Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

They are looking good! A little shy on the nutes I think, the Pale leaves are my indicators for that.

Pretty leafy I’n there gotta sat, I got there nutes mixed Up, been 7 days and thy should get them every week at least but I had to set it n forget it this week.

Really want to defoliate to see what I’m working with, want to get to work on My early canopy.
Also don’t want to slow them down too much,

I appreciate the response.

Pretty lonely virus at the moment. I’m relatively young for this virus, Early 30s, so not much .compassion or understanding going around . Thank partna
My pharmacist has been above and beyond the best health care professional I’ve spoken with concerning the shingles.
They are the ones whomtold me to go to ER asap as the importance of identifying early signs of shingles in 24-72 hours can Be the difference of eliminating it.
I will consider the vaccine ASAP

The antiviral script ER DOC wrote me up for after waiting 6 hours in emerg Sunday night, the pharmacist could not even read the script hand writing, said it was the second one that night they couldn’t read.

Lucklly they made out the dosage and reverse searched it

It’s 5x a day for 7 days…so I got out of emerg at 930pm got script at 10pm. Second dose I got up at 430 took meds then up at 7 for work. I am self employed and had two days left on a contract I had to complete . I has to work Monday Tuesday on no sleep and heavy duty antivirals… my back was so fucked i sat in truck most of day smokin joints , but did a bit of work with the crew…anyway after work Tuesday at 2 I got in bed and had horrible nausea and spinning . The cannabis didn’t mix with medication I guess. I began throwing up and light headed, dizzy and felt i was passing out, walls closing in, i never fainted before, I made the misses call an ambulance because I was choking on vomit and thought I was done for…I didn’t go to hospital but the first responders came in and ran they’re test while I was coming out of a horrible death episode…
Layed in bed 6 more hours spinning out every time i opened my eyes with a migraine,

My apologies for sharing this, im just glad to hear I’m not alone innthis , I’m sorry you had To endure this .

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I was 32 when I got it. The lack of understanding is bc it typically impacts the elderly or immunocompromised and is atypical for folks in their 30’s. I remember when I was telling friends about it they would say “you have shingles?!?!” I know how you feel there. I was living very poorly at the time (very little sufficient sleep, horrid diet, battling depression). Those things are a recipe for a failing immune system. Not saying any of these things are the case for you, but they sure were for me.

Why? This is your thread. You can talk about anything you want. No one is forced to read it, nor respond. My best advice is to listen to your body. When you think something is up, take action. I’ve been stubborn with health matters for a long time, and it’s bitten me in the ass more than once. Better safe than sorry. Please get some rest, have your old lady look after you, and take it easy next week when you have to work. This is a scary story and you’re too young to check out now man.


The main reason I plugged out those two days on the job after the diagnosis, was so I coul take ample time off to de-stress , and heal.

I really shouldn’t have worked those days but the Way I am I wouldn’t have slept knowing i had just a few final deficiencies remaining for 100% completion.

I’m going to rest as much as possible and pray everything clears up, including back injury’. I stress way to hard over work, it’s pretty much all I ever think about , which is unhealthy , and a big part in why i picked up growing these plants.

I appreciate the time you took to reply and relate with me. . . I’m a very self conscious person Ina weird kind of way, like , caring what people think about me , not appearance or anything, but My decisions and motives. but they are my decision, maybe it’s confidende issue, either way!

Glad I have my own little journal to share .
Helps a lot,



We all have faults brother. I’m no better than you or anyone else on here. Keep your head up. You have some good plants going to be proud of that are the result of your dedication. Sounds like you’ve got a good lady also. F the other noise. Cheers!


Top knotch TreeTops!

I’m feeling like trying to mainline this top virgin clone.
Conducting research.

The rest will just be lst’d I think, looks like they have a decent number of branches already!

Quite impressed with my first grow with solely LST… I DID start fairly early on. Ive got patience now…

Are you able to use your toppings As clones !?

should i just try cultivating clones later on in veg?


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You can absolutely clone the cutting from your topping. How old is the plant you want to clone? I’d wait until at least 3-4 weeks in veg before taking cuttings. Feel like they’re more successful at rooting if the plant is a bit older.


I did some serious defoliation LOL…
Along with experimental topping on one plant. Also topped the straight clone.

I had 5 good branches on one and topped most of them, be nice to see 10 colas!! Lol

I hope I didn’t over do it.

I think they will pull through they look pretty healthy.

They are definitly close on to The 3 week mark, I’ve had them since June 26 , and my buddy had them clone,rooted and party cupped for 2 weeks before that …
Actually the one clone that was unscathed may have beeen 2weeks,

I did top It and keep it , I will try and root it .

Really itching to drop my seeds…apparently they are all viable an easy feminized.

Not sure if I want to crack them all or just take one of each and hope they all germinate and are females .

I’ve got two tents so I may go for it inn a couple weeks so I can stagger them. I’d have to find another dry room, or hopefully when one harvest is drying , I Will have a couple weeks of veg left while drying is finishing so I can swap them and start flowering

I really messed up not starting clones before My l last harvest, but i was my first time and my work contracts were in full effect.

