Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

You know I’m down brother. Would love some! Sweet! You are too kind!


Yes i have also problem with naners on my plants. But i stress it quite hard and they were covered in naners. I take then one clone and its ok if they have enought soil and nuts :pray:


a funny story about Starcube
One of my friend smokes a lot, it helps him to reduce the number of painkillers (during the occupation he was injured from Kalashnikov and Pulia machine still in his body,
Doctors do not pull out the pul, as there is a risk of losing the limb;
In addition, he had both hands broke and he hurts even from the weather change).
Last week, I cut one bump from Starkub and brought the other to the sample (I don’t smoke from the new year, so I can’t try it myself).
He smoked his usual portion, after which he had time to smoke a cigarette and after 5 minutes fell asleep sitting in a chair.
Although it was 10:30 am :wink:
The next day he reduced the number twice but everything happened the same as for the first time :smiley:
Today everything is repeated again …
He says he just turns off …
I want to try myself :upside_down_face:

61 day

#6 "Ugly duckling"

#3 and #6

#5 OG feno

#2 Starfighter feno Although I can be mistaken, I found a photo of Stardawg on GreenPoint - they are very similar. Who knows - tell me!

#4 (to manicure)

After manicure

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Out of likes brother but damn ! She’s gorgeous, awesome work! I didn’t know you quit for the new year, gotta be tough with all those glorious buds! :laughing:
Now I wanna try it even more too, I have some friends that could use that for the EXACT same reason. I absolutely love that people are using this plant to get off of opiates and other painkillers, it truly is a miracle plant! Very cool!

Hope you are having a great week and your weekend is even better. (There wasn’t a single shot there that isn’t awesome) :facepunch:t2:


Thats encouraging stora my friend. Probably a lot can be done even on PTSD simptoms that people have not only from war but also i noticed that people have lots of fear thats deeply rooted inside them.

I wish you all the Best! Stay safe :heartpulse:


Alien Sourz #3

one branch dusty f2
Dry stigma will confirm this.


I would ask @JAWS but in my limited experience yes that narrow leaf pheno and loose yet bulky structure resembles starfighter. However I do not know enough about that special lady.

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As always you are doing a great job my friend.


One last thing I almost forgot

This is why I said, some people dislike sifting polyhybrids with GSC lineage

There are exceptional plants, but it can be like hunting a needle in a small haystack. Lots of runts, mutants, herms, and weak phenos. More work than some people like for that sort of hybridized effect.

I think they are sleeping on the positive qualities, but I understand the drawbacks

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I also had no experience with any of the parents… I only drew conclusions from photos from the Internet. That’s why it’s interesting, maybe someone has more information.
I think if @JAWS has something to say - he will definitely do it.

It seems to me that Sam could also clarify something :smiley:

In GSC genetics, I personally dig with pleasure, because I am a supporter …


Yep! Gorgeous brother! I really like the looks of those along with that terp profile! I have a feeling those are gonna be great too!


GSC s1

More Cowbell


I’m starting here and working my way back :joy:


That more cowbell is gonna be a big old donkey dank!! GSC should start dropping colour soon, and the crazy frost has begun .


Very nice ! And I like your story I think I have to try this for my hearing problem I think this is just what I need for hearing problem if it works that quick ! And how long do you think it will make my wife sleep ? Sorry how long will it sooth my hearing problems ? Cheers you have a great day thanks for sharing ! But I definitely would like to try those beans . :yum:


Ok you gotta have extra beans for this one ! This is frosty ! Very nice ! Shit how many room you have in that house ? Is it a tri plex ! Hahah

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it really takes up a lot of space…

the next full seed cycle is planned with starcube

if Sam doesn’t mind, I plan to give some part of f2 and crosses to the community.

but first I have to discuss this with Sam…

as for your questions about the duration of action and other things, I can’t answer you right now, because I haven’t smoked since the new year and I don’t have my own experience.

however, I hope to be able to write my own smoke report soon…


Well you ask Sam and get right back to me I will be waiting hahahah

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everything will be in this thread - visit more often :wink:

spread the weed and riddim !! blessed be your enterprise :fire: