Christmas bud!

I’ve got this plant going, I’ve not grown many plants at all, I’ve never seen a plant grow like this. I see Christmas trees… Any ideas?! Thanks!


It looks like you put it outside too early and it flowered and now it’s re vegging as the daylight hours increase. Lots of single blades leaves at least from what I see. When did you put them outside and how many hours of daylight were you getting then?


It’s revegging that’s why it is throwing the single blade leaves.


I germinated on a paper plate on top of my fridge, once I have a good main root (around an inch) I plant them outside. Spends day and night outside. I do only outdoor and I let nature do it’s thing. I’m a very very basic grower.


Never heard of revegging, so I get to read about a new to me topic!! Can I clone off reveg?!


What part of the world are you in? Usually if they are from seed outside they don’t try to flower. At least here they don’t. But if you keep them under lights while they are seedlings and then put them out in Spring they think the short daylight means winter is soon so they flower.

I would cull this one. I dislike trimming revegged or foxtailing.

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Yea, I’d wait until it’s fully reverted. Some people call it monster cropping.

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If there’s less than 14.5 hours of daylight when you put them outside as soon as they’re sexually mature they will begin to flower. Then once the daylight hours increase they will start vegging again. It makes a lot of small branches and throws single bladed leaves. Once it’s firmly set in veg and producing 3, 5 or 7 bladed leaves you can grab a clone if you wanted to. June 14th is when it’s safe to put plants outside where I am in Virginia but depending on where you grow it could be a little earlier or later for you. The current plant will work out of it but it’s gonna be a mess with half formed buds and lots of extra branches. Hope this helps some.


I’m in Southwest Florida. We had 3 days of non stop rain and I was sure my plants were done. We spend 98% of the year in 80+ degree heat and 60+ humidity. I planted this seed March 14… And I let them grow until the trics are cloudy and some amber. If I’m reading things correctly on the interwebs, I can harvest this plant, leaving a few healthy branches and buds in the bottom and it’ll grow again… Am I reading correctly?


So debating on letting it continue and just cloning, or harvesting and letting it regrow… I want the bud off but would love to grow this again. It’s a bag seed (any plant I’ve grown is bag seed) and no idea what strain it is. This is a fun hobby for me and the rewards are nice lol


So if I decide to monster crop with this… Do I lose the bud already here? Do I trim the buds and leave the leafs? I got a lot of reading to do!


Yea the bud is probably junk. I’d wait for it to return to normal growth, about a month, and then trim all the old stuff off or just take cuts and ditch that plant or attempt to flower it out.


Damn. This bud is so pungent and sticky… Was really looking forward to smoking it. Is there no saving it now? Can I harvest and dry still??


Sure, I’m not sure how good it’ll be though.

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Worth a shot to me … this is a hobby not a job. Think I’m going to harvest and let it reveg… It’ll die or I’ll have a mother plant I can clone from :man_shrugging:t2:


Personally I’d just let it do it’s thing. If it’s re vegging eventually it’ll go into flower again once the day light hours get shorter. The more you fuck with a plant the more likely it’ll change sex on you and you’ll end up with seeded bud. :v:


Yes, that’s a thing. I have never done it. Other than for science I don’t think I would ever want to.

Do you have access to seeds? Do you need seeds?

My spouse would smoke it. It’s just a pain in my ass to trim and with all the great weed in the house it’s not worth it to me.
Now. That’s not always been my opinion, if you were planning on smoking this go for it.

How south are you in Florida? Do you have a frost date? You could grow this buddy all year. I’ve seen people put solar lights with their plants so they don’t go to flower. Might be worth looking at.


Is it an auto? You have the auto-flowering tag. And if you got an auto to reveg I would question its lineage.

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Oh, if this is an auto that changes everything.

I didn’t think a bagseed would be an auto but what do I know about what’s in people’s bag

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I have the auto tag because what I’ve read about Christmas shaped, they are autos and in the glue… I was positive a few weeks ago this was gg#4 auto… No clue honestly.

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