Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

I feel for ya especially if you were growing to acquire seedless smoke.

Hopefully you’ve got a stash of sensi buds to get you by.

I’d be checking for light leaks or something that triggered them to throw pollen .

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the tent isn’t the best but I do have a veg tent on a seperate schedule that I might open a hour or two before the flower lights come on.

but the only thing that might let light through is through the zipper …

there’s no shortages of stress triggers when growing with me.

Il be alright with smoke. I’m not picky and prefer something a little tamɛ anyway …I’ve gone from production to hobby growing. still upsetting…

they could gett cold stress over night- but I’m not seeing a tremendous amount of purple …the flower lights are off from 3amto3pm and the veg lights 8pmto1200. so the heat from veg tent should help in addition to the tents being into the furnace roof .

I’ll get a thermometer to record coldest temps.

I’ve had a couple ak48 in they’re just over 2 weeks ago that were males , but I thought I caught them fairly quickly.

@JoeCrowe I’m guessing your using 2 weeks as the rougu time frame for the start of innoculation based on seed development .

so the one with the most developed beans has the chance of being the one that I could have cause to hermie.

I definitely stressed it . I think I cracked two branches in one visit. and some big defoliations + raise the plant towards light…

will have a look when lights are on.

lol not that that matters anymore


Cold temp shouldn’t bother them I’d lean more to your torture you passed out that’s more than likely what did it .


just cut off all the lower shit on my pre 98 and lsd.

if they gonna make seeds well lll let them lol

just took out a female FIRE alien kush that’s just been on flower tent for 4-5 days and put back in VEG tent…
hopefully it’s saved and I can flip it later when flower tent is done in a couple weeks@



Someone else said it here earlier. Don’t totally pass on the seeds. I run my herm seeds alot. Turns out the donors were heavy on the good things. I just don’t spread them around too much, and if I do, warnings are issued. They are considered outdoor seeds, and they kick ass.

Have not seen one ball dropper since the ‘big incident’ two winters ago.



I’ll definitely be shucking some seeds and keeping them…once I figure out how to do that

and ill definitely run some and see what happens!!!

what doesn’t make sense to me… is … if they are hermies … they’re would be visible nanners.or opened and closed sacs … or limited amount of seeds / restricted to certain areas.

for every plant to be pollinated on every branch…smt gotta give?

one plant is definitely the furthest along in seed production.

wasn’t planning on making seeds just yet LOL…


I wonder if you have a close neighbor growing indoors venting pollen into the air and that is somehow getting into your intake?
That’s the only scenario I could count if you can’t nail down a culprit in the grow room.
I have had a few strains that pop early nanners in lower buds and they are easly missed and get swallowd up by the developing female calyxes by week 3. Often the plant will not show any further intersex traits and flower out normally. Will the seeds produced be all female?? I dunno but here is a story I can relate.
I had this strain from a top level globally respected breeder and it was killer but I found 2 or 3 male pods in the 3rd week of flower on one of the females. I pulled her but I was pretty sure that the pods had dropped pollen as when i squeezed one it left golden yellow powder on my fingers. Fast forward to harvest and I found 50 or 60 seeds in each of the 3 other females from that group. One of those females was incredible so i took a chance on those seeds that could have only come from the nanners on that one female I killed.
I have popped close to 1/2 the seeds from that one plant and every single one has been a female and no intersex traits have emerged in those plants.
This process I believe is not “hermaphrodism” or intersex persay but rather a plant function/survival mechanism called rhodelization. In the early days of feminizing seeds, pollen from such plants was being used to produce “all female seeds” but was dropped in favor of STS or CS procedures as the results were more controllable. My take on it anyways,
You may never find the culprit but my guess is a few early random nanners on some lowers and they matured enough to drop pollen early in flower.


I’d go with this first ^^^

IME, seeds don’t diminish potency, they’re just a minor inconvenience, well unless you’re burning one in the car and a flaming popper goes between your legs :frowning:

Your plants do look nice, though :yum:


Lots of air movement in your room wouldn’t take much pollen to cover everyone.


love having you hear and hearing your story/experience.

I’m going to have some fun with my new beans testing them out.

sadly… this experience pushed me to order ND support my old friends seed company. Fraser Valley Beans…all fems …

my friends dad asked for some fems and I wanted to help him out.

i love growing overgrow reg beans from members and running everything. and I continue to do so


is it okay keep seedlings in a humidity dome ?

I know they need air flow …so probably not the best?

I have new planted seeds im keeping in there as the dome shields some of the intense light .

took the seedlings out of dome. put them on top on a tray lol and the ones still under soil are in the dome


Maybe ok the first week but I’ve found they develop roots better not in a dome .


I agree with shiska, I only leave mine under the dome a day or two then into open air. Also if you’re worried about the light being too intense you can always put them in the shadows of any other plants that you may have going at least that’s what I do for the first few days then they should be ok with the light.


oh man thanks for message.

I’m not too discouraged rn.

these plants are swelling up with seeds…can’t wait ti runn them Hahah!

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if for a ride now…having some slow and small seedling growth
i think I fucked up and left my lights on 24/7

also the tent hasn’t been very warm even with plants on heat mat

reconfigured tent.

also germinating two fems
a gorilla glue #4
and a Coastal Mary BC BIG BUD

up potted a snow monkey and train wreck


Thats whats been happening to me lately. Colder temps are making for slower cloning but hadn’t thought about what 24/7 lighting would do for seedling growth. I learn something everyday here I tell ya.


I run 24/7 in veg… have been doing it since the early 90’s.
Seedlings don’t seem to care but I’m always open to learning something new.


that’s good to hear . I am always trouble shooting, trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong

so it could be something else now :slight_smile: lol

also soil not drying out very fast

don’t have a fan onn the seedlings so that doesn’t help…

over watering maybe…ffs .

had this issue last winter…

it ended up being a cold root zone issue I’m pretty sure we narrowed it down to

the seedlings wouldn’t make it past 2"

im fucking something up!!! just looking for answers


this is encouraging !

you’ll always hear mixed experiences / opinion.

if it works it works !!

I’m happy to know it does work.

ive been having issues all over the map
I’m commited to solving My issues. if there are any…very slow vertical seedling growth lol

I was transplanting earlier then realized that was all my soil. so I went from solo to a margarine tub for two of thr best looking seedlings

I got a order of 10 3 gallon fabric pots I wanted to use!

I now have two female FIRE alien kush - one in veg and one in flower @SHSC-1 . I had to take one out because everything was getting knocked up. and then I put another one in to try and speed up sexing.and I’m 99% sure i saw a hair!


try starting your seedlings in a soilless mix like sunshine mix 4
If you can find peat and coarse perlite and a bit of greensand that will work instead.
Next is PH of course… input water only at 6.5 to 6.8
As long as they stay in that 70 to 76C range they should go as intended.
In my shop it’s a concrete floor so I layed down white styrofoam sheets 2ft x 8ft x 1.5 with a 2x4 between each sheet of foam and then sheeted over it with plywood. I covered that with vinyl flooring and it seems to keep the floor zone at acceptable temps even when it’s real cold like -30’s and lower.
My brother did the same thing but he made pads for the grow tents to sit on by using the same styro and plywood method except he made it the size of the tent floor only. So his tent sits on top and he no longer has the cold root zone issues