Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Shut down the second tent… was un-necessary for the time being.

I Pretty sure the birthday cake is dead. I put it out doors lol

The other two are slowly starting to rebound…slowly…

And merged the seedlings and rooted clone with the recovering veggies

Seedlings are doing great imo as a first timer

I rigged up an intake and exhaust with a few fans to control temps. When I unhooked the second tent I didn’t realise I had the exhaust on that strip and temp climbed to 26 so I was fixed that very quickly.


She’s alive!!! She’s alive !!!.
Put her out to pasture yesterday - been having 25C + sun and heat all day today and yesterday!

It changes thE lighting schedule I has it on. It was 4h dark from 330pm-730pm. Which my tent is still on.

Now she is getting sun /light all the way through till 9PM? And then sunrise 6 maybe ?

She is throwing new growth at the top in just 30hours.

It was basically stunted and dead until I transplanted and put outside

Might pull through !
Heck might put the other two Strugglers out side too. Its just creating alot of humidity in the tent with 3 7gal pots in there ha!

Never been outdoors before.

Don’t think il Finish it outside…but I will keep it out side its going to be sun all week !!

Temp gauge reading 26C or so at 4:00PM

20210816_170038|281x500 20210816_170051|281x500 Uploading: 20210816_170100.jpg…


Ive read alot of horror stories of people bringing in unwanted pests when taking a plant thats outside back inside be careful!


Thank you!

I think I will finish it in the garage. But same applies. .I hear you!

We have lots of centipedes in the house. Really humid . This year Hasnt been too bad with the dehumidifier.

I don’t notice many other critters outside.

What type of pests? Those little red spiders ? Lol I had a few in garage my first harvest but I did a bud wash :S

Thank you !!



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I would be most worried about bringing spider mites indoors because they are a bitch to deal with once you do.

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I do sincerely appreciate the for warning. That is not another issue that I need to deal with lol

Thanks I will research them to keep an eye on it and know what the look for .
Thank you again

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Looks like the girls like the bigger pots!

The photo makes them look alot paler than they are.

I also defoliated the middle one 360 as you can see in last picture . It Was super bushy and has so many tops!!! but they are very straggly right now and floppy . . May do another prune job and cut some lower stuff
Sour jacks are the mid veg ones
Then my baby seedlings. L.A. confidential on the left and Blue Monster on the right. They appear similar to me. I am not doing any topping that I know of


Lol- it looks like it got attacked by a whipper snipper . Edward scissor hands - hello

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4 days since transplant, we are looking good

Girls are gettin more color every day!!!

Rocking it! Once they are healthy and green it wil be time to flip I think . . They are so bushy but in a larfy way ?

ANyhow, I will keep posting daily to see contrast in colour!

Has anyone grown Sour Jack before?
I’m only getting the backround ON SJ Now. Two sativa dominant parents . Sour diesel and jack herer. … long flower cycle! Ahh damn … I’m told it’s worth it. . . 10-12 weeks…if I don’t kill them before that’…t

Edit- 23 hours since the photo above. Great colour contrast


Plants look awesome man. Great work! I’ve never grown it, but have smoked plenty of Sour Jack. That is a quality strain for sure. Any idea how long they take in flower? I’d guess 10-12 weeks.

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From what I’ve been reading - yep, a longer flower time of 10-12 weeks. “Sour diesel and Jack herer both 10 weeks , so likely the same “ - i Have read
These girls were not very keen On being tied down! It seems they more so pushed growth into the roots.

I imagine they might have some stretch on them come flower if there is some sativa dominance in them. They seem pretty squat for the time being.

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So I’ve put the birthday cake.out side for 4 days and nights now.

I realized the soil is 3-4" below the top of fabric pot.

And soil is always cold.

I just flipped it all down. And now it’s warm

30C today… she’s loving it


Sour jacks are much healthier today. . . .I have a want to boot them out of my house and let them soak up these 30C days and see how they do.

Finally put them off the cold.concrete !! Forgot about my foam mat .it was in the other tent. Hopefully they like it.
Much. Better airflow since I flopped over the extra few " of fabric pot.

Can some one convince me to move my tents into my garage out of my basement?

Just for obvious reasons it would be better…more privacy from visitors… less smell…no fan noise . No worries of possible electrical issues under neath me… All the excess humidity in sub earth foundation.

Garage. Insulated… not properly ventilated yet. I can easily do that and add exhaust vents through siding or roof.

I would be making trips back and forth to garage . A bit.suspcious. I have to black.out windows…

Anyone ever battle this decision? I grew in garage with no tent and was worries about the environment debris. Insulation. Bugs. In the tent k garage fine.


@ReikoX sorry but you have been selected to be @d for my question as you are active lol.

Should I up pot those seedlings?? Theyre leaves are getting bigger than the pot.

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Probably, pull them out and see what the roots look like. If they are starting to wind around the pot, they would likely appreciate more volume.

As far as moving to the garage, I would say give it a shot. Its not that out of the ordinary for someone to be in and out of their garage IMO. So long as when you open the door lught isn’t shining out like the Arc of the Covenant.


I agree . The garage wouldn’t be too bad coming and going.

I already blew my cover this spring, if anyone was watching, I didn’t have a tent there, just blurple pouring out , however I had the timing right . Lights we’re out at 8pm till 8am, but early April-May it was dark at 7/8 , so a few times I messed up…I had tarps draped to try and help.

I think I will disassemble one Of my tents and Put those long flowering sour Jacks out there …I can’t keep them in here for 3+ months lol. It will be interesting to watch the flowering .

Thanks for your opinion!

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Et voila.

6 days from transplant and back in business…think I will move them tomorrow to a flower tent in garage. Defoliate and see what im working with before I flip.


more.of recovery


Got some seets reserved :slight_smile: lol not that I am anyone to keep an eye on. Other than watch my mistakes!!!

Going to give them a day or two in new digs . Then flipping.

Got some insulation board under the tent. 3 layers.of 3/8 maybe … . … no wifi timers. digital . Wish me luck



Cest tout finit!
Got everything sorted out…
didn’t want to run my heavier duty lamp on the seedlings . So got my blurples running with fans in them. I still have the Maxisun pan light from my previous harvest, the pan gets hot, so I’ll keep that aside until I’m flowerng and possibly introduce it then.

These frighten sour jacks, I hope they impress me! Got a lot riding on them for 10 weeks. Hoping to set and forget. Really would have preferred some fast flowering indica…but I took what was available -clone-wise- to me at the time.

The exhaust fan is pulling very strong. I have my carbon filter hooked up to the bottom port hole just tightened up the Port around the neck and that’s the only one thats open - hoping the air that’s being pulled will filter any dust particles in the air! I mean I open air flowered my last wedding cake in there - No reason it’s shouldn’t work.

I’ll havve to buy a filter screen and rig it to a Open port hole when they start getting stinky and I actually use the the carbon filter to minimize odor.