Think it should be okay that I defoliated so early on?? I didn’t schwazz or anything hahahah just cleaned them up a bit.


TOpped my clone. YEsterday and left it in water + a peat pod

And threw it in humidity dome just now!

Ive has zero success in the past lol but never really put much effort into it. It’s only one clone for fun Now.


Hahaha also found the previous home owners ashtray stash in the rafters in the furnace room! I’ve lived here 4 years now .

Was just runnin some cords around the duct vents in the rafters and I was like WTH?
3 ashtrays piled ontop of one another . . … lots of roaches !!! Hahaha

Funny thing is, I used to smoke in my parents furnace room , exhaling the smoke into the vent above the furnace , learned from my older brother. Many a joints and pipe hits

I threw it all out…should have kept the glass assthrays but nahhhh

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MAN, the fan leaves on my babE ARE CRAZY BIg.

And apparently I have no idea what I’m growing…

Sour jack ans birthday cake now …ffs LOL I don’t even think my donor smokes weed…

I’m pretty sure it’s 1 lavenders or rockstar kush and 3 sour Jacks…

Ive just started doing some crush and roll to the cell structure on the top branches.

I started it yesterday and they look like they were stomped on when finished. ANd the next day they are turned back up with significant growth all around.

Checkkky the fan leafs and how perfect this others clone is, 4-5 perfect branches out from the centre

I always like photo’s of the branch structure from underneath. SO there’s some too
A little pale. Fed some nutrients to all today


Attention: anyone

I’m at odds with medium requirements.

Should I be able to conclude my grow in these 3 GAL POTS?

Ive seen numberous people finish In similar sizes pots and smaller…

I am in a tent so I can’t veg too high.

My friend who has shown me the way (lol) is very adamant about requiring bigger Pots and is very cautious about root bound issues.

However he hasn’t ever used tents and doesn’t have the environmental size restrictions that a tent has.

Would a bigger pot/more soil be something that’s necessary to grow bigger plants ? Or can it still jus take be a safe measure to allow the roots to grow without root bound issues.

For me , in the tent, the bigger the pot ,the less floor space i Have. . .i had 4 7gal pots in my last 2x4 and had to remove one plant, and even still 3 was pretty crowded and difficult to navigate.

What does most people do? Upsize mid/late Veg before flower ? Or when to transplant?

I found it pretty tough to transplant from 3-7 gal, but it definitely saved my plants lives on my first grow,

Pretty much, I want to know how I can safely grow My plants out in a 3gal Pot without running into root bound issues.

Im guessing the longer I veg, and train the plants, more the roots will grow?

It just doesn’t make sense as I’ve got one friend whose yielded upwards a half lb in a 3 gal pot LOL

I’m thinking, if I grow them fast and healthy with little stress, they’re roots should be fine ?


If you are using an organic water only type of soil, then you will want as big a pot as you can get. If you are going to be feeding them ionic nutrients, the pot size isn’t as important.


Ionic Nutes? This seems a little new new to me. I might have not have been paying attention in that class. Lol. Is this salts?

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Ionic means they are in a form that the plant can take up. Yes salt fertilizers are ionic, so are KNF inputs.


Thanks. I’m assuming it bad having to repeatedly watering smaller pots is with organics because your washing away the work the beneficial bacteria has done before the plant can utilize it? Just speculation of corse

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I will continue them in the 3 gal and maybe consider a 5 gal pot rather than the 7gal fabric ones i previously finished with.

However they did love all that soil :slight_smile:

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In soil the pot acts as a buffer, the bigger the pot the more of a buffer you have in case something goes wrong.

Small pots will require daily, or even multiple times daily, feeds.


I’ve noticed this!

I was only watering 4-5 days , in the bigger pots in flower and late veg.

Now they are drying up in 2.5days and I would consider them very early veg .


Gotcha! PH can be a B in small containers. I figured that out trying to run a mini 1 Gal WC. Biggest pain in the butter I ever had. Still fun tho.

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Bigger is always more forgiving. I have no experience in organics. That’s why I was asking about the 2.
That sucks about your condition man. Sorry to hear it. As soon as read that’s what you had I thought vaccine. I’m not hear to knock it. I have just read it can cause flair ups.
I have been away camping with no cell reception but I’m glad @anon20530495 could keep you company! He gave you some good advice. This is your spot. Do you my friend!



What are opinions on spacing out plants?

I am aware some people utilize every sq.ft possible.

However in other scenarios.

Would it be better to space them out evenly and have equal light distribution if possible ?

Or bunch them together ?

I don’t want the other plants shadowing/shadeing each other

Also want proper air flow
I’ve got over kill on the lights for veg right now. I just plugged in the blurple to mess around. Might see what temps I can keep with just the blurple and if it’s adequate I’ll use it seldom for now as I think it would save electricity. But I don’t want too weak of a light in there. From what I read and hear. You don’t need much in veg… I had issues my first grow with too weak during veg . In my opinion … i flowered with this blurple on its own in veg /bloom mode. And got the best results from it. SMOKE wise , yield not so much. May have just lucked out on genetics

I think I’ll have to determine the proper light foot print

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