Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Looks good hopefully those hemp
Plants take off for you.


I love that setup.
I’m gonna ask a stupid question. Why grow hemp? Is this high CBD type stuff?



well. no stupid questions @@

I was hoping to grow some CBD only variety cannabis. and it’s labeled as hemp CBD.

kinda thought Id like to smoke a doob without the psychoactive properties .

experimenting really! been some weird looking plants @

1 showed balls so I got rid of it. two more are showing hairs it looks like…

I’m confused as to what hemp is and how it differentiates from marijuana

it almost looks like it was auto flowering. I’ve put them in flower for now see what happens@


Very interesting. I’ve heard nothing but good things about CBD and have a few seeds of one maybe two strains that I will be growing someday.

On a different note. Out here in California because of all the rain and many growers were getting flooded, a lot of the grows were ruined driving up the demand and causing a shortage. So glad I grow my own.


we lost er…it was a boy@!! one out of 3 left …just did the same thing and flicked it in into flower tent…not having much luck with this method…

anyhow I also organized the veg tent as I freed up space with putting the last ak48 into flower tent.

in put a blurple over my mothers .pre98 Bubba and MUTANT LSD.

not sure why I’m keeping mothers…I can’t clone very well hahaha my success rate is 1/100 lol

oh well . . . maybe I’ll train them super crazy and flower them


wow all males, what’s the chances? Keep trying to clone, though it’s like the other parts of the grow. You’ll get there with some practice!

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its in a garbage bag now so - no pics lol but I’m positive I seen balls .

got the third one in back corner of flower tent now.

I let the last two get some limelight front and centre of the tent . lol not this time.



They’ll definitely flower early I believe that variety in the field was done end of sept . They were budding at 14 hrs of light .


Fire Alien’s are looking good!
I love the way the emergent leaves look on this line.


some more shots! I will check the roots soon and decide on the up potting! they are looking great. one isn’t taking to well to the transplant. the top was keeled over. . . . hopefully she recovers… I used a different perlite than I’m used to. very powder. and I forgot I actually stil have half of an industrial size bag of perlite in my garage…doh!!!

the flower tent with my LSD showing lots of flower sites…alot of inner growth going on going to heck away at it a bit more .
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pre 98 Bubba on the left…not so many branches and I accidentally cracked off two limbs while doing a bit of bending and tucking

CBD are shooting off some shoots and flowering! so happy to experience the different genetics and now know what to expect for future ops!jv

this is all experience for me



here again with the daily

ak48 taking off . hoping for some female parts @ i think i seen a hair intertwined with a bracts


damnit @ShiskaberrySavior the girl is growing taller than light now over night lol ffs ! gotta raise the light. I’m gonna be in trouble


Give her a kink fold her over.



she don’t wanna go down ! she turned up already



mixed up batch of nutrients good 15L for sure of juice ready for some feeding

and gave

LSD freak mom a hair cut. took a cut for fun it is all purple lol (the stems)

she was wild@@@


jan 28 part 2:

did some more gardening. finally found some clean sharp snips…

@SHSC-1 - I topped one of the FAK today.

pinched two of the others to delay vertical growth.

I have a strong feeling Im gonna have 75% females lol

I also did a bit of defoliation.

I get my self in trouble sometimes when I do this . I used to go hard on the little ones but I learned early that can stressed them - and I end up root bounding them waiting for them to grow .

I was pretty easy on them today but I needed to get some light to penetrate ! also

also organized the veg tent.

got room to start some more!! i will take a look through my @CADMAN lifeline pack. p.s. hope your doing ok at the moment my friend.

also edit part 3
@ShiskaberrySavior - cbd are starting to pack on! I wish I frigging didn’t neglect them! I had alot on the go. I think they will finish early like you said but they are really fast out the gate@@@


Looks good they should make some big rock hard buds for ya.

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@ShiskaberrySavior here they are. overgrow slow with my Uploading
I wish I took better care of them. luckily I have more seeds to experiment with . once I harvest my cbd I will be able to decide how i want to proceed.

genetics are so interesting… I’m going to keep this circus going and grow the funkiest stuff I got ! just looking for cool beans .


Looking good any smell to them yet?