Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

WOooo trimmings! More me time!

I might super slow dry a branch or two just to try a dry trim, I will trim what I can now.

Thanks everyone !!


Vodka shots while manicuring? :grimacing:

LOL …I don’t drink. Cheapfree vodka to clean Snips between buds LOL
I used to be a bad binge drinker/alky , now I haven’t drank a beer in a year even. 8-9 years since I abused alcohol
WOW . This bud nice ,

Cranberry juices and ice lol


Beautiful!! You did nicely!!!

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I was just teasing. Congrats on your sobriety brother! I gave up liquor long ago for a multitude of reasons.


HAhaha yes I was able to process the cringe smiley lol

I am going To remove the photos I uploaded Og server and make one pre-trim /trim post

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Here is todays works. Just around an hour.i got sloppier as time went on lol
I’m very impressed with myself I do have small hand side so they aren’t that big LOL
I still have 3 untrimmed hanging , I will have to do tonight…I may Leave one for experimental dry trim purposes…
What does everyone do with the soil after a grow from the pot? And the trunk??? Any use for it??? Garbage ?

AND another branch

One more side by side

And now , this afternoons branches before and after lumped up





Sugar leaves are so sugar. Look so tasty. Feel so bad trimming them :frowning:

I have them all kept but damn ! I bet it would have looked cool on a dry trim…

Finished the last four tops. All drying now. I’ve got the hygrometer reading 55%
Temp is maybe 17.5?

This bud was one of the bigger ones, biggest I’ll see until my next run.
I don’t know if coincidence or not but this plant had the best light lol


I’m wondering if I should upgrade my lighting for the next round…

I had two shitty blurple and one average LED WITH Samsung diodes and driver . The one with the pan on it yielded much better than the blurples…however they were all somewhat under the same foot print

I would like to maybe add a second of the same light…and continue with 3 plants next time. … id be interested in upgrading to a slightly bigger and better light. But I still want to keep the decent light I have now running


I just added cheap led strips for supplemental lighting

It’s hits the dark spots just fine when the little monster out grow the tent lol



Hey I don’t know. I’ll be the first to say I’m wrong about some things. I’ve just been told chlorine in tap should be avoided if possible.
Why? I don’t know.:smiley:

You did beautiful @Calix. I feel like it’s been a long time coming. I’m glad you didn’t give up after that first time. Hit a lil bump in the road but things turned out great.

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Yes my friend!

Thank you for checking in and keeping the moral up and positivity!

It was some stressful Times but it definitly pays off to have your stuff to be proud of!!

And I’m truely proud to now be A member of this community :slight_smile:


I have to agree :100: %


Smoked some 9lb this morning around 8AM. 3 more throughout brunch and early lunch. I’m still perfect this evening. No anxiety or thinking / spun out in my head.
No arthritis ‘Knee pain, muscle pain. I’ve. Been off the Advil for 2weeks. I was taking so much i thoughts I was getting an ulcer, such a relief to Ben off Advil and replaced with my medicine. I’ll be making a tincture dragon breath hopefully
Only rolled up some of the dried up little buds that I spread out on wax paper since last Tuesday and Thursday.

I never found any more undeveloped seeds again!

I am still looking forward to smugging a nice top of a nug of the calyxs. . . The main buds are SO dense , unreal!! .i will have to get battery’s for my scale to show some Example of how dense they are.

I have no idea what my dry weight is! I did a bit of picking and smoking throughout the last week LOL no more then 2-3 grams.

I’m not sure what my firsr four plant harvest will be,…I am not going to be blown away though… I was sort of hoping I would get 2 - 2.5 oz per plant. I thought that would be realistic … but my biggest looker was the 9lb hammer , I think I will be teetering on 50 grams at best …I have 20 dried and curing now. With 5 tops hanging and drying

I think I took it too far by trimming so high up the branches , I should have netted Sooner and folded the colas into them sideways .

All of the lowers were nice treats. I don’t think they took much away from the main colas.

I can see my other plants yielding 30-40 grams each … hopefully.

It’s all high quality to me!!! Just because I grew it!!!

Bring on the clones!! Lol


I’m running a 1000 watt blurple and 600 watt blurple to reduce heat. Will know soon how she goes.

Running a seed/clone/ old mothers litfa sog


That’s really great you don’t have to take Advil. I’m all for using Cannabis. Making Canna butter is easy. You can put that on everything.

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Hey ! I just put a battery in my scale

The buds are pretty well dry but might lose a bit more weight over night.

I am just around 70grams.2.5 oz…not including little be branches I trimmed as testers.

Wow I am happy with that ! I can’t see the others being more than 30 !


Everything all dried.

I have a bunchof pictures To share From the 9lb hammer harvest. Some VERY dense buds, I would definitely recommend this strain and I would grow again. I found it had a strong resistence to PM. strong thick limbs. Easy to grow , big buds, early flower and potent

Have 3 more plants to go, will check trichs today but lookin like a Saturday harvest.

I Made out like a bandit with my sugar Leaf and trim!! I could smoke this for months lol! Lots of little nugs in there that weren’t worth the effort to trim…

Got my first 20grams of bud jarred, then my second chop dried Down to 42 grams in a open jar now.


What are the odds that the trim and second batch weigh the same to the exact point! The universe is awesome lol