Check out my perpetual grow!

Some seriously aggressive root porn there with “odd”… :smile: :vulcan_salute:
I’ll bet that’s a beast…



Oh yes very aggressive! Here is some background info but I got it from a member on a discord channel who goes by GMO

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Day 45 in the flower tent (still in veg). 3 out of 4 are where if like them to be and freakshow is coming along nicely but needs to be a bit wider. I was training everything down last night (no trimming this time) and realized oh hey freakshow is my first FIM from topping too early and i bent that top over and trained it out attributing to an already goofy look lol. My high ass goofed up the timers for 2 days on both tents and set it to the opposite lf what i wanted. Was running 6 on 18 off and then realized hey why arent the lights on when they usually should and fixed it. Being in veg i dont forsee any issues but i am starting to see some light spotting on my blue dream and zkittles i think they are telling me they want more part B of the jacks 321 mix as i go from 10-12 grams as the ladies request. Veg tent and clone tent are 6 days old. Veg tent is taking off the clones seem to be happy in their new 5 gal pots. I trained them out a bit more and turned the lights up to the 300 umols range for the canopy to get them rolling. Clone tent im not seeing any roots yet but at the same time im not seeing any wilting or dying leafs so i just gotta be patient20230714_210340 20230714_210359 20230714_210407 20230714_210416 20230714_210627 20230714_210640 20230714_210646 20230714_210650 20230714_210613 20230714_210324


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Well today I checked the clone tent and it seems we have roots showing! 2 gary satan and 1 sour diesel. Surprisingly enough it’s the small cuts that are rooting 1st. I surely thought the cuts with thicker stems would take root sooner but oh well hopefully they all follow suit in the next few days so I can get them transplanted. Flower tent still in veg is day 46 and all the ladies but freakshow were light as a feather. Im getting impatient and just decided to turn on the autopots anyways and if need be I can turn the freakshow line off and water it every 2 days until she’s ready but i cant wait forever or blue dream and zkittles are gonna take over the whole tent!


Day 49 in the flower tent. Zkittles is starting to take over any potential area freakshow has to spread out so im thinking about just letting her up from the landscape staples to try and get as tall as the other ladies and catch up. The ladies need trimmed up but im waiting to flip to flower to take more leafs off. Only hold up on flipping to flower is clearing up this calcium deficiency. Im gonna make the next batch of water at 12 grams part b instead of 10 grams part b fpr a 5 gal batch and hopefully that will clear her up in a week to prepare for the flip. Then day 9 in the clone tent and veg tent. Took 7 clones out today. 4 gary satan and all 3 of the sour diesel got transplanted into 1.5 inch square by 2.15 inch deep cells to prepare for rooting and then shipping after to my close buddies im trading genetics with. After transplanting the 7 clones i put them in the veg tent in a germination dome and watered them till runoff and hit them with recharge after. They should be good for 4-5 days before needing anymore water and i ran one experiment on the gary satans since i had 6 clones to root. One clone of gary satan in the veg tent currently got clonex and mycorrhizae on the roots to see of it would do any better than the others. While i was in there i reapplied tie downs on the ladies in the 5 gal pots. Im waiting for the inner branches to get a little taller then ill probably take them and clone them as well for trades in the discord



@TopShelfTrees1 when you get a chance message me back brother havent heard from ya in a while

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Day 53 in the flower tent. I know I keep saying it but seriously I’m gonna consider flipping next week. Im afraid zkittles is gonna double or triple her height and screw me over. Midnight snack is getting really tall too! All the ladies are looking great! Humidity is a bit high in the flower tent but when I do flip I’ll bring it down a bit. Veg tent is now day 12. These ladies are getting really good growth as well! Sour diesel is out of hand and really needs trimmed but im holding off till Wednesday so I can take clones of everything and have them at a decent length. All the clones are out of the clone tent and into humidity domes in the veg tent. I took a sneak peek at some this morning and they had amazing roots! Gonna have some happy campers when they get these heavily rooted ladies as trade!


Day 54 in the flower tent still in veg. I got yhe ladies trimmed up and ready to flip. I’m gonna give her 2 days or so to bounce back and then flip her to flower. I went ahead and put the pot socks in the 5 gal pots and now realized 2 things. 1 don’t overstuff your 5 gal pots in the first place they make for a tight fit in the autopot trays and 2 I need to put the pot socks on before they get this big and after letting them dry for a day or so that way they aren’t 50 lbs each lol. The freakshow although it was the smallest had the most root structure going on underneath! Midnight snack has a bit less roots than freakshow but that wasn’t as surprising because she got massive the past month


