Check out my perpetual grow!

Awesome, thanks for the update!

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What are you doing outside the circle :sweat_smile:

Everything is looking great brother Healthy and Happy !

Just my 2 cents take it for a penny or a quarter !

The last time I harvested the nl895 you sent me I think it was close to 55 days it seemed crazy to me but the scope didn’t lie lol as for the smoke goes deff was stanky!! like a stank you can point out from a crowd ! and a good buzz but short lived …this time imma let more amber show right now shes at day 62 I might run her a little longer for sure

Best of luck bro


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: get him @Rabeats2093


Lmfao @Rabeats2093 I gotta update my own thread right? I’ll have to start checking tomorrow in those trichomes or my wife will per say haha. Thanks for the kind words tho I appreciate it!


Heck yah bro can’t blame yah !
just busting balls !
Holy loooing back the last I updated my thread was April 4th lmao


Just seeing this. I ran like 6 weeks and I’d probably go 8+ next time tmti have a higher maturation rate. That being said I had a shit ton from 6 weeks.

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@JustANobody i pulled the males week 5. I think now im around day 70 or more. You think i should let it go to 11-13 weeks for the seeds to mature?

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Well that really depends. You can start you’re count down from when you noticed pollination starting or from when you pull the males. The longer you wait the more mature seeds you get


Most sites I’ve looked at and most I’ve talked to say let them go at least five weeks. At six they should have finished maturing.
If it were sativa, am not sure. Sativa takes longer to mature as plant in general so the seeds may take a bit longer to mature…
What say you?


I have not followed this thread so am not sure of strain.
The best way I know is if you want to be sure of mature seed take one of the smaller inside buds that you know have seed in and check them for maturity. If you don’t get any white seed and they are nice and dark you most likely have mature seeds throughout.
And yes the longer you wait the more mature they get. But wait to long and the bud isn’t as good to smoke. If that’s not a factor then let them go until you get as many mature seeds as possible.
I never go by days of flower…….


Thanks brother.


My pleasure…….


I had cut a dying branch off almost 2 weeks ago and here is what came out of the 6 small buds yesterday when i checked. Right now im at dayb61 of flower in that tent and i cur the males down sonetime in week five so its been 20-22 days or so since then. I guess ill shoot for another 3 weeks for maturity thanks everyone i appreciate it!


Idk if anyone saw my latest video but in another thread i started i was collecting postcards and got a bunch for my dad he was super happy


Are you going to germ test a few? About 1/3rd look viable already. :+1:t4:


Ahh so the brown seeds are what im looking for? I could germ test a few but i dont really want to grow any out right now


It would still be something to do. I think you will have enough to spare five or so. lol


Lmfao yeah your right but that bud was cut early so im not sure if it would be the best test


Ive been doing terrible on updates again but finally starting to catch some freetime here and there. We cut down the 5x5 flower tent 2 weeks ago and now its in the grove bags curing. We already like capjunky the most lol. Next run we started is 2 hella jelly and 2 apple blossom. In the 5x5 i had hermie issues whoch i suspect are from stardawg corey having a branch rot on me in ine spot even though i thought i caught in time but thats where seeds were the worst. Thing is idk if i got hermies because stardawg corey or the face off flower tent (being my forst time with males and breeding) but id love to not get hermies anymore so if it happens again we will go back to 1 strain at a time per tent grow to try and know what we are growing and avoid any issues with multiple waters and watering something with a high ec when it wants low ec or vice versa. Its all a learning curve. Other than that ill be cutting the face off flower tent next monday or this sunday and then the donutz triploid and pineapple upside down cake are about 1 week into flower now in the 4x8


Alright i got my wife to get some pictures for me of the ladies. I didnt have her get the face off breeding tent in a pic because its getting cut down this weekend or monday. The 4x8 is popping off and still trying to keep PUDC happy. Shes a nitrogen hungry lady thats for sure! The donutz triploids are looking great and suoer happy. Its been a chire for my wife to keep uo with this tent with how fast everything has been growing. Then we have the mother tent which shes been doing an amazing job keeping up with. Then lastly we have the 4 seeds for our next run which all but 1 is above ground and thats because i planted it a bit too deep on accident. Thanks for all your help @SparkUp your doing an amazing job!