gs after I JUST put 2 in ffs! And undriveable until! Ya :cry:


I sold that one and watched the dude who bought it rip off thw whole front end loading it on the trailer. My girl was like its okay just go inside its not your car anymore and im like bbbbbbuuuuuuttt dude just destroyed the whole front of the car! His wife was for sure letting him have it for not letting me take the risk to load it like I asked to


Talk about money pits ! Spend 30/40 grand on your ride, dump a fortune into it, 10-20 more then when it comes time to sell, get 20 gs if you’re lucky :man_facepalming:t2:


Omg…… ya I bet he was. Wow, he just increased the price before even leaving :man_facepalming:t2: never take the risk if there’s no need, NEVER !

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Ugh tell me about it but I love every second of it! Lmao. What’s hiding in your garage? Would love to get a peek

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05 Magum RT hemi mopar muscle machine. White on white leather, custom wood grain interior complete floor liners made to match so no one has ever touched the carpet, EVER. Winter rims and summer, dropped a touch, magma flow exhaust in plexi case. Looks a bit different now, but basically the same. Gets my blood pumping just writing this.


Hell yeah! So when you gonna do a hellcat or hellelephant swap? Lol I’m sure you get that alot but seriously nice ride man! Love the older style wagons especially them caddies and buicks!

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Was my dream car when she came out, then I found out about Mercedes building the O5’s and I was set on it, then I saw “ white on white, 20,000 k been sitting in the garage since my hubby died “and it was posted 42 mins earlier, she was mine not long after, 12 years later still is . I love them too, my buddy has one he’s put way more into and my god it’s sick! His is SRT thought to start…… thing is factory BALLS! When he upgraded the third time it’s legit scary, you can be doing 60 and punch it and it pulls so hard so fast with zero slippage e anything it’s nuts, it legit feels like a Ferrari/lambo and I’ve been in both but only driven Ferraris


Dude that’s awesome! I hope to be at that point one day but it takes a lot of time, money, and effort to put something like that together and call it yours!

Ya I wish too, it’s so sick.

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Did some some training in the veg tent today and turned the light intensity up to the 600 umols range. Seeing anywhere from 520-620 across my canopy. Wanted to max out my umols for veg since I’m coming up on flipping in the next 2 weeks more than likely. Clone tent got topped and I took clones of everything from their tops and any side branches that would of got cut. Hoping the clone tent looks more perky tomorrow


Checked on the clones in the cloner this morning before leaving to go work at my dads and they’ve all perked back up. Should of took a picture but I only lost 1 leaf on 2 plants that didn’t come back to life and shriveled up. So far all the cuttings I’ve taken are doing alright but ill check back in after work. Ph for the clone king 36 site was 5.7 when I took the cuttings and today its 6.0. Temp setup on inkbird controller for 80 degrees and humidity also set to 80 on an inkbird controller and a Reptile fogger. Pic below of where I based my info from

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A drop of bleach or two max per gallon in your cloners /trays etc. is a game changer! No more pathogens, algae and cuts root better, faster etc.


Alright so day 42 in the veg for the ladies now freshly relocated to the flower tent. These ladies got another trim and train session. 3 out of 4 will not need anymore branches cut moving forward as they are where id like them. I tend to train my branches down and out and I’ll trim a couple branches every so often till all the branches are on the outer diameter of the pot and then I will start to allow them to grow up. Still waiting on freakshow to catch up but she’s still trucking along. The veg tent now houses all the clones from the clone tent. Those ladies got transplanted from solo cups to 5 gal autopots with air base and dome after recovering for 2 days from topping. After transplant I watered them in, followed up with training, hit them with recharge, threw them in the tent and hooked up air likes to pump, and dialed light in to about 200 umols and will slowly turn it up over the next month. The clone tent now holds all the tops from the topping and any long branches that would of been tossed I figured I would give to my buds and help them get quality genetics. The clone tent wasn’t very happy this morning I had the humidifier outside the tent and the tubing somehow built up water and wasn’t allowing water to pass so I put it inside the tent. A couple droopy plants but really hardy strains it seems. Except sour diesel was very unhappy with the humidity dropping from 80 to 60. In a few days I’m hoping to see signs of roots starting to form. Currently have the clone king on a 30 on 30 off repeating timer because I read up somewhere on a discord channel that it helps prevent stem rot. Ideally was looking for a 15 on 15 off but didn’t have one on hand so just made do with what I had. Also I forgot to take root pics of sour diesel but she looked just as good as the others
