Citrus Tree Love

That sounds great! Limes and lemons oh my! Ya let me know if and when you can send them however much postage is oh ya I’m in the states.


I’m glad I did not toss out my Variegated Pink Lemons after it was watered w/hummingbird food because now it’s making a comeback after multiple water flushes…definitely gonna be transferred to a bigger pot this year.


After picture taken this morning


Nice…mine are over 3yrs. old and this is the year that I’m gonna force flower them…just took these pictures now.

Store bought pineapples folks


Mine is growing nicely under the floros! The bright green section near the bottom indicates fresh growth. I think that white crap on the old growth is a plant wax known as “stay fresh”.

Citrus grove is doing pretty good. I know the grapefruits in the small pots don’t look so hot, but trust me they are doing fine. They’ll bloom in another 4 years!


Found some treasured memories of pineapples past!

This is when I knew it was going to bloom. It forms a “floor” down there in the hole.

Just before I ate it!


Did you force flower the pineapple?


Nope, it flowered naturally under 18/6 in the veg room with my cannabis plants. Took about 18 months!

Here’s a photo where you can see what the plant looked like.


Amazing thread I ran out of like… I never thought I’d get into Citrus, but I had some kaffir lime leaf in a dish recently and now I’m craving growing a couple limes!

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Hey guys I Bought a Persian lime an a Meyer lemon tree 2 days ago to add to my collection. I’m in zone 6b an these are currently outside as there used to the weather right now with how cold it is here.

I have a finger lime tree too that I’ve had for about a year in a half, but Idk if the other 2 will be as easy as it is to grow. Any thoughts? Or tips would be appreciated, should I treat them like the finger lime?


Yep they are just like the finger lime. Slightly acidic soil and always above zero C, it should be doing fine. Be careful of bringing it inside there could be bugs from outdoors on the plant.


My house smells, in a good way bromigos…


I love the smell of citrus blooms! It’ll be a while before the damage from the storage grows out of the pineapple.


Posted this in my thread but dropping it here too for the ‘fruity’ bunch!

The old lower ganja growing area is now fast becoming the Lemon Grove work area where I can actually have enough room between them to start to shape these trees into better forms. They’re 2 years & 2 months old today! We’re transplanting them from their old 15" pots into some of the last season’s 10 gallon airpots utilizing some of the old ganja mix and the old drip system. Still have another 25 or 30 to go!



Two of the orange trees look good! The third is still going and the fourth is…ummm still going mutant style.
Pineapple is loving life, I can see lots of new growth.


It’s been almost 2 weeks since the Lemons got transplanted into ganja mix in 10 gallon airpots, got mulched w/straw and twice-daily drip irrigated. Looking at them today I’d say they’re happier. Slowly staking a lot of them to spread branches into better forms for the ‘some-day’ mature trees. It’s major butterfly mating season and the swallowtails are laying eggs faster than we can pluck the big fat caterpillars! A lot of foliage damage, but they’ll grow back new leaves. Pretty happy with the up-pot.



:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Well, it only took 30+ years for our family White Grapefruit grown from seed to FINALLY START PRODUCING FLOWERS!



What has changed? Just curious.


Age is my only guess. It’s been getting Jacks citrus food for 2 years now. :man_shrugging:


Seems grapefruit must be a long game! LMAO

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