Cigars... my second favorite thing to smoke!

Never got into cigars but I was a blunt rolling virtuoso in my college days. My roommate had a giant safe with a humidor inside, we had some good times in that dorm. I rolled some amazing blunts with several dozen packs of small Cuban cigars a friend smuggled back to us.
My go to corner store blunt was the now extinct al capones, the only full leaf tobacco in that cheap price range. I used to butter my blunts with about a half inch of homemade concentrate and then gently melt the hash with a lighter to seal them. It would take 6 to 9 people over an hour to smoke one because they burned so slow.
pretty low class stuff compared to the cigar connoisseurs, but a hell of a good time.


Missouri Meerschaum sells bags of “seconds” for a really good price. Highly recommended. Then you could dedicate some to cannabis and use others to dabble in the wonderful world of pipe tobacco.

I’m currently enjoying some Orlik Golden Sliced with my Cuba Libre. If you liked the smell of your dad’s pipe, try an aromatic such as “Devil’s Holiday”. You won’t be disappointed.

By the way I was in Cuba a few weeks ago and brought back some small Cohiba and R&J cigars. They are growing on me.


When I first became interested in cigars, back in the early 1990s, I tried lots of different smokes, including some flavored stogies. I found that I did not care for anything flavored or sweet.
I developed a taste for fuller bodied, spicy, earthy smokes. Nowadays I think of those flavored cigars whenever I smell the aroma of pipe tobacco, so I am hesitant to try any pipe tobacco, because of my distaste for those flavored cigars.

I was never very impressed with the Cuban cigars I tried over the years, I had a coworker whose brother was a pilot for Pan Am and would supply us with boxes of Cubans purchased in South America. They were good, but overall I enjoyed many Nicaraguan and Hondurans more.

Thanks for the link to the Meerschaum pipes, very cool site. I love the bag of 3 Legend corn cobs for less than $13. I always bought my corn cobs from Drug stores only about every 8 to 10 years or so ( I began using corn cobs back in the mid 1970s …they last a long time and are hard to break , by far my preferred smoking device for ganja.


I prefer standard (non-aromatic) pipe tobaccos as well, but I am not anti-aromatic - mostly because the aromatics are much more acceptable to the people around me. So I keep a variety of both, and choose accordingly.

When I got my grab bag of smokable seconds from MM, they were still selling bags of 10. It looks like they only have 3 packs of Legends and a “7 day” mixed pack.

The Legends are nice (they are all nice) but I would encourage you to try some others and the 7 day pack is a good, affordable way to do it. My favourite cob from them is the Country Gentleman . A truly excellent pipe, even compared to my briars. Note: filters are optional in their “filtered pipes”.


Back from the dead…

I am (was?) a huge cigar fan but since I moved to a legal state recently, I haven’t been able to smoke cigars since resuming cannabis. It’s like cannabis just away all interest and make them seem kind of blah. I’m not sure what it is.

I was a big fan of Fuente, Oliva, Tatuaje, etc. I’m sort of sad. I really enjoyed that quiet time.


Mmmn Oliva and Nubbs.
You just have to roll your own now like I do.

Or go all the way


Whoa, I really have to try those. How do they taste? I remember as a kid, hemp was illegal. It’s wild seeing this new explosion. I love it.


They have a slight sweetness to them so more along the backwoods or swisher type of flavor and of course depends on what is rolled in them.

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That was the best pipe tobacco IMO my next door neighbor who was also my pastor smoked that all the time best smelling stuff!


Haha, a 3 ½ year old thread resuscitated.
I really enjoy puffing away on a nice bowl of ganja in my trusty corn cob, and then firing up a
yummy stogie. I find that the ganja enhances my perception of the aromatic, flavorful smoke billowing from my cigar. Hypnotically delightful.

I recently bought some nice H. Upman Vintage 1991 Chuchhills with tasty Cameroon wrappers. Although I generally prefer heavier bodied cigars, these medium bodied smokes are full of flavor.


Have done the pipe thing …and Captain Black was my preference but pipes bite my tongue. Cigars I used to smoke the Backwoods milds…and for a bit the Swisher Sweet rum soaked ones. Mostly a cig man though 40+ years… quit. Will have been 5 years first of next year


I didn’t know there were other stogie smokers here!
I’m quitting cigarettes so haven’t had a cigar in a few days but keep my travel humidor close so I can always get a whiff

Loaded with a few cheapies as usual :sweat_smile:



It’s been about 15 years or so since I’ve smoked any Sancho Panza sticks. I remember them being a very nice medium to full bodied smoke…tasty. I’m gonna have to get some soon.

For anyone thinking about trying some premium handmade cigars, I would recommend
Baccarat and Macanudo as good beginner smokes.

This may be helpful to any OGers that are cigar curious.

I love cigars, baby.

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One of my go-to’s at this point. Not too expensive and like you said, so flavorful and medium bodied… a Churchill is enjoyable the whole way down.

What’s your go-to stogie @Calyxander?

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BTW, @Blowingupjake best of luck quitting cigarettes!

My go to smokes are La Finca Joyas, 6x50… Nicaraguan Puros. Inexpensive at less than
60 bucks a bundle of 20. Well made, medium to full bodied, with a spicy, sweet and nutty yumminess. I have been buying these for about 25 years now, and they are better than ever.


Never had one of those :thinking:

Will have to keep an eye out!

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padron 1926 no. 1 for sticks
c&d bayou morning for the pipe

ive been much more into pipe smoking than cigars this past year, and its gotten me into learning more about the plant itself. its been nice to have a new horticultural rabbit hole to dive into


Wow, those are really nice, luxurious cigars, but at almost $25 each, I only smoke a few a year. You certainly have have good taste however.

No pipe tobacco for me, not to my liking. Only ganja goes in my pipe!


yeah the padrons are a special occasion thing for me- weddings, my birthday, etc. i dont smoke too many of them either, but theyre definitely my favorite out of what ive tried so far. im going to check out those joyas you posted earlier


Do Cannagars count for this thread?