Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Yes a cut from a friend ! Clone in February…I just asked if it was from his original seed


Clone From a clone my friend.

Just got my new equipment ! Canada day 9am bang on the Door. A day early. … trying to sleep in but I made sure it was in a amazon box lol
Left it there till noon.

Very nice packaging. Impressive construction, super thick aluminum heat sink . Impressive something like this can be made for $240. No muss no fuss. And a daisy chain hook up. My other one didn’t have it .


Nice ! 2000W? Full spectrum? SAMSUNG LM301H? Congrats!


Yes yes and yes !!! Thank you!

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Everything seems pretty legit to me 400w HPS
200w draw from the wall.

700pcs led which is a handfull more than the other 2000w led lights .
9 lb is pretty heavy but it doesn’t feel that heavy.
And it’s got a remote control for the lighting control which is super convenient. Batteries included LOL.


How efficient is a 4" inline fan? Comparable to 6"
I thought.i got a good one but it’ seems to be running really weak. Quiet.

I posted it further back ill try an grab the link… …

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Nice light at a great price

Win win



Got my.clones growing fairly well.

Transplant from party cups 6 days ago. . .

I Want to start topping but think I’ll wait 4 more days to make sure they are healthy lol

I forget what I did last go around. I don’t remember doing much topping. Mostly tying down.

I need to research a bit to make sure I’m cutting inthe right place.

I read one article that said to cut below the nodes. Another said right above !!!

I can’t wait to grow from seed. Everyone’s plants from seeds look way bushiErr and more healthy.

Any suggestions on what to slice up on these clones? I’m all ears lol
I also might let them get bigger before any assaults.


Thanks. I think so,

Jeez , I’m not sure but I think my buddy gave me some monster cropped clones lol…I remember him saying something about it’.

It looks like these clones are shooting branches off everywhere .On they’re Own.

Can’t get a straight answer outta him, I don’t even know what strain I have. hahaha .

I’m just gonna go chop a a few spots I guess and see what happens!


Well. I just took a bunch of tops :joy:

Few YouTube videos to boost my confidence hahaha

Took a few of the longer branches down and snipped a few tops…

I probably messed up but I’m pretty sure they will live haha
Hope for the best !!!


So I did my first nute feed today. from 4 days ago.

2 clone DEAD. 2 ARE potentially going to live…
The 3 in the pots are doing well.

.I transplanted two . And 3 are are the beginning of they’re veg life…I’m torn on my growing technique. I was happy with last time. However my buddy just harvested a half lb from one pant. In one tent. Where as I harvested almost a half pound from 4 plants in one tent and had to bump one out of tent due to size…

What is the take on this ? One plant…less work - less nutrients ; … easier to concentrate on?

Every thing has its trade offs.
One i don’t have skill level as him.or.experience.

But this run I have all the equipment and knowledge from the first grow. I think I lucked out results I was supper Happy with results.

I have much better opportunity this time. I just need to. Consider my veg option. I think I waited too long vegging last time and probably.could.have flowered 3 weeks soone

I really want to grow.these really strong and healthy.
I know the more LST and topping I do the longer the veg period. . . I may have the trellis net a try and bend all the branchrs into the nets forcing colas.tongrow up through them.
Another part of me wants to le them grow quick.veg no interference and just experiment as much as possible for future grow…

I have my seeds I am going to run after these …

Hoping for the best and lots of growth.

I’ve got a high quality hygrometer.
*****Where do I hang that little wire that comes out of It? Bottom of.tent?

My RH was low in 40s. I was curious to.why…soi turned off my exhaust over night and bam. RH was 70.

I’m keeping circulation a priority.
Should I be running the exhaust fan full-time in even the early stages of veg??

Eager to see some growth!!

Don’t think I cut the right spots when topping. I fimmed LOL
But did remove a few tops off .not just cutting down to some shoots .

I’d like to establish my main branches early on. I’d like 9-12 colas…k think I had 7-8 on my last best one.

Also have power lights now so hoping for a good time!!
See you all next week!

I’ve since removed the blurple…centred the main light and transplanted


I’ll be happy if one of the 4 party cups clones survive
.leaving me with 4 plants.which I will pop 2 In each tent to maximize my space.


Wherever you want it to branch out cut right above that node.
You could hook your intake/exhaust fans up to a timer to turn on and off if you you don’t want to get a humidifier. What do the cheap timers have 15 or 30 min introverts? Set it to every other one. IF your temps don’t get to high.
There is also these.

When the humidity gets to low it can turn the fans off.
For now I would keep the intake fan off. You really don’t need it if your exhaust fan is on. The exhaust fan will pull enough air into the tent.

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Thanks man I have a bunch of the wifi timers which I can set automatically to turn on for 15 minutes every 30 minutes between certain times and having cycled.

But the idea brilliant thank you.


@ReikoX sums up what you should do throughout a grow in 1 post very well.

If you can control your environment this is what you should shoot for.
Click the link to view the complete post.

That chart seems pretty useful.

By generative does that mean flowering ?


For veg, is indicating, less light necessary and less air movement?

If i don’t need to run my better light , maybe I wont! Or not at full power.

They are loving it right now.

One clone is actually growing straight!

And everyone that has sampled my wedding cake Is blown away!! I really lucked out with that batch!!!
Not sure what I did different, must have Just been great genetics. Had a sub par led light on it
Friends all saying better than anything else thats available . Now that’s gives me some encouragement to Keep going! I nicknamed it sweettooth


Yup that means flower. I was wondering the same thing at first. You don’t have to necessarily grow like this. Some things are out of your hands.
Definitely something you might want to play with.
After a certain amount of wattage without Co2 the extra light is not necessary. Mind now that there is a big controversy about this and have read a lot of arguments about it. If you see a difference in the light your using Definitely use it. It could also be the quality of the diodes and not necessarily the the wattage. I’m not very knowledgeable on the amounts when you should start using Co2.
Remember if your are turning your exhaust on and off to keep a fan blowing air around inside the tent.

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I’m back on the go!
4 plants kicking butt…

Perfect girls branching out heavenly .

Going to grow the untopped clone a bit more before any applying techniques
it’s a bit pale but I fed today so see how they do.

I thought about the less light early on then introducing more later on.

But i.decided to pump the light back on 100% from 60% …and when I flower I will have the double wide light on them.

I did like the idea of i heard of adjusting the brightness for sunrise and sunset lol


July 15 update.

Some heavy foliation on My clones, I did Somme topping on 3 of them, and fimming lol as i previously mentioned.
Getting pretty bushy in there’s.
Wondering if it is okay to trim some leaves and BEGIN preparing for some LST

I left one clone un touched and it’s grown very nicely .

I would like Some suggestions on where to do some topping ON THIS one, as I’ve never had a clone grow so symmetrical. Or have I left it alone long enough,

On a darker note…i have had Some bad luck health wise…i injured my back the middle of last week, and a few Days later came down with the shingle virus (14 days after I got the covid vaccine),

ANyway, I got emergency treatments ASAP and was prescribed a heavy duty antiviral…hoping this clears it up and I’m not left with permanent issues…I have had serious burning sensation on my front abdomen and the right side of my back…my understanding is that it a nerve issue. Which makes sense for the pain, I thought it was inflammation from my back radiating to my abdomen the whole time. But Saturday evenings my partner noticed a small rash /bumps on side of my stomach. The following day I went to the emergency. Hoping we got in quick enough…anyways…just sharing my shitty luck!



Plants look much healthier here than in the previous pic. As for topping that gal, everyone is different, but cutting down the to 3rd or 4th node is pretty popular.

I feel for you with the shingles. I’ve had them once and they’re miserable. Very painful and took a while to heal. I had received the varicella vaccine previously and still got it. Probably would have been much worse had I not had that vaccine. Hang in there buddy. Make taking care of yourself first right now the highest priority. Back problems are no joke either. Sending you my best wishes.