Well I went ahead and flipped to flower Tuesday or Wednesday can’t remember the exact day right now. All my clones got shipped out to buddies in clone shippers. So far had 2 clones arrive and been told the clone shippers are the shit and there was no shock from shipping or transplant on the ladies I sent. Did some training and trimming in the veg tent which was long overdue as I was growing some branches out for clones to send out. I have 3 out of 4 plants that have a mother now. Took a sour diesel for myself to root out and the other clones which will be my mother plants need to be transplanted to 1 gal planters either this weekend or next week as 1 of them (O.D.D) wants watered daily now and has a decent amount of roots. My mycorrhizae and clonex experiment results are in. I had 6 gary satan I cloned last clone run and one I transplanted after rooting with clonex then mycorrhizae on the clonex. I believe this caused a paste to form over the roots and prevented rooting until the paste got watered down as it was much slower than the other ladies. She’s finally starting to root in her coco plug almost 2 weeks later so definitely a flop on that experiment but live and learn. Here in a couple days I’ll have a cherry bang bang and a mimosa clone from my buddy I sent 2 clones out to and then ill be getting a stardawg Corey from GMO house of clones either this weekend or next week and rs11 is one my buddy just got and he’s gonna send me a cut sometime in a week or 2 when he can get one to root for me. Big plans moving forward! It seems like it’s all clones, clones, clones, and more clones for the future but I need to slip in a few seed runs. I’m really eager to pop that Jamaican reg from @OhNo555 as the backstory sounds amazing and I have high hopes. Then I have so many strains to grow out its unreal. Before too long my clone tent will be out of room and im gonna be juggling between using my drying tent between drying out my harvest but im 2-2.5 months out on that anyways. At this rate I’m thinking by the time the flower tent is done pre flowering that the veg tent might be ready to flip but we will see how it all plays out. Had a bit of a commotion the other day when shipping out clones. My asshole cat knocked over a cup with 20 sour diesel cuts while I was downstairs and ate 2 then threw up and was high as can be for 2 hrs. I was so mad at him. Lol. Also im looking for suggestions on a good light for my 5x5. Currently have 2 marshydro ts3000 in my 5x5x6 and the edge to edge is just horrible. I was looking at a HLG scorpion diablo, growers choice roi e720, or 2 smaller lights in case my plants get uneven canopies. I believe the growers choice roi e 720 is my best choice as I already have 2 in my flower tent and the master controller but I was curious on other opinions? Before I close this out I’d also like to add we upgraded the 13 gal autopot (for flower) to a 25 gal reservoir for up to a week of automatic watering in case we need to go anywhere as the 13 gal was lasting 3-4 days and we wanted something bigger. Hope everyone is having a good morning! I’ll try and get my fiance to send me pics to post after a while


Try HLG’s web site, they got a refurbished sale going on and they are very good even refurbished and saves a great deal of money plus they will stand behind their refurbished products just as much as their new ones. Don’t hesitate to over look these refurbished lights, you won’t be disappointed at all. :sunglasses::v:


Yeah I’ve looked into HLG but my girl said no refurb lights. Was looking at the scorpion diablo but it runs about 1300 vs 2 black birds (1400) but they are out of stock and im not sure if 2 would fit in a 5x5. I know I want edge to edge lighting as my ts3000’s leave like 1ft per side in my 5x5 without light and it drives me wild because I think 1 is supposed to flower a 4x4 and I have 2 in there and can’t get full coverage on a 5x5

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1 blackbird will work in a 4x4 or 5x5

I know but I want overkill lighting lol. If I’m gonna drop 1300 on the diablo I was doing a price comparison vs 2 blackbirds. Honestly think the growers choice is the way to go. Can easily hook it up to my master controller and operate it like that and it’s the cheapest option being $720. I know when people think lights they don’t ideally want cheapest options but vs double the price of the competition and the fact that I have a controller to get the extra 10% lighting intensity I think it doesn’t get much better without seeing if growers choice has any newer models. Im thinking in a perfect world my 5x5 will have a light rated for 6x6 in case I need to flower in the 5x5 I’ll have one rated for it



Day 4 pre flower in the flower tent. I noticed zkittles keeps getting light when lifting. I was checking it out and the air base doesn’t allow the medium to get much water in the autopot tray. I top fed zkittles and checked the rest and midnight snack was the same way she was also light. Not sure how to troubleshoot this with the autopots but as of now it’s only a issue with zkittles getting a light green color so until I figure something out I will probably top feed a tiny bit to supplement and I’ll continue to check midnight snack. Veg tent is 21 days old now and before long im going to be out of space to keep going wider and I trained 1 branch a bit hard on the sour diesel so she’s propped up for a couple days till she recovers. I got some advice from a buddy who recieved some of my clones and has been watching my progress. He told me to trim back some of the leaves and my clones wouldn’t look so droopy and would root faster for me. I went ahead and did this and the very next day they were perked up and happy


I love it! Everything looks fantastic, thanks for sharing your hard work and good vibes. Your progress is amazing, looking forward to watching


Thanks for the compliments! Pre flower stretch is gonna hit these ladies like a train. Not sure what I’ll do waiting for the flower tent to open up for 2 months minimum to 2.5 months max. Might have to flip them in the veg tent worst case scenario


Day 25 in the veg tent. Day 8 of pre flower in the flower tent and not pictured we have the clone tent day 6 or 7 and just now getting roots. All the mother plants I have are now in 1 gallons and im in the process of getting another 5x5 setup for the mother plants permanently as I plan on filling that tent with breeders cuts and elite/legendary clones completely. I’ll still probably sell 1 of the marshydro ts 3000 and then keep 1 for the mother tent. The veg tent is going to town and are about trained as wide I can go in there so before too long I’ll let the landscape staples up and let them grow straight up. The flower tent is quickly consuming all the space freakshow has. Im rather upset with freakshow and the speed of her growth vs the others. Im not sure what I can really do to help her without trimming branches off the other plants which I don’t plan on doing. She has really good roots below but up top she’s being slow as can be. Midnight snack is an absolute monster. I had to supercrop about 5 branches and they were so stiff my fingers hurt after working them. Since the last update I had taken out the mignight snack and zkittles and flushed them each with 5 gallons of RO water let them the drip for 10 minutes then back into the system (swapped their spots for more room for midnight snack) and turned back on. Since then her color has been coming back and I’ve learned you can top feed recharge but not nute water which is why I had to flush both plants to begin with thinking top feeding would help but ive learned since then that’s a no no as it will leave the nutes up top and cause issues. Everything is chugging right along maybe too well because I’m strapped for space as is