Cinderevil Auto

This lil gal has been packing on the buds over the last 2 weeks. Not that frosty but smells delicious.
Thinking ahead has about another 2 weeks or so… thanks to @Rhino_buddy for hooking me with some beans.


Hey bud, you got any pics? You doing this all organic?


Forgot to upload a pic and had to wait for the post to be approved. And then forgot about the post… my hip bursitis is acting up again and the pain is unbearable. And I cant smoke or take CBD to reduce the pain at the moment. Have to take a stupid drug test next week maybe.

Yes, all organic. It’s the only way


Very nice, great job man. Hope you feel better soon.


Glad you got some going! Always happy to share. Gotta send some thanks to (:fish::bulb:)@Mr.Sparkle as well! Just sharing his great autos!

Let’s see those pics. Seems like it didn’t upload. :wink:

Edit. Looks like you got em while I was dilly dallying. :+1:


compact plant with bigass buds. i like that combination :grin::+1:

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Yeah, she’s swelling up nicely. Should get done good nugs from it.

Very nice bro… excellent color. Let her keep going until almost all her hairs are gone and the
bud tips begin to look like little roses… next best way to tell if you can’t scope your trichomes.

Organic you may give up a little in yield, but man is it the best tasting bud around… hope you
can enjoy it soon… I need both hips replaced atm so I understand your pain bro

what was the total dried weighted amount?

Still growing bud, has about 2 weeks or so… still producen buds and they are swelling like crazy. If you dont use kelp, your doing it wrong!

Some better pics. Still packing on the weight.
Finally seeing some cloudy trichomes. Definitely 2 more weeks IMO. Starting to get a little more frosty.


I’ve experienced quite a bit of pain over my years, 1 being stabbed in the eye… and I’ll tell ya… I’ll take that over hip pain anyday of the week. Some days its unbearable.

Foxtailing beautifully… still thinking 10 days or so to go… with a few just in the dark.


Please explain, I an not familiar with the term.

When it starts growing calyxs outside the main bud. I love the looks. Some may not like it


3 more days under the lights and then going in the dark for 3.


Your plants look awsome, I have 2 vegging auto’s I never grown any auto’s so I should be very happy with the results… If I am empressed I will grow Auto’s more…

Ty, she still wants to pack on the bud… thricomes are about 1% overall… might give her more than 3 days and yank it on Saturday.

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Some dried bud… its had about 1week in the jar


Great work!

I have some Cinderevils To run also. I gave some to a friend who is running them right now!

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