Chronix's Overgrown Tent

I just let the plants do their own thing. I just give them water/nutrients…sometimes I stare at them for awhile. :laughing:

Thanks Mike!
Yeah, the trimming will be a pain in the ass. I think I need to stock up on more jars as well.

Thank you very much! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! Yeah, there was even more pics, I just used the best ones. :laughing:

No problem. Thank you for letting me try your creations! :slightly_smiling_face: :v:

I went outside and swatted a few hundred mosquitos while checking on the plants.
Donated some blood to them as well.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana tree from @Oldtimerunderground

SODK x Crem De La Chem from @BasementBeans

Arachnid Pie from @repins12
I dusted this with some Sour Bubble pollen from @DougDawson
Hopefully it produces some seeds. :crossed_fingers:

Blockhead x Mikado tree from @Oldtimerunderground