Check out my perpetual grow!

@SparkUp has the green thumb now !
Glad to see a update @HighTilliDie
Hope all is well !

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@Rabeats2093 yes i raised @SparkUp from a young black thumb grasshopper to where shes at now lmfao. Good morning everyone


Looking awesome in there. Great job!

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Thank you for the compliment i appreciate it!

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I came home to this lovely package with my OG shirts in them! Couldnt be happier with my purchase and helping support the forum! Thanks again @Heliosphear


Awesomeness!!! Thank you for letting know they arrived and Thank you for being a great community member and supporting OverGrow with your donation. :sunglasses:


The community has done a lot to help me so its worth it to give back


Awesome shirts!!! They look great


So me and my wife have decided to set the breeding project for banana trainwreck on hold temporarily to do 1 or 2 medical grows in the project tent. I had a few strains to choose from being the pakistan landraces i just got queeta queen and the tirah valley, the purple heart from irie genetics a CBD mix, the sunshine daydream from @HolyAngel, the strawberry Starburst CBG gifted from a friend and made up by 2 other friends, or the cannatonic by green bodhi. Ill probably run the medical ones in this order (strawberry Starburst cbg, SSDD, cannatonic, quetta queen, purple heart, and tirah valley) using the ones i have in the mother tent first to see if i want to keep them or not befote taking more mothers from the other medical ones i listed above. Im trying not to get too far ahead of myself or my wife for that matter seeing as she takes care of the plants now. We will be doing just 1 strawberry Starburst cbg in the project tent for this next grow to see how long it would ideally take for 1 plant to fill thay spot because 4-8 was way too much last time and i couldn’t train anything it was madness


Also on a very exciting side note ill be dropping 1k tomorrow on a P1S combo bambu lab 3d printer and selling the old ender 3. Finally gonna be able to get some projects done and my wife is really excited since shes taken apart the whole ender 15 times or more trying to get it to work after a print. What one do you have again @JustANobody a ender? We’ve had so much trouble with this one its unreal so its gonna get sold for idk how much (i have $237) into it and only spent $100 buying it the other $137 was replacing like every set of belts and misc stuff. The P1S will be about $1040 shipped but hopefully its worth it over the ender like every review ive looked into


I have an ender, haven’t ran it in awhile though.

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Ooh those bamboos are killer. Supposed to be plug in and print from what I’ve been reading :thinking:

I have a cr10-s4 I’ve(well, work :joy:) put almost a grand into. Manta e3ez board and upgraded steppers, dual-z, bltouch, all the things really. Only thing I’m missing is linear rails. I can print great and pretty fast, but the bamboo should still blow it out of the water lol.

Looking forward to hearing how it goes, especially compared to the ender3.


Oh me and my wife are super excited. Shipped it came just shy of $1040 with a few accessories and spools of PLA. Probably take a week or so to come in but ill post updates for sure. I’ll be running your SSDD in the next 3-5 months finally. Ive heard ahe is a very fast grower and to flip early


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! Im in the market for a new job again but i applied for a few places and i anticipate a quick response from employers but regardless bills are paid for for the month so im not worried and my dad and sister said if i need work i can pick up side jobs with them doing stuff at my dads or HVAC for my sister. On the bright side i did have more time to get to the garden. The 4x8 needed trimmed badly so i got in there and took care of it


Thanks for the seeds today @CaptainNemo what do i owe you? Lol. I just dont recall if i was supposed to be sending something or not but if its a freebie thats awesome i greatly appreciate it!


Hah. You don’t owe me anything. I had you on my list :wink:
Great that they made it!! It’s the first since months, that made it through US Customs :grinning:

Thanks for the feedback - thats as good, as some seeds :green_heart:


Thanks for your kindness then i greatly appreciate it! What strain is this? Not sure what BBM stands for @CaptainNemo


Possibly Blue Berry Muffin?


Ive had 2 guesses from my buddy and my wife and that was blueberry muffin and blackberry moonrocks


Sorry i needed some sleep :grin:
Yes,it’s Blueberry Muffin :+1:

I hope you find some :fire: :fire: