Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Excellent man. See, I told you that you’d do great with the seeds :grin:. Don’t worry about the roots. Sure, keep your space clean, but that’s forever beneficial. They won’t become harmed as they continue to grow into those containers. Keep on keeping on.

I’ve never used those yo-yo’s. Tell me how you like them. I have used that fan, or a Honeywell in its likeness. Solid. It puts out some heavy airflow for its size.

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Okay - thanks!

You’re Confidence and Positive vibes definitly helped!

That fan is intense! May keep it for myself to cool down.
Unfortunaly those small ones SUCK and I just bought a second one lol for like $30…can’t win em all.

Actually - I think it’s was @Johnny_Utah that I saw them yo-yos being used.

Hopefully I get to that stage. . .

My girls aren’t looking to happy , I over watered big time - and they need they’re nutrients .

I’m going to have to check they’re roots and probably transplant… I’ll probably do two of them tomorrow while I reload more soil.
Just tied them all down ffs.
Hopefully still lots of room in pots

Going to drop the lights also


Nutrients mix up day!! Week 3 I am calling it, realistically week 4…il have to heck journal / log book

Used to stress me out but now I’m good.

20 litre reservoir.

Ph 6.1 after nurients… I wonder I could make it 6.4 by maybe leaving it over night, or just adding tap water …that’s my options other than using a bit of PH up…

What yall think?
Shit i am @ end of the 4th week for sure…something is not right…hopefully it’s the pot size And lack of nutrients…l.i did pretty heavy defoliation twice already and timing down…probably a bit too much recovery time and not enough growing time,


My soil mathematics was wrong…thought.i had enough to up pot at least two into 7 gal.fabric pots lol

I didn’t even have enough soil to up pot ONE of my babies.

She sitting in. A half full new pot !! Ahhhhh. Can’t reload soil until saturday

On a brighter note…my first ever successful clone is doing well and showing new growth. I cut off two old dead growths


I really have to stop whatever I’m doing wrong to my plants in early veg…they should be.much further along and bigger.

I’ve defoliated twice and topped twice and tied down… As it stands. The plants looked bigger + healthier and better almost 3 weeks ago then they do now at almost 5 week …

I’m a sucker for punishment…I just can’t leave the plants alone…being off for a month didnt help either.

I’m going to give them a week of solitude …if they don’t recover I will chop them and just focus on my birthday cake clone + seedlings


THings are looking brighter…having to cull one one that isn’t rebounding…

Placing it out doors

Blue monster and l.a. Confidential seedlings and growing very simarly.

Just found out the flowering time on these sour Jacks…10-12 weeks!

I’m more of a 50-70 day kinda guy lol

Some browning on leaves I never had before.


Lightning deal on this light that I bought a couple months ago at $300 cad
Right now for $200.

Feel like buying it but mine is still in the box atm!!

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I still never got the soil…lookiing lkke I might get it tomorrow.

You can see the recovery’s on the one plant i partially up potted /transplanted.

The others need soil but aren’t drinking very fast. The fabric pot is drying quick.

And all the plants are having Some deficiency.

Seedlings need up pot ASAP?



Yay!!! God love the cannabis community

Great friends hard to come by.

Reloaded on my SOIL hook up



Ready to save some lives!!!

Also setting up my new light for second tent.
There is not a healthy amount of room for these big fabric pots and my little 1l.

I could maneovre it.

Well see!!!

Any personal Transplanting tips and tricks ?
I like to have the soil a little wet when transplanting. They love new soil always for me.


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I like to fill the new pot with an empty cup in it. When you pull out the cup you have a perfect sized hole. Sprinkle with mycos and plop it in the hole. :grin:


That’s brilliant ! I’ve heard of using the pre existing pot to make a imprint .

But that is just brill mate!

Ive got to set up the second tent now. So much wiring…I can. See the reason for a bigger tent…regardless if wanting to veg and flower it’s necessary.


Damn - I don’t think I used big enough pots for my seedlings up-pot. For that trick atleast

I wonder if I should put them straight into 3gal pot??

They surprisingly were not root bound - it’s my first time growing from seed. I understand theyre root system is much weaker and fragile then a clones? From my personal experience at least.

I find transplanting very hard on the body. At least my set up makes it very cramped. I had to stop - my back was acheing !! The girls will have to suffer one more night :frowning:

More photos



Could you theoretically and practically -set up a plumbing splitter/pvc pipe 3way for venting purposes and pull air from both tents at once?

You could set it up that way, what size and type of fan are we talking about.

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lol -

Ok -so it would have to be a big enough fan to pull air efficiently .

I have two inline fans, one of them seem so MUCH stronger than the other. I’m guessing both 4” .

I just checked My orders.

The good one is vivosun 4” 203cfm

The not so good one Is a livingsun 200cfm. I can barely hear It spinning , compare to the vivosun.

Im guessing these wouldn’t be strong enough to pull Air from both.

I’m just coming to realization about running double the equipment for two tents… I can utilize daisy chain as much as possible I guess.

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It would probably be easier to control the temperature with two fans too.


Bro you buy more lights then anyone I know. Hehehe. Let me know if you ever decide to get rid of any.
Things are looking good.


This is the method I use also. Works like a charm👍🏻

@Calix my 2 cents is to not up-pot right now. You’re just going to run into issues with over or under watering. Maybe go to 1 gallons next time, but I’d be patient with moving up. Case in point—I went from Solos to 3 gallons several weeks ago. I had convinced myself this would work as I hate transplanting numerous times. That was dumb and I knew better, but was trying to cut a corner. It’s worked out, but not without some watering pains. Don’t cut corners my friend✌🏻

Loving the 2 tent setup!


I don’t like it either. But they are like growing children - they need new shoes all the time. Well, maybe not all the time…