Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

comparison of phenotypes of D-95 #3 and #7

D-95 #3 - to me, has a more OG Kush-like structure, quite strong internodal stretching, hybrid fan leaves, and a slightly pointed, small-leafed, small-calyx bud structure.

D-95 #7 - I would call it more prone to Afghani, much less stretching of nodes, wide and short fan leaves; the cup of the cone is larger but also more leafy. In terms of the amount of resin, #7 is slightly ahead of its sister, but both plants are very “crystalline”.

I don’t focus on the smells right now, it’s too early to draw any conclusions, but I can also say that they differ.
#7 - more chemical with a sweetish note, somehow really reminds me of body odor…
#3 - has a fresher smell, and more fruity.

And speaking of smells… CheeseQuake x SM plant #4 has an incredibly powerful smell. This is probably one of the smelliest plants in my practice. Weird mix of cheesy/grapey and lavender/chemical scents (if that makes sense).

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart: