Check out my perpetual grow!

That’s what i mean, haha

I’m going to keep a clone of every single plant that way I can keep the best male for breeding and sending to others and the same for the female. Keep the best male and female for the mother tent until I can try the smoke and see if I like the strain. I’ll be sending the face off to quite a few people once I have clones ready and determine sex and phenos. I’m more than willing to send clones to anyone else interested but we are talking probably 2-3 months before I have clones ready to take cuts from and send out. I’ll have plenty of seeds as well from what I’ve seen on here with others breeding projects and definitely plan on doing some sort of giveaway to all my friends and then maybe on here depending on how many I get. But let’s not get too cocky it’s my first attempt after all but I got some great people helping me and really excited to start breeding


You’re gonna crush this brother.

Just don’t forget… GARY FACE


Gary face and Banana F-off


:joy: i love it

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So quick update on the ladies before I go to bed. I went ahead and trimmed them and trained the 4 soon to go into flower and they shouldnt need anymore trimming after this as the nides are now all outside the pots. I made up the new face off water to make those ladies happy. They almost look a bit droopy and light green. I’ll water them in the morning just to get a bit more dry back. They are coming up on the 5th node so ill be transplanting and topping very soon and the start of next week they will be in their own tent and i think they are really going to pop off then




What would the pine be? You gonna send him pinesoul? Lol jk

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I wish I could.

I searched his thread to see if he had pine. I found this although I’ve never had ODD.

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Not a fan of ODD as a plant to smoke

Beautiful plant. Alright smoke


I haven’t had a pine flavor in quite a while to be honest. There’s another breeder here I’ve been following along with who does all pine stuff.

Pine face popped into my head when I seen gary face :slight_smile:
I like the play on “pie” face. so i thought I’d yell it at ya guys haha

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Lmao i didn’t even think of pie face. That’s funny.

If I had to choose something “piney” I’d go with i95 or an og kush. Tahoe is pretty earthy.

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Odd is smelling a lot like lemon pledge. It has a very lemon, pine, earthy scent. Hoping that ODD is some really good smoke for me because she smells amazing already and threw down really hard


I did go ahead and make up some cal mag water last night. I diluted the veg water to 60% strength then added 6 ml of cal mag (3 ml per gallon)

That ILGM Gelato was my first successful grow. Dang that was a vigorous strain. I learned a lot from that grow. They were so forgiving, chugging along until I got the hang of things. And then they rewarded me big time. Grew like nothing I’d ever seen and the six plants looked like a carpet of buds. Dang I miss seeing that. lol
One of the prettiest plants in veg that I’ve ever grown as well.


@MoBilly My ILGM strain (gelato or sunset sherbert?) i grew was an all star. She didn’t produce a lot but seriously the best bud I’ve ever smoked. Not only that the best bud I’ve ever smoked with no cure time. Like that blew me away it tasted like cake. Everyone loved it and im so sad I didn’t keep that pheno. So I started looking back and maybe it was a sunset sherbert pheno instead of gelato by ILGM? Idk still plan on growing out this gelato tho. I had grown 3 sunset sherbert plants and 1 godfather OG that run but 1 sunset sherbert was nothing like the rest she had light purple buds and had guttation coming out the buds and it was legit the best weed I’ve ever grown or even tasted. Here are a few pics you can see what I mean. She stood out in this tent


I could see that. I kinda got the hint of vanilla cream on one that was intoxicating. All of them leaned toward some sweet confectionery.
I wish I had a few flips to go through. That vanilla bud was gone so fast. lol


I wish it did more than tasted good tho lol. It was just some very sweet good working weed not overkill but the right amount. Moving forward im trying to do 2 things with my breeding projects. 1 remake an old gem I can’t find in seed form (Banana trainwreck) from my past and one of my favorite smokes then 2 which is to bring flavor to strains I consider medical im hopes of making a tasty and pain melting strain for my tendinitis. I was telling @leetdood that last night when I was training/ popping branches that when im popping the branches and rubbing them between my fingers to soften them up for bend and landscape staples feels like I’m rubbing my bones together for the 2 fingers I use and after the first plant my hand is left hurting at the fingertips, palm, and thumb muscle. I’ve tried a couple different methods to pop them but nothing that’s worked as well as just doing it by hand. I almost thought about modifying a pair of pliers but I don’t have any extras right now laying around lol.


Have you tried the “kushman chirpopractic”. Silly name but I’ve tried it and it does give you some knuckles. You may be able to use to soften up your bends as well?

I left the link at the chapter he talks about it.


You beat me to it @TrichomesToStun . I use this method and it works great. I’ve even bent older, stiff branches without breakage. It just took a little more patience. I went all the way up on one plant just popping it every inch or so. That stalk was a club when it finished out. lol