Citrus Tree Love

My root bound grapefruits look kind of like that it’s probably a nutrient issue. The ones in the “grove” I give all purpose amendments and some coffee grounds for ph control. The tree beside my bed I give it jacks for citrus because I don’t like fungus gnats in my eyes and nose. I just water that stuff in.

Sorry, fell behind here! This is one of the lemon airlayers at 6 weeks, just prior to cutting.

I think we made about 10 of them. I ordered 10 more of the 12 cm. clamshells and they arrived this week…just need some free hours to tame that lemon grove back under control!

And one potted uP!

Some other “Orange seeds”!

And these oddities…or not? I stuck in some tangerine seeds, one to a plug cell but when they germinated they tend to have 3-5 individual ‘trunks’ per seed. I washed a few off and it appears like there are multiple embryo in each seed? Somebody else here likely knows all about this…please, DO TELL!

Okay, that’s it for now!



Those clam shell air layers look pretty good! You can definitely get more than one citrus tree per seed, I’ve had lots that were twins.


I was laying in bed watching some movies and I thought to myself… what’s that smell?


ok here’s my tip of the day. If your citrus tree has strange veins or pale leaves, give that sucker some jacks for citrus trees. They get super green new growth! The crappier they look, the more you put in there.


I know it’s a bit neglected and don’t have a pretty shape but I never miss having :lemon: on the table … Aplausos(1)


George, I see limoncello in the making, beautiful tree!


Thanks, good idea, I will do some limoncello on your sake, I found just a putrid trunk with a single branch, not a good place to start … :sweat_smile:



Nectar of gods!


So curious about citrus or fruit trees in general. I live in a high plains desert not the most forgiving environment. Would I be better off starting from bare roots smaller trees so they can go into amended ground then slowly adjust as roots hit native soil. Or would be better off buying a 3-5 year old potted plant and put into ground. Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box. The potted pots are probably from Cali or mexico so warm not to hot and humidity maybe greenhouse grown.

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I just bought a dwarf valenica organe tree. It seems to be in the spring growth phase vut the top leaves are quite yellow. I bought from a nursury that kept in a greenhouse type enviroment. The soil is healty not conpacted or leached. Im thinking just needs more sunlight for photosynthesis. Any input helps my first time growing citrus and in desert.


Give it a little jacks for citrus plants. Should green up!

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Calmundum has never had this Many flowers
Going to smell awesome.


Wow that’s an amazing number of flowers!

My grapefruit is working on a small cluster right now! Can’t wait for the smell.


Picked this up a month or two ago at the local home improvement store. Transplanted into fresh soil and a new pot. It’s throwing new leaves. Probably won’t have fruit for a couple years


Help please.
I was given a variegated pink lemon tree for fathers day last year.
She grew well, winter came and I brought her in with my other citrus plant
She hated in front of the window and dropped
Half or more of here leaves.
I put her in a tent and she stabilized, budded
But nothing else
This spring She went outside, I reported
In FFHF but her bare stems never grew more leaves.
She’s has flowered and seems to want to do it again.
My other calamundum is fine, she has even had a baby from a fruit that fell on soil.
She’s very forgiving, easy etc
I have heard variegated plants can be a pain

Anyway other than giving ph adjusted water but again my calamundum is fine with the well water
I’m at a loss.
Should I prune it?
If so when?
Where at on the plant?

Any appreciated, was looking forward to a pink lemon but so far I’m doing something wrong with her.


Is it grafted to sour root stock?

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I have a Valencia, Key Lime, and Meyer lemon for citrus so far in the yard. Nothing too big, but they all have fruit already. None have been in the ground here longer than a year. I have to do yard work tomorrow, so I’ll take pictures then.


Looks like something is eating your leaves? I only cut off any dead growth when it turns a tan color and I know it’s dead for sure. If a branch has no leaves, it’ll probably grow some. If it has no leaves and turns brown, it’s dead.


It’s been a while since I shared my tree’s here!

Winter was brutal and I thought I lost my Ruby Red Grapefruit which dried out, dropped all it’s leaves and fruit after I missed 1 watering… it was close to a heater so it got really-really dry! My plants also got scale, which seems to happen every fucking winter.

Flash forward a few months and the heat, jacks for citrus, and predatory insects and birds have taken care of any of the insect hiccups and growth problems. :+1:

Makrut Lime (I leave that dead branch for the birds to sit).

White Grapefruit (this tree is 30+ years old from a seed my Dad and I planted)

Ruby Red Grapefruit (very happy it’s back! :heart: )

Calamondin Orange; happy little bush-tree!
