Citrus Tree Love

No hard freezes here, I live about 10 miles near the coast. Here you can see the rest of the trunk and the branch growing, don’t know if it was the graft. I wanted to share seeds with @Kasper0909, do I need to dry them before sending them, will they produce lemons or it needs to be grafted? As you see, a complete ignorant here … :sweat_smile:


What latitude are you in? I’m at 36ºN but high elevation.

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Had to Google that! :joy: I’m 43° 32’ 15’’ North icon8|nullxnull, just freezes and snows more miles down south, I’m a lucky man … :smile:


Pure, non hybrid Lisbon and Eureka lemons (store type) will come true to seed. Meyer will not as it’s a hybrid of a lemon X mandarin. You could let the seeds air dry on the counter for a while or mail them with some rice as a drying agent. Fungus is the issue.

Rootstocks are used because they are suited for a particular soil type, meaning, they will provide for the scion’s nutritional and water needs much better than own rooted. Will also reduce the time it takes for for the seedling to fruit, by quite a few years. A scion is taken from a mature tree, so when it’s grafted it doesn’t know it’s a new start cause it came from “old” wood. I would never waste my time on some stock like pecan, peach, citrus, mango, grapes unless it was on a well known, productive rootstock. If you know grafting, I do side veneer, cleft and t-bud.

If your leaves are tri, or 3 foliar, as in a typical poncirus trifoliata rootstock or hybrid of it like Citrange, then you will have sour fruit. I don’t see any tri leaves, look great to me. Wait, looked again, are those tri leaves near the ground I see? If so, prune those rootstock suckers off as soon as they appear.

Have fun,


Have you considered making lemoncello with your lemons? Super easy to make and I have a recipe if your interested.

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I’ve thought about it many times, never bothered. Thanks for the offer.


I am ejem|nullxnull, not easy to find here and lots of :lemon: available … beer3|nullxnull


lol! Tropical fruit growers unite! Another of the orange trees looks like it could be viable! Probably another week before I can plant the pineapple. Clones are the best way to reproduce a citrus tree, buuuut, I’m sure it’s illegal to send them from a country that grows citrus to another citrus country. Seeds work because there can’t be any citrus greening disease.


Here you go George,


And here i am in Canada with my citrus giving me the middle finger still waiting for warmer weather :rofl:

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My cirus trees lost all their leaves and has not come back yet. They may have gotten too cold. I have not seen any new buds forming yet. Might have died. Too bad, if so. She made the most delish smelling flowers.


Yeah. I belong to this one. Suggest you join.

I do a lot of pineapples. I call them twistees because I twist them off the top of store bought. Have also grown clones like the famous White Sugar Loaf but not had much luck with them. Tip - twist off the top, leave on the counter for a few days to callous over. Starting at the bottom rip off the leaves up to about 4-6 rows up. The nubs are roots. Either pot up or stick in a glass of water to root.

If left to ripen to a gold stage your homegrown will be better than anything you can get in Hawaii or Costa Rica.

I love to grill thick slices of pineapples and center cut pork chops on a hot grill outside, serve with Tiger Sauce. Get the black marks.

I also grow avocados, SoCal type, annonas, pitaya (dragon fruit), tons of citrus, maters, herbs, etc.

My avocado trees are loaded and I’m shitting bricks - I have no pollinators unlike 1,000’s in previous years. I’m thinking our hard freezes in the last 2 years have done a lot of them in. I had 12 beehives, just sold them. Wish I had kept one. The honey was exotic too!

Uncle Ben


Here’s my Guava!

It’s something like 7 years old now.



My greenhouse is full of citrus trees. Smell is rich. I have an easy chair in there to take it all in. It’s my Man Cave.


Great way to recycle farts. :+1:


I’m looking to grow some citrus trees myself which should be fun in the desert. They take so long to fruit. If I have a cutting to root in still looking at a couple years for fruit right? Thanks

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I think my two citrus trees died over the summer. All leaves fell off and they still have not come back. Maybe got too cold in the garage where I normally winter them.

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The plant will have the same chronological age as the one you cloned it from, so it can bloom right away. I made a grapefruit clone that bloomed the year after it was cloned.

Anything around 0C or 32F is too cold. If it’s lost all leaves and the new growth turned brown, I don’t think it’ll regrow.


Wonder to know thank you @joecrowe

So I’m looking for some good citrus cuttings since I can’t find anything decent around where I am. If anyone is willing to send some cuttings orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime or the like I’ll pay for shipping and might have a few seeds I can throw in as well. Thanks


Got to check and see how everything looks but got key lime & Meyers lemon. City cut the rest down when canker was going around. Think I know where a lime tree is but everyone steals the fruit before ripe haha, also a sour orange(cooking only). Probably more but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.

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