Pulled from ground, almost dead

So, quick story. Had some plants growing by the ditch. Tree trimmers came to clear trees for power lines. I had to pull the plants out to avoid detection. Put in pots with soil and they did ok but next day all were wilting and wrinkled leaves. Next day 2/4 had lotta dry leaves so pulled them. With some quick thinking I experimented by putting the plants roots in water with mycorrhizae wettable powder. Suffice it to say they have new growth and look to be making a come back.
My question is how long can they be in the bottle before needing transplant into soil or should I change the water and go a few more days before transplant. As of today it has been 4 days in the bottles. Try to post pics tomorrow
Thank you


Not exactly your typical situation here…
You did save them, as they would have dried up if left with such a damaged root system and the same demand for transpiration. Whether it’s tomorrow or in a few days, when you get them back in soil (potting soil in pots until transplanted back to the ground) they cannot be in direct light and should be domed somehow to increase relative humidity until you start to see a little bit of growth. Do exchange the air periodically. Perhaps a makeshift poly tent. I have no idea how big these things are. Those roots will need to get established again before just putting them back in the ground.

You’re probably going to get a lot of opinions and recommendations, as well as some feeding tips, but the concept will be as above. Good luck!


They would of faired better had ya taken a large ball of soil with them … I did the same thing with volunteer growing in wood chips and didn’t do this and it wilted almost immediately not sure if it will come back


@cannaloop I’m limited on what I can do with out drawing to much attention. But I thank you for the input. If anything this is experimental and a learning experience. If they survive a transplant l’ll update the thread. As of now they both between 2-3 ft. Just out in the sand by the ditch and they sprouted. So just glad to have this experience and look forward to more.

@Tinytuttle learning Experience my friend, I wish you the best of the best luck that your plants survive!!!


my dad dug up almost full grown 5ft plants once and put them in 5 gallon buckets to bring inside to finish. It didn’t hurt them as bad as I thought it would. But he used a shovel and basically cut the roots around as big of a root ball with soil as he could manage(like Tinytuttle mentioned). It sounds like you didn’t have that kinda time. Good luck hopefully they bounce back.

I’m sure pics would help the more experienced peeps around here to give ya more keyed in advice.


That’s not ideal, by any means, but thankfully, can be fixed!

Normally, root damage like those plants suffered from is only a very serious concern when 2/3 or more of the root structure is damaged or destroyed. Each branch of roots coming from below the plants crown runs a different part of the plant canopy. That’s why you see so much damage and wilt.

Ideally, trimming broken/skinned roots directly after being pulled out of the ground and then soaking in water to help reduce shock, would have been ideal, but this has become a valuable learning experience that you will benefit from.

The quicker you can get water to roots, even damaged roots, the better chances of survival that plant has. The longer the roots are let to dry out, the less likely they are to live.

Replanting plants with broken roots could lead to root rot issues, depending on the amount of root damage and moisture in the soil. Trimming damaged roots is recommended and beneficial to the plants growth and keeps rot from happening which in turn can kill your plants. The trimmed roots will grow back quickly and the plant will recover in no time.

When you replant, use a light medium so the new roots can grow and establish themselves easily and quickly. You may need to trim some of the wilt off the canopy if it’s really bad, like “death wilt”, those plant parts will not recover.

I recommend just giving the plant water for a week or two to encourage new natural root growth before giving the plant any fertilizer. Giving a plant recovering from root damage ferts could stimulate the roots to grow faster than the plant can support, in turn stunting its growth. Give it ferts after it has been reestablish and has grown new shoots.



Fingers crossed, there’s a chance! :grimacing:

!gGame over. Here are the two plants that did survive though. The stunted plant is a bag seed of shishlik

The taller plant is an OSS 96
(Old school skunk 96)


Might wanna hit with some silica and b-1… help saved my super stressed lady this year.

@Shaggy450r thanks for the suggestion! I will use in the future if need be.

The stunted plant is no more and the OSs 96 is the lone survivor of the bunch. I’ll do an updated pic when the opportunity shows itself as lots of eyes here at the moment. Hope you catch my drift. But from my distanced observation, the oss96 is a female and I can’t wait to take some pics for you as she looks gorgeous. I just gave her some fpj last night, with a root booster and some fermented banana water. When all mixed together it smelled horrible!!! But she loved it!!! As the pics will show later. :+1:t4:


Here is a couple pics of before and after on my purple haze, aka Petco


Damn!! Like a whole new lady who went for a makeover!!

Neutral news, the OSs 96 is a male. But still a nice looking and smelling male!


Thanks!.. third season for me.

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Say, do you think I’ll still get something from three plants that just popped ground end of August? Assuming they end up being female. Got one bag seed, one ITC genetics RKS BX and one Dankest Africa genetics Burning Love

Yeah they’ll flower, depending on weather and mother nature to work for ya is a different thing. I put my big girl in the ground mind July and she’s pretty good sized. Being that she didn’t have enough time to really get any size or to fully stretch but she’ll do it! It’s what she was made to do. :grin:


That’s that same purple haze???

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No, that’s my rainbow kush. All my outdoor stuff is kinda stalled to all the damn smoke.