Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Thanks for the reply!

What’s being/been transplanted-

I had my two seedlings in clone square pots - no bigger than a solo - and moved them to those round topped white hard styrofoam pots in the above picture -. However I mentioned I wasnt sure if it was a big enough up-pot - asking if I should have gone direct to 3 gal -. The root system was fairly week - so I will leave them in this pot

Today - I have two sour jacks still in in 3 gal pots that havent been drinking water for 4 days … They are completely stunted…with deficiencies and yellowisj clawed leaves

I already saved one (3rd SJ) of them 6 Days ago by transplanting - so I am hoping this repeat up POT to the the 7 gal pots will save them also.

This is my third grow in a row that the plants are encountering problems and the second grow that are solely remedied by being transplanted to bigger pots and fresh soil!

Going to get atleast one into a new pot this morning & get my second tent running .


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Here we. Just woke up and VERY FIRST CLONE

Little root system ??? Think she will grow ???

She’s been at a snail pace for 2 solid weeks I think

Not a root bound issue are you can see…nute def?
Hopefully I see some growth.


Looks rooted to me :+1:


When’s the last time she was fed?

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Ummm well you seeeeeee - I was being carefull and wasn’t sure if I should give it nutes asap.

However I’ve given it a few 30ml beaker fulls of REMO fertilizer/water nutrients I had mixed .

Should I slam the nutes into her?

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I will check my log. And see if I recorded that.

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Id probably give her a large snack rather than a small meal. See how she responds. Looks good though.


I appreciate that.

While I’ve got you here
What would you suggest for the seedlings feeding ? In guessing that they are in they’re 3rd week since sprout? Never been fed nutes but soil has lots.

When do I start nutes on these seedlings ?

The three Amigos


This is where it gets tricky. I don’t like to use soil with precharged nutes for precisely this reason.

It’s the sort of thing you need to eyeball I guess. Has growth slowed? Is there any yellow on the bottom leaves?

That said I’ve neglected to add adequate fertilizer to my young plants and they suffered because of it.

Those pots (if they are the ones we are talking about) are pretty small so it could be time.



Those pots are.the new ones I just transplanted into.

However you saw the root structure on the clones - the seedlings had identical root structure

I perhaps should have gone a bit bigger as I read once the.leacea are lleaves are bigger than pot than time to transplant.

Here is the 3-7 up pot .
You can see how well the same plant recoverd being transplanted- a week beforem

I will keep an eye on them for visual cues and probably try a nuts nute feed. *Edit hahaha not a nuts one just a normal nutrients feed


A few thoughts here and others can provide theirs’ and additional color.

The plants that don’t appear to be drinking; how long have they been in those 3 gallons and how often have you been watering/feeding? Also, how long are they taking to dry after watering? The clawing and yellowing are most likely related to either overwatering, or a nutrient deficiency. Clawing can sometimes come with N toxicity, but the yellowing helps rule that out imo. Have you checked your ph runoff recently? That may also tell a story.

3 gallons isn’t a small pot. How large are the plants you are considering moving to 7 gallons? 7 gallon is huge for indoor. That’s even big by some outdoor standards. Unless you have some trees going on, I personally don’t see the need to jump to that size.

Edit: you answered some of my questions while I was typing this response✌🏻

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Ha ha!

I know what you are saying about the big up pot.

However for some reason , my plants can’t make it in a 3 gal… and up potting has saved them in the Past.

My friend gave me the pots and he isn’t limited to a tent.

However I follow his advice and protocol for most of things.

I asked before to many people I’ve seen harvest 4-6oz Fromm 3gal pots indoors. And I can’t understand how they keep the plants so big in a small pot

Mine are bonsai size in 7gal!!! Lol

I know they will explode now.

Not sure why I encounter this issue 3x now in 3 gal pots.

No joke 3rd run growing And all get stunted.

Could it be nute lockout maybe!?

My nutes are mixes via Remo calculators…atleast one every 7 days I give nutrients

However these 3 gal were taking To long To dry out this past two waterings. THey are dry today, day 5.

And the one I transplanted to 7 gal last Saturday was dry in 3 days lol! And plants recovered already.

Thanks for for gettinback to me!!

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You’ll get different results from plastic pots than fabric pots. I always used plastic in the past and switched to fabric this go around. The roots grow differently in the fabric and also dry quicker. Have you used fabric before? Sorry for not recalling this detail from your past posts. Man, I’m pretty surprised your 7 gallon is drying that quickly with a plant that size. Are you perhaps under watering? Apologies for the continued questions. Trying to get an idea of how your work things.


Okay so I wasn’t being totally faithful
However as you mentioned you don’t recall the previous
Last Saturday I thought I had enough soil to transplant two of my threes to sevens.
I ended up not even have enough soil to try and plan one of the threes to a seven the plant was sitting in a seven gal fabric pot half transplanted the bottom and the sides were halfway Villa soil however half of the top of the three gallon plants medium structure was still visible in the pot. I had watered that when I transplanted and then again a couple days later when it’s dried out by watering the main structure and the sides.
That’s dried out in 3 days each time

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Got it! Makes sense to me now.

Thanks dude
I think the fabric pot has a lot to do with how they are drying out.
I may try an run my first batch of seed grow into a five gal fabric pot to finish in 100%. I’m not sure why my planks in the past from clone need so much root space.

I do find the humidity levels are very high with fabric pod after watering which makes sense as it’s being evaporated into the air quicker than the plastic rather than drinking by The Roots and plant .

Super happy to have finally gotten soil I’m going to home Depot and out to pick up a few electrical requirements like a power strip and maybe a cord. I’ve got all my timers Wi-Fi ones and digital.

We’ll check out their gardening section but I really don’t want to keep spending money on stuff I have everything from the first girl but not necessarily everything for a second tent may need another oscillating fan or two.

Thanks for everything everybody I will update once everything has been transplanted and turning green lol who am I kidding I’m sure I will share lots of photos and updates before then I will have to update my McGraw log on paper and here.

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Everyone has been transplanted
They are all in the recovery unit.
I expect them to make it full recovery
Single BC. Not so sure . Will see.
Was very root bound


I am hoping that in a few days…lefty an righty will shape up - as middley did when I transplanted 6 days prior.

Thanks all.

I may end up cullinG THE one with the small plants and pllop the small ones into same tent I. Corners


Aiii ya yaiiiii
They don’t look so hot in that picture :open_mouth:

Lol shall we place some wagers on wether they recover???

:frowning: they look much worse in that picture lol

THey look dead af …I am the worst…plant killer

WOW even the photos I took earlier today they looked better…they’ve gone full yellow., i think transplant shock…matter of 7-8 hours. May not make It through the night.

Had to check on girls

That photo above really captured the yellow lol.

IRL they don’t look as bad. And honestly.i could see a few leaves getting some colour.

I raised the light also. The pack is getting hot :fire: … . Which is expected. However I wanted a booster fan to cool it but amazons courier messed up and it got.returned after it was out for delivery for some reason.

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