Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

I forgot all about the jiffy pots . I also have very coarse perlite…ll look for the peat and green sand…
I will try anything !

my blue labs pen dried out…or maybe just needs to be calibrated…I haven’t phd in 6+ months…
that’s on the to do list

I’m on concrete also. and was advised I’d never get past it unless I created a ambient temp space between the tent and floor…I put wood pallets down .and thought that would a work

I tested the root ball of a veg plant today. the temp was 12c

but the seedlings soil seemed to be 15-18c

I think a fan would help with dry cycles


@Barefrog ! I am truthfully running some trainwreck from you this time!!! hoping I can save them from a little nute burn early on from hot soil… my first run I mixed up labels and lost track

i have a few planted

and some of cadmans snow monkeys

hoping my flower tents hurry up finishing seeds so I can get them out and start the next batch !

not sure how much if any pollen could be floating around.


house of endurement!


will they survive ?

they’re fate lies in my hands


March 01 2023
flower tent/ studio of love apparently …
grateful for being a part of this community .and love all / any of the likes that get thrown out!!!

got some hot baby mommas in hurr

ripe for the picking!!!

LSD ON FAR right (@DougDawson )

(@SHSC-1 middle is a just sexed FIRE alien kush [got one fem in veg and now one In flower tent , might put it back into veg to avoid it getting knocked up ! or do you think the stage it’s at it might not be a worry if everything else is out in 2 weeks? or is lurking pollen a active threat?)

far left is a Pre 98 Bubba thats I would day itz seeds are finished devoloping and ready to chop - will have a look at rest of plant later.

two in the back some lovely cbd hemp plants @ShiskaberrySavior , some lovely floral smell and a touch of purple/pink in there

and now I’ll highlight each plant
starting with BOG LSD ! some fat ass buds but pretty sure it’s the seed production helping out - but I don’t mind check out that fat top!

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then following we will look at the pre98bubbakush ! I accidentally cracked off at least 2 big branches in one sitting … along with a major defoliation! that could of been a major stressor right there

some nice funky purples contract the green stack

a quick look at the CBD plants in the back


a fire alien kush that is now identified as a female after a short stay in the flower academy
I have this one in the flower tent and another in the veg


might put it back into veg to grow it - is this ok ?. I imagine so - the other is fine after the same process. . . I also don’t want to risk it being exposed to any possible pollen when it enters flower cycle


imagine if I put this effort into something else…I think that’s the magic of this though…like I have a dozen emails I have to write for work…buttttt?


those are some beefy branches on the fire alien eh?
It might stall out for a few days going back into veg but it shouldn’t mess the plant up.


I think it’s got something to do with my growing style or Lack there of LOL

. . .we’ll definitely a bonzai style lol

the other one thats in the veg tent is THRIVING. beautiful hairs on her .

will get her out for a photo shoot tomorrow

I also started buying stuff to make my aerocloner…need a 1 gallon container

I saw at the hardware store there are some great plug and play shop lights white light. LED and LED strips. I might even get two 36" ones for the veg tent. I don’t know what they would be like for heat. but ideal for propogation or cloning!


Soo quick question.
I have only ever “topped” the main branch.

If I were to essentially cut/top each of the side branches - would they then produce two branches ?? It seems a little late but I could be just within the threshold to try it out ?


I don’t think I’m going to bother.

but for future , I’m going to try and multiply lol


In my opinion you may cause too much stress to the plant at this point.
I would also not do anything to her for at least 5 days to a week to allow the plant to get it’s rythums in order.
The FAK grow big thick leaves and big thick stems. The mother of these seeds was a tree and she was real sturdy. So what I see on your plant is to be expected from this line. They are robust plants.


I will stay away from any additional stress.

eager to snap some pictures of the other FAK.

you think I should pop it back into the veg tent until everything finishes up in the flower tent ?

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Ya you might want to wash down your grow space and tent before you start flowering any plants in there.


ffs lol!!

that shouldn’t be too bad … easier then taking it apart and taking apart the other one in garage and swapping them

thanks for the advice!


fat stocks on these FAK for sure. just trimmed it back



some serious phat ass kknugs here

PRE98bK is cooked for sure

LSD is chunkey monkey. lowers still light green under the tops so I bent them all back



Man, I’d be so happy if that were my garden! Way to go my man


Definitely some chunky nuggets! Are they going to be ready soon?

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nice !!
That one reminds me of the old Block head flowers.
happy harvest!!

got it going on now tx for tip°

everything reorganized. bought some new soil today for up potting…the solos aren’t drying up quick / plants roots not drinking

trying a bottom feed


some pruning on thr BOG lsd

I really don’t think all my plants gott hit with pollen… it might just be the pre98BK that fully seeded

I can’t find any seed pods on the BOG LSD. I’ve cut off all the lower crap and found zilch…not even the little white seeds . I’ll keep poking around

i also just tied down the BOG MAIN cola so I could get the rest to get some light distribution . hopefully that doesn’t stess it out. it should be done in 7-10 days.

ill check the pre98bk to see if the seeds are fully matured and if so I’ll haul it out of therel

also just re organized veg tent again… @Barefrog your trainwrecks have some strong genetics!! I’ve only up potted from solo to margarine container but they are happy!



trainwrecks can take a beating . and loving some fresh soil. even thought it’s only a little bit - it might get me where I’m going !

@CADMAN snowmonkey looks happy today to get some new soil! leaves are perky!

still have a handful in solo cups that are stunted and Not happy lol

I also experimented with some topping on side branches- on one of the fire alien kush . . . .lol one was experimental , the other accidental - coincidentally cracked just above a node site lol


okay I have further up potted

recycled some container.
forever indebted to @Foreigner

man this is awesome !!!

got 4 SNOWMONKEYS up potted and 2 Train wreck - a third waiting on another Ocean spray bottle LOL