Christmas bud!

I’ve got pictures to come…


I’m deep south … Naples/Fort Myers, it takes 7 hours to drive out of state lol

I have about 20 seeds from bags, I want to learn how to grow correctly before I decide to buy seeds. I’m a big blue dream fan and I’m in a great spot to grow, but I’m cheap and don’t want to spend money on something I can’t do correctly. Yet


I didn’t see where you had said it was a bag seed
So I guess probably not an auto. It’s just the smallest photo I’ve ever seen.

Revegging is definitely something to learn about. It’s about the only way to save a treasured strain that has started flowering, if you didn’t take cuts. I’ve just recently, successfully, revegged my best plant. I’ll get some pics tonight. When they go through a reveg, they look like crap for a couple months. And normally I just cut clones from the reveg and compost the rest of the plant. You can just let her go and try “Monster Cropping”

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I’ll get rid of the tag if I can figure out how. I’m an old man by today’s standards and I’m still learning how forums and such work, I grew up in the dial up chat rooms era.


Here is what I’ve done … Going for reveg… Looked into monster crop and I don’t think I’m ready yet to attempt. I need to read more and math some more haha. I cut the main colas off and trimmed them down, I have them drying on my makeshift dryer and there ain’t much to them. They look bulky in the photos and looked sexy on the plant, but not much there.


It really depends on the strain. I’ve had plants flower on 14.5 but I have plants that didn’t, as well. Right now only about 20% are starting to go into bloom and we’re on the day-shortening trend now in the northern hemisphere.


Can I ask a question?? Your growing outdoors. The pot looks HUGE. Why are you monster cropping it?? Monster cropping is more for people that don’t have much space to grow.
If you just leave it alone and water every few days you’d likely end up with a big plant and plenty of bud.

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Good question, and I can elaborate more, which will probably make a few palm their foreheads… The pot is maybe a 2 gal … I had 4 plants at once in this pot like a dummy, one didn’t make it, pretty sure the others took all the water and such, so it had no chance and another was male, so I tossed it. I have one hanging to dry and this one. I have plenty of space to grow, but it’s illegal here to grow, mariju is only medical here. I enjoy my 2nd and a felony would kill that… So I’m keeping my grows tiny, a good lawyer can help me with a small grow hahaha. I want to do massive grows, but I don’t have the skills or knowledge yet, so I’m staying in my lane. One day I’ll be growing some trees! This is all personal grow, I’m no seller or anything… I do need to learn how to grow to where I can keep the stash box stocked, wife is a 24/7 smoker :rofl::rofl: I have an older subject post under “dry and cure” with better views of pots.


Monster cropping is an advanced technique buddy. It’s difficult to get it right.
We have a saying you may have read here on OG while browsing the threads. LITFA. It’s life changing once you understand it. Good luck with you grow buddy. :+1:

I don’t believe I am attempting monster, I’m attempting reveg for clones. Did I fuck up cutting like I did??


The plant will bounce back. They always do. We’ve just got to be careful not to stress them too much or it’ll hermie on you. I’m not knocking you. I’d just rather someone grew a seed in a pot and get the first grow out the way before they start manipulating the plants. When you invest so much money and time it’s a big kick in the balls when a plant dies or hermies


Nah just baby her. As long as you left some leaves she should just continue on her reveg.

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In these pictures there is a blue solo cup with a seedling :seedling: in it. I planted that in soil June 16th, started germination June 14th. It’s outside already… Should I bring it inside where my temp is 76 degrees and lower humidity til it gets bigger?? Sun is up by 6:30ish AM daily and sets 8:15ish PM daily right now.

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It will take 4-6 weeks roughly for a seedling to be sexually mature so it should be fine by then.

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I hear ya… I fully understand, but honestly, I have very little invested. My dealer hooks me up with all the seeds I want free, I use the water out of my hose (which is “treated” well water). These plants make it or they don’t, it’s fun to learn. If I get any good at this, it’ll be to supply the wife ha


You’re right on that. It’s strain dependant and some strains are fine at 14 hours of daylight or even a little less. I just picked 14.5 as I haven’t seen or heard of anyone having early flowering if they wait that long. Thanks for pointing that out for the OP.

I’m shooting in the dark then haha … all bag, no idea what they are! Kind of exciting really :rofl::rofl:… My buddy has seeds from years ago that he has to find to give me… Maybe I’ll grow some old school gold hahahaha


I’ve not seen that to be true. I bet, because people don’t usually train, or top autos they are frequently seen in their natural shape.

I’ve had tiny Christmas tree shaped autos,

Round shaped autos

Christmas tree photos

Blob shaped photos

Sativas tend to be christmas tree shaped, but many things are hybrids anyway.


I was reading into these

The autos had the pointed tops and the photos were rounded. I’m thinking now that the reveg was giving it the super sharp top.

This is what I would do happy with … Get a Blue Dream plant looking like that!!! She is perfect.