Citrus Tree Love

You can trigger it’s bloom phase by drying it out and then water and fertilize it! It reached sexual maturity at 7 years.


7 years is still a good while. I see why citrus trees are so dear.


Been using my Calamondins in my vodka lemonade drinks…


JC, what are the chances of me sprouting my Calamondin seeds from the fruits of my Calamondin plant?


Chances are really good like 100%. My current grapefruit plantation are from seeds I sprouted from a fruit off my own tree, so it’ll work for you too!

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Should I let the seeds dry out first? Gonna try the paper towel method, you think it will sprout that way?

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I just took mine out of the fruit and washed the seeds off and put them in the paper towel. Same sort of deal as the mandarin oranges.


The pineapple is doing really good. I can’t wait for a pint sized fruit! That’ll be wild. Also some of the shitty orange trees regenerated! Not sure why.

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Here’s a little update on those Jungle Lemons, All’s GOOD! There’s about 40 now, all about 2.5 years from seed. We’ve been slowly moving some of the Lemon trees to a new area to open things up for the girls to stretch out their arms and legs! They’ve obviously just loved the ‘used’ ganja mix and 10-g. airpots we transplanted them into after short season finished. Hit them with JohnnyPotSeed’s “One & Done” spray this week and must say they look happier afterwards.

I really want to open up one of the airpots and have a look at root development. Is anybody else using airpots for citrus (or other?)? I REALLY like the airpot ‘concept’, especially for trees, but my ganja roots never seem to make “full” use of the LS mix I give them. I think if I left plants in smaller sized airpots for a longer time there’s a better chance that the rooting WILL fill the pots fully? That’s how it works w/normal tree seedlings but the ganj is in and out before they ever fully develop their roots.

I bought a bunch of the higher-priced white airpots and it DOES make a big difference in soil temps here in the tropics. Airpots also have a raised ‘bottom’ of about 1", so if you use saucers under them, size the saucer rim heights to just allow water to wick into the bottom 1/4-1/2" of soil mix. I had a few saucers that were actually too deep and water-logged a couple plants…easy enough to drill a hole and plug w/clay if need water-holding. These are all on automated drippers so we’ve turned the saucers upside down so pots drain yet provide a termite barrier of sorts!

(That’s a Baobob seeding in the second pot from the right!)

Thinned out area; (Still gotta find a place for that row on the far left!)

Over & out!


Went to clean up the Goji OG quarantine area and spotted another 16 Lemon trees awaiting transplanting into 10 gallon airpots. Also noticed that when I moved them last time any roots that broke off have sprouted out new growth! Just gotta find time to go dig 'em all up and transplant! I hadn’t really thought about propagating via root stock, but now that it’s happened I feel silly for never thinking about it! :joy:



I have a pink vergated lemon tree
And a candumum
It flowers year round and smells
Awsome in the dead of winter.
I have to keep mine small
Because they come in in winter
One day I hope to buy a small green house


My orange trees are growing side branches! Looks like 3 out of 4 are viable.


Pineapple is doing good. Thing grows itself almost hah hah need almost nothing.


Just regular soil and occasionally water? Looks good. Just dropped a lemon seed in water about a week ago 1 tailed and is in the dirt. Now the waiting game. How long before it should pop it’s head up?

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Could take a week to come up.

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Here’s a few of the air-layers off of the Lemon Grove trees freshly potted up. I’d say it’s been about 6 weeks since we started them with those plastic clam-shells and they were very well-rooted! None of us thought to snap pictures of the rootballs! But there are still a few left to do yet. And seeing as it worked so well, I think we’ll do another 10-20 of the over-sized branches…I’d just be clipping them off anyway, might as well try for whole new trees!



Yah that would seem to be easier than my crazy cuttings I rooted from the grapefruit. Took months and months! I should be cloning the apples here as well. Never have too many trees lol!

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Our precious Lemmy(over 20 years old) is hanging on, after a ferocious scale infection.

Wondering if air layering so soon after, just now, showing signs of recovery would put extra stress on the plant?


Air layering is probably the least stress of any method. Plant scale is so irritating a friend of mine got it on her grapefruit tree, that came from a cactus she got at a garage sale. MY friend rooted a lemon cutting just like a cannabis one. Only took two weeks!


Because of this thread, I succumbed to the urge to germinate a big fat seed I found in some sweet little mandarins. They were the thin-skinned kind, from Trader Joe’s, in case anyone has a guess what I might be growing. :rofl:
It got moldy and then took a long time to germinate, but it’s growing happily now. No idea what I’ll do with it, but it’s not going to be big any time soon so I think I’ve got some time to decide. :joy:

@RatsboggleBiological I’m finding the Thai (kaffir) lime I’ve got to be a much better fit for me than a citrus where I’d need to try to ripen fruit. I’ve got it in my grow room with my cannabis, it doesn’t seem to mind the wild shifts in light cycle, just pumps out the leaves. :heart_eyes:

If anyone recognizes the nutrient issue from the leaf appearance please lmk. I improved it somewhat, but did it with wide spectrum amending, so still not sure what’s up.