Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

These are the critical factors imo. I think your head is in the right place. Unless you have a very small light, it’s not going to hurt keeping them spaced out some to aid the dynamics you highlighted.

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I would ideally like to have the four plants lined up horizontally. X X X X

It’s just a matter of distributing the light.

Stupid square light.

I feel like them two directly underneath would get more light.

I dooooo have my new double wide Maxisun lol …May have to break it out …

Kind of want consistent variables lol

I felt like my first grow , I had 3 plant and 3 lights. That square Maxisun in middle and a blurple on each side lol.

The one plant in the middle dominated the two on the sides with the blurples lol

I guess it’s something I’ll have To figure out from trial and error.

I’m also stuck at- More light in veg would be better than less light, even though you can veg with little light?

I’m still learning LEDs myself so can’t offer specific advice there, but as a rule of thumb, if you can handle the heat your lights are putting out (and your plants even more), the more light you have the better. You’ll also want to look out for bleaching, but the plants will tell you if they’re too hot. Doesn’t mean you need a lot per se, but lighting is important. Play around some :v:t2:


TOp of evening to ya!!!

My head is spinning , clicked on a thread I shouldn’t have…


I’m so pissed.

Don’t know if it’s my stupidity or what but I brought in that LED FROM MY garage last night and put it in the tent, and today I noticed my little clone that survived 1/ 4 had some PM ON the bottom leaves !!

I took the clone out and the light…

The other 3 seem fine …for now

I’m going to clean it with 10:1 h2o2 and I clipped some leafs …dangit

I’ve got it in another tent now that’s got a Dome in It…I’m running the light 24h so that’ll be interesting

See If i can grow it a bit stronger and watch to see if it subsides…

I think it’s time for me to run my seeds.

It was a brand new tent also , I am so stupid for putting that light in there. I completly forgot I had a bit of PM out in the garage .

Im taking work of till August so I’m gonna learn how to pop these seeds

Haha sounds like you’ve been making your way through the PM thread. I’ve never had it (knock on wood), but if you want tips to get rid of it you should page JoeCrowe or Vernal. 2 knowledgeable guys with different perspectives on the subject.

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Ha ha ha actually I already went through that thread. . . Did a whole harvest while fighting PM and followed up with baking soda +h2o2 +lemon +water wash lol.

Turned out alright and no issues.
Ive been through that’s discussion also though haha

I just went down the rabbit hole of another thread and had to stop my self get my head back to the O.G. Purpose lol

Going to scroll through some things that make you go hmmm posts then watch some Darts Matchplay highlights and call it a night.

Just finished watching the forever purge. And started Till Death

Hoping this weekend is nice and relaxing for me, I need it.




I bombed the whole tent and light and fan with a Sulphur spray to combat some Pm I found.

Cleaned the pot and soaked the whole plant Lol ground to ttop.

I also figured playing god . I may as well tie this girl down

SHEEEEETTT. She flexy aS HELLLL let’s she what she can do!!! Got the whole tent to her self. And a possible friend if it survives my clone attempt!
Oh and I am also running this one 24/7.
Opposed the other tent is 20/4

20210724_173428|690x388 ![20210724_173150|690x388](upload://keEd5Ir4

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Regarding Calixs one plant one tent plan!!!

I am deciding to run this plant, cultivar UNKNOWN LOL. possibly lavender Or rockstsr kush , or birthday cake. I think the first .

By it’s lonesome in a 2x4x5 tent

I want to grow it as wide and bushy and chunky as possible.

I’ve got it topped a few spots but I took the main branch And it didn’t produce another 2 branch lol just a tree stump. However I kept that cut for a clone.

However there are 4-5 viable branches that I have fastened down nicely.

It should allow for a nice canopy, but, I would like To possibly top these tied down branches , and double up my colas.

I think the other branches will grow upwards along with its sub branches, so I may not need to top them,

What should I do from this stage ! ? As much as I want to experiment and choppy choppy. I don’t want another tree stump lol

Should I just pluck the growth above the nodes ?

And expect new main branches to grow vertically now ?

Or should I get the snips and top them back a bit further .

I felt It worked pretty well when I just pinched the little growth with my fingers

Or just let it go from here till they straighten up then decide what can be done

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Decided To have my hand at starting frommseeds.

My 2 packages Came with 1big seed and 2 smaller seeds.

Is this normal?

I went with the biggeer ones.

Only going to try and germ one of each.

Not sure what to exxpect.

I went straight to paper towel and in a baggy

Should I just throw these in the dark some where?

Ive got them in a plastic containers, I added a bit of warm water. My fridge isn’t warm on top lol…ughhh

Attic is only dark warm place lol


Got my heating pad


Cool and best of luck. I don’t do the paper towel method, but looks like you’re on your way. Just keep that paper towel moist, but not so saturated that it’s soaked. Depending on the strength of your heating pad, you may want to throw a rag or thin towel between it and the bag if things get too hot. You should have some tap roots before long👏🏻

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THanks big Guy!

I lowered the temp to the lowest
And wrapped the container in a dish cloth , to cover light and insulate from too much heat.

Will I be able to use My regular soil for the seeds? Or should I do a peat pod or smt similar?

I was just going to load up a few of the plastic party cup size pots with my growing soil.

Should you use different soil for seeds?

And what’s light schedules ??

I’m probably getting ahead of my self…I probably messed up and they won’t germ

HOW do mhm seeds looks? Does seed size matter?? The smaller one size look pretty weak, but should it matter?


No worries with planting straight into soil. In fact, I do a 24 hour soak and drop them into plastic Solos of soil. What kind of soil are you planning to use? Some soils that come precharged with nutes can be a little hot, but from past experiences this can hinge on genetics. For example, many years ago I used Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I had some plants that would show some burn early, but others of a different strain that did just fine. I found that mixing Ocean Forest with Happy Frog helped prevent any adverse reaction. I’m now using Promix HP which is inert and requires all nutrients to be supplemented through feeding.

Light cycle: I run 18/6 for seedlings, same as veg. Some do 24 hours, but that’s unnatural imo. Seed size doesn’t necessarily dictate success. The beans I most recently dropped were some of the smallest I’ve planted and they all germinated with lightning speed. Your’s are going to do the same!

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HEY bro tha thanks for Positivity

The soil is HP with extra perlite, worm castings , all purpose fertilizers. Gaia green season and a little rock dust

Lol that probably a bit intense for a seed???

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I  also use REMOS nutrients

The all purpose fert would be my only concern, but no, man. I think you’ll be fine with it. Water with no nutes for a bit and let the plants absorb what’s already in the soil. Should be ok.

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Okay . Sounds good.

Maybe I could flush the soil a fewtimes before hand?

Just the medium for my seeds.

Nah just leave it be. Cannabis is resilient and the soil you have was made for plants after all. Flushing could also create unintentional adverse reactions bc you may be potentially diluting or removing what helps naturally buffer the ph (lime or other).

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How compact should I have the soil in the starter pots?

And saturated?

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