Chronix's Overgrown Tent

December 31

Franky from @JohnnyPotseed in the back left corner
Huckface from @misterbee on the front left.

Plants on the right side are from @Oldtimerunderground

Well the Franky and Huckface decided to keep growing towards the lights so I had to snap there necks. :laughing: :upside_down_face:

I also started some more seeds tonight to hunt for some plants to grow outdoors next year.
I will probably start some more seeds tomorrow as well.
It will be a surprise for now which strains I am starting. :slightly_smiling_face: :v: :cat2:

Happy New Year everyone ! :smiley:


I’m a bit of a seed poppin fool atm myself. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hey bud, Happy New Year! :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy New Year @chronix, garden looks great. It’s getting to be that time again to start thinking about spring.:peace_symbol:


happy new year!! hope you had a great start! :slight_smile:


Great garden to start a great year! Happy New Year! :cat: :100: :green_heart:

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I have been starting some new seedlings…
For some reason, I haven’t had much luck with the old fashioned wet paper towel in the plastic bag method that I always use. Not sure what the issue is.

I decided to try @JohnnyPotseed 's way of germinating seeds with worm castings. Except I didn’t use a heating pad.

I used seed strains from the same seed stock from many OG members and had much better success with Johnny’s method in a shorter amount of time compared to the paper towel.

I used a disposable tin foil container with lid from the dollar store.
So quick and easy to check on how the seeds are doing, no more digging paper towel out of the bag gently and unfolding paper towel to check on the seeds, then having to put them carefully back in the bag.

I wish I tried this method along time ago. :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad you like it, my friend!


January 9th.
Day 31 of 12/12…I think.


Looks amazing bud.


X2 on that^! :100: :fire:

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Filling that tent up like a boss! :muscle: flowers look great!

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Thanks everyone! :smiley:

Had to put stakes in and tie them up. Some branches broke. Then I broke some accidentally in the process of tying them up. :upside_down_face: :man_shrugging:
Looking a bit rougher now but oh well. It’s the way it grows.

I think they are at day 43 or so, I don’t really know or care I haven’t been keeping track.
They will be harvested when my cats tell me to harvest them. :smiley_cat:


You’d never know you’d broken branches if you didn’t say. Garden still looks awesome!

Also, Love that paws pics! :paw_prints: :heart_eyes:


I never showed anyone what is inside my new 2x2 tent from @MarsHydro
Pictures aren’t the best. Not sure whats going on with my phones camera but it really sucks lately.
I am hunting through these plants to find the best ones to put outdoors this spring/summer.

(Train Wreck x GG4) x ABC
3 of these plants from @middleman

Dooligah Freak
5 of these plants from @lilmanbigplan

3 of these plants from @DannyTerpintine

(Blockhead x Mikado) x C99
3 of these plants from @smokenhike

Paonia Purple Paralyzer
2 of these plants from @DougDawson

Berry Freak F4
2 of these plants from @middleman

Fraser Valley Blueberry x C99
2 of these plants from @smokenhike
Note: Fraser Valley Blueberry is now called Coastal Blueberry, but I stick with the original name :upside_down_face:

Indiana Bubblegum
3 of these plants from @DannyTerpintine

1 fem plant from @JohnnyPotseed

Mighty Mite
4 of these plants from @Oldtimerunderground

Bubba Kush x Mango Bubba
1 of these plants from @DannyTerpintine

Space Bound Kush
1 of these plants from @DannyTerpintine

Watered and put back home in the tent.

The plants in the flowering tent are looking rough like I said before.
First time trying this organic stuff. I can’t really complain, could have turned out worse.
And the thing is every plant is different…
Probably take me a few grows to figure it out, or more. :laughing:


Thanks for giving them a go. Quite a selection you’ve got there, everything looks great and those are some nice chunky buds.


Lovely ladies in a grand lineup there! Everything is gloriously green!


Those are looking amazing! So much variety in such a small space! :100: :fire:

Also lol at that side eye… she really wanted some fan leaves to much on ey? :wink:


Got some leafs complaining here an there but for the first run with this Gaia Green organic nutrients it seems to have went okay.

The new seedlings are doing okay… except they are running out of room.

This old grumpy :pouting_cat: is around 18 years old, 95 years old in cat years.


That’s a stacked lineup I’d say :fire: @chronix


What a sight to see :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Not many people will happen to witness this beauty their whole lifetime…
I’m talking about Grumpy :wink:

Plants look fire as usual :fire::fire::fire: