Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Love the repurposing!

I saw an ice cream container with holes poked in the bottom that must have fallen off one of the balconies and went “yup, that’s for dope.” :joy:


ha ha ha!

I was able to slice large " tear drop " shaped drain holes in the bottom of these

they conventionally don’t take alot of space.

I like the tall skinny pots also


did I mention I’m running 4 of your blueberry testers ??
i dont think theyr fems but you said came from a certain female?

il have to re read the pack. there was alot of seeds in it. Thank you Perre Noel

I’ll keep taking photos


I used 3 females when I made the Coastal Blueberry. One leaned a bit more to the typical blueberry hybrid with moderate stretch , staying a bit more compact. This one had a ripe blueberry aroma and very frosty. Female #2 was what I will call the Northern Lights leaner and it had chunkier, more dome topped flowers. Strong berry aromas and very frosty. This one was quite potent as well. The 3rd female stretches the most and is similar in leaf and flower type as the #1 but this one has more astringent, blueberry syrop aromas and stretches quite a bit more.
Those were the christmas seeds eh? I might have mixed all three? or perhaps it was just the #2. So far I have been spreading the #1 and #2 seeds , mixed, both in the seed giveaways and in my recent auction.
The Coastal Blueberry officially drops on 4/20 and is a mix of all three females. :smiley:


sorry for Lack of detail.
it was the famous fraser Valley blueberry hashplant x dr.atomic blueberry


There ya go… so those are the NL/berry female
The name hadn’t been finalized when i gifted those out.


booo-yyyaaa!!! super stoked.

fraser Valley* blueberry and hashplants were the epicentre of my smoke selection during time spent in the lower mainland circa 2005 and 2007 returning for 2009-nov 2011

what a time to be alive.

we rolled 100 joints for canada day 2007 of blueberry lol big canada day party camping in Mission

I was just a youngster but got to meet some legendary folks


ooh boy Canada Day 2007 … My wife and I hosted a huge party in our driveway in surrey at the time. Just off 104th ave and 128th. We roasted a 70lbs pig at the end of the driveway at the road and had around 60 people over for a stag/stagette/canada day bash. It was so much fun and many of our neighbors stopped in for the festivities when they saw the huge pig roaster going. We then got married on the 7th for a 7/7/7 wedding. Musta been a lucky day as she hasn’t killed me yet haha! :laughing: :laughing:



man . BC does canada day so well. everyone loves it and such a good time. I hope it’s still celebrated like that@

best times of my young adult life.

the next year i came.out to the compound - they had
giant cinder blocks / like to stop vehicles surrounding the camping spot…

there was a make shift boxing ring LOL . . .

I am pretty positive there was pig roast lol

I was so sick the next morning my buddy had to drive me home with a half dozen stops to throw up hahaha
.the party was only getting started the first night. he wasn’t happy.

and that’s an impressive marriage date

my fiance and I got engaged nyɛ 2017

but we waited for a Friday October 13 - which is this year so we are getting married 10/13/23



flower shop!

roughly 6 weeks in flower …one is finished. seems alot longer than six weeks. Jan 6-10 or so i flipped…

BOG LSD is continuing to explode with golfballs. i had the main top bent one direction. just unclipped n bent oppisite direction to get light inside.

pre98bk is pretty damn well close to finished…and hemp . I have no idea if it’s even female anymore hahaha lots of red hairs and stuff . not my usuall resemblance to cannabis buds


Looks great can’t wait to get some bog strains growing .


are u signed up for the bog bubblegum preservation?

I think I missed dougs sign up ;(


mon Amis!

I have just transplanted the final Trainwreck!
into a milk carton lol!

the one that is strongest and tallest is most likely a male from my experience . but you never know!


I will be running bog bubble f1’s for seed. Plants are small right now. Going to breed with the best of 15👍

I will start the send out list with your name. Have a great day. Check out my bbf1 on @CrunchBerries thread.


If there is another Bog Bubble seed increase I would sure like to be considered for a spot on the list. I missed out on the beans from @Cyr_grow so would be cool if someone else is doing an increase.


You are number two on the list👍
BOG really did his work. I’ve run a bunch of genetics and lots are great. But I feel a certain synergy with the BOG and his plants.


best of luck!!! I sure hope you’re extra successfull and can carry on with the genetics and it’s preservation!

I am lucky enough to have gotten a few feminized Bog seeds.


I’ve grown quite a few crosses with Bog’s gear as a parent. The only F1 packs I have tried to grow were old and never popped. They came as freebies with orders from the old seedbay (2016/2017). That’s one reason I was stoked to receive the fall box and the sour bubble regulars and some fem LSD. The Blue Kush is one of the packs i had that never germed so I’m super happy to see the seed run co-op from doug dawson turning out spectacular and I managed to get on the list. I also won some of the pollen from this run too so I will make more Blue Kush seeds … lots more mruhahaha!!!
So back to those fall box Sour Bubble’s which I think doug dawson made (?). I also grabbed @Tonygreen’s '05-'10 Bog Sour Bubble tribute so it’s gonna be some fun hunting both those seed lots and then bringing the best plants together for more seed!!!
Fun times ahead


that will be a exciting seed expedition!!!

are you mostly / outdoor with your work?

all the flower so far from Xmas was amazing. amazing smells and very I think I tried grandma’s hashplant and one other. the rest are in the freezer until summer time when I can smoke outdoors in the morning and really enjoy it :slightly_smiling_face: . . I get too caught up in my head if I am idle and can’t handle the ride haha :sweat_smile:

I really enjoyed my first few grows because it was so crappy hahaha nahh
it’s much more enjoyable smoking anything that comes from O.G. and your own garden…

this Is the vigorous trainwreck…I’m going to have to start purposely doing some pollination and crossing some genetics and learn how to stabilize them!



I’ve still got some. Ive been slacking on getting back to people lately. I’ve got some packs I need to send out this weekend. Shoot me a dm