Check out my perpetual grow!

Thats basically what I do but squeezing between my fingers and rolling it is what makes my fingers feel like the bones are just rubbing together its rather painful. I’ve tried a few times with just squeezing it and then pushing a pencil or landscape staple on the stem to bend it down so im not squeezing amd rolling to hurt myself but destroyed a branch like that not too long ago so I went back to my old way. I’ve watched a lot of kushman so I know exactly that video I watched it maybe 4 years back when I just started growing


Gotcha. You had mentioned modifying a pair of pliers. I have a jewelry making kit somewhere and I was going to try it out for you but I can find them. Inside the kit are a few pair of nylon jaw pliers I think might work well if used gently.

I don’t have the bow closing pliers but I do have the Jaw ring bender. I feel like that would work if you stems are not wooden or too thick. I couldn’t find them to make sure though.


Good morning @TrichomesToStun and @MoBilly. Hope yall are having a great day so far. I went ahead and ordered some plant supercropping pliers I wasn’t sure if you guys were interested as well
Super Cropper, Hydroponics Cropper, Grow Room Cropper, Pliers (2 Pack) Cropper!Screenshot_20240513_075858_Amazon Shopping|233x500


There ya go!


Well, today I learned… :laughing:


Those are really cool! Thank you for sharing. I saved a bookmark

I hope you have a great day/week :v:


Got a package to shoot off to my buddy @ItsintheGenetics and then probably water the 5x5 big plants that’s it for my day today


I don’t know many soil growers but this was really cool to hear. They were talking about soil test and how you can send in a test and they will tell you the exact amount of minerals you need to add for the plant your putting in that area. 26 minute mark is where they started talking about it. I just wanted to share it for anyone interested. I’m gonna listen to the rest while doing dishes now

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Farmers have done that for a long time. The university up in Columbia MO used to do it for free. I’m not sure if they still do though. That was years ago that Dad sent them a sample.


Had an uncle that was a soil scientist. Professor at Montana State. Getting soils right is big deal. He traveled the world helping with soil.

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One day when I get my own property I want to look into that for a cannabis and vegetable plot


I hope you do brother. There’s nothing like it. Make sure you don’t have any neighbors within viewing distance. Ya never know when the mood/need to mark your territory might come upon you.


Alright so ive moved the face off to their own tent. My wife said she loves the look right now that it’s very clean and good looking. The 4 ladies in the 5x5 got rearranged and watered today. It won’t be long before I flip to flower I just want them to fill out a bit more now


Gpod morning everyone! Hope yall are having a good day! So last night I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to construct something to keep the solo cups from getting knocked over. I order coco cells in a humidity dome kit but never had a use for the shorter humidity domes until now. I cut the center out of the humidity domes that were too short to justify using and then hit it with the heat gun to warm the plastic then shoved a solo cup in the hole while it was warm and wiggled it around till it was cool to form to the cup. My wife said it was an amazing idea and it’s already saved us 1x since putting the cups in it because I would of knocked over all the solo cups but with the new stands I made everything stayed in place! She really likes how the domes are clear so in the picture you can hardly see them


I just snagged 2 of these plants and im pretty excited for them. Doing a bit of research they are the only bio luminescence plant man made. Most the other sites will spray a solution on the plants to make them glow but this is made to glow genetically. Check out the link below. @MoBilly you might be interested in this



Through meticulous genetic enhancement, the glow of naturally luminous mushrooms has been harnessed for flowering plants, bringing a soft light to your home and garden. It’s nature, illuminated.

What in the actual hell aren’t they capable of doing!?
I’ve sworn off GMO food products and glad of it!

Try this with a marijuana plant and watch the nanners pop! lol


I believe the concerns about genetically modified food are overblown.

There are legitimate concerns but people make it sound like they’re radioactive. The concerns are more about loss of diversity, unknown effects on the genetic plant population, and much more bland food.


GMO can be a pro or a con. the problem here is really the companies trying to flatten everything into a huge profit producing machine by only using as few varieties as possible.


It’s the companies that I would boycott more than the food. We’ve crossbred plants forever but, for example, Monsanto can take a farmer to court and have his crop destroyed if pollen from a Monsanto planted field is blown by the wind over onto his field. Then there’s the move to make plants that produce seeds that are sterile. “Sure, go ahead and buy new corn seed EVERY damn year! You can afford it!”
Some GMO plants, I believe, are not as healthy for consumption or truly dangerous in a few cases. But like I said… we’ve done genetic modifying by selective crossing for as long as there’s been farmers. That’s different than genetic manipulation in a lab using methods that create hybrids of genus that would normally never be able to cross.
Mushrooms and flowers come to mind. lol


I agree with that. It’s why I pointed out that the bad actors are the real issue.