CLBA Outdoor 2023. Jason returns

12-13 years ago Jason V disappeared in the water of Crystal Lake.

But now he is back and set up camp again by reviving Crystal Lake Breeder Association.

As back in time the main interest and affection is still on Danish and nordic landraces and crosses but also crosses with high potent and high yielding indoor strains and hybrids, and crossing these to outdoor plants are on the radar.

GG was very active with the nordic outdoor genetics but had too many balls in the air and too many things in his life at the same time and gradually faded away from the growing and was later diagnosed with PTSD which explains some of the former mentioned and he finally all disappeared in 2010-2011 never to return.

But Camps Crystal lake never forgets its children and now Jason V has awoken and is back behind the mask

I have recently moved to a more southern part of the country thats some places unofficially called Potland because the soil is fertile and many ppl grow cannabis down here.

And im certainly going to do my part [image]

Denmark is from 57,7 latitude north ( Skagen)

To 54,56 latitude south ( Gedser)

Our capital Copenhagen is 55,6 northern latitude and im in the the south part of the country myself at around 54,7

I havent grown for around 12-13 years but now im ready to go green again [image]

Ive purchased some early danish ibl landraces like Leb27, Royal Dane and Guerilla Gold#1 ( origin unknown but seeds grown in Denmark by Hybrids From Hell / Nordic Genetics) and some indoors ( Chemdog, Cheese and others) and autoflowers ( Auto Cheese, Auto Gelato etc) for some seed runs this year.

Cant wait to get started and im building my new grow room as soon as money is available and also a greenhouse to start plants early and pregrow for the corn [image]

ca dane-s-cheese-auto ng.jpgca Hybrids_from_hell_-_Guerilla_Gold ng.jpgca leb27 NG.jpgca rd ng.jpgca strawberry-banana ng.jpg

(Pictures above are from seedbanks)

I started out slowly with a few seeds and a single LED lamp but that quickly escalated


Back in the day when i was growing i got many of my genetics from Esbe/HFH and donated some later to Sedbay and sold some to a Danish seedbanks and on some other forums , but Ive been away for many years.

I purchased them this time from Danish seedbanks.

My plan is to multiply them many times and seen new stock to the seedbanks after the season.

Stocking up on the landraces and also cross some Danish landraces to stuff like AK47, Chemdog, Columbia Jack and others.

I plan to make new seeds of the danish IBL strains as it seems many of the old danish outdoor growers has stopped growing and seed stocks in Danish sedbanks of the IBLs are running low or out.

But i also plan to cross the danish genetics into indoor strains as Chemdog, Gorilla Glue, GSC, Cheese, Copenhagen Kush ( 30% thc cupwinner) Columbian Jack and others.

Which and how many depends on how many i can succesfully clone and pregrow before the danish outdoor genetics starts to flower.

The plan is to root indoor fem strains and force them into flower and then transport them out into the cornfields to have them pollinated there and then bring them home later when seeds start forming.

I already have plans for crosses at home and in the greenhouse so i cant risk cross pollination by bringing yet other pollen home.

At home im going to use an auto cheese male for various crosses and then later select autos and Fast Flowering crosses from the produced seeds.

One of the goals is to, hopefully, produce a good semi auto male keeper for future breeding of FF strains/crosses.

One that can be keept at 24-22 hours of light but immidiatly starts to flower in anything less than 21-20 hours of daylight

Ive sold my soul to the devil for seeds for a small fortune, a 120x240 cm grow tent and a plastic tarp greenhouse coming soon.

Im going to reproduce severalnof the Danish IBLs and make some cool crosses for outdoor

This is the genetic setup so far.

Im going to revive an old youtube channel also, so buckle up.

Its going to get green again this year.

Ak 47, fem

Beast, fem

Bubba Kush, fem

Cheese auto, Danes Strain, auto reg

Chemdog, fem

Columbian jack, kannabia, fem

Copenhagen Kush project, cphseeds, fem

Copenhagen Kush S1, cphseeds, fem

Girl scout cookies, fem

Girl scout cookies, auto fem

Gorilla glue, fem

Guerilla Gold 1, reg

Guerilla Gold 3, reg

Gungner, reg

Leb27, reg

OG Kush, fem

Royal dane, indica feno, reg

Skunk#1, Sensi Seeds, reg

Strawberry banana, fast fem

Vanilla Frosting, Anesia, fem

Ydrassil, reg

Autum / Winter 2023 Garden Seed Grow

D Cheese x Royal Dane

D Cheese x Leb27

D Cheese x Guerilla Gold 3

D Cheese x Columbian jack

D Cheese x Girl scout cookies

D Cheese x Girl scout cookies, auto

D Cheese x Gorilla glue

D Cheese x Copenhagen Kush project

D Cheese x Beast, Cphseeds

D Cheese x OG Kush

D Cheese x Bubba Kush

D Cheese x Skunk#1

Autum / Winter 2023 Corn Guerilla Seed Grow

Royal Dane x Royal Dane

Royal Dane x Girl scout cookies, auto

Royal Dane x Early Skunk

Royal Dane x Skunk#1

Leb27 x Leb27

Leb27 x Girl scout cookies, auto

Leb27 x Early Skunk

Leb27 x Skunk#1

Guerilla Gold 3 x Guerilla Gold 3 x

Guerilla Gold 3 x Girl scout cookies, auto

Guerilla Gold 3 x Early Skunk

Guerilla Gold 3 x Skunk#1

Winter 2023 / Spring 2024 Indoor Seed Grow

Copenhagen Kush project * x Columbian jack** aka Copenhagen Jack aka Ludicrous Kush, *Cup winner, 30% thc labtest, ** Cup winner, 29% thc labtest

Copenhagen Kush project x Bubba Kush

Copenhagen Kush project x Chemdog

Copenhagen Kush project x Girl scout cookies

Copenhagen Kush project x Gorilla Glue

Copenhagen Kush project x OG Kush

Skunk#1 x Columbian jack

Skunk#1 x Bubba Kush

Skunk#1 x Chemdog

Skunk#1 x Girl scout cookies

Skunk#1 x Gorilla Glue

Skunk#1 x OG Kush

More to come…


On 10th of May the seeds starting to hit the dirt

Been busy with many things lately but finally been around to get the seeds in the soil.

Now i just cant wait to see the sprouts.

Im going to make separate grow threads for in and outdoor later




Cool Man!!! Rock On!!!


10th of May part 2



I expect a lot from the Copenhagen Kush ( both Project and S1 pheno).

They both are cannabis cup winners, are lab testet at 29% and 30% Thc and high yield in 8-9 weeks

I like hybrids so in planning to cross them to my 30% lab testet and cup winning Columbia Jack fra Kannabia.

Aka Copenhagen Jack or Columbia Killer Kush etc. …


I also look forward to The Beast, also from CphSeeds ( formerly known as Zenseeds)

Its suppose to be like Big Bud regarding yield and growth.

Just around 30% Thc instead.

And later when i can afford more seeds i plan to get Golden Tiger and Malawi from Aceseeds.

They are both pure sativas with very high Thc, so also crossing those to my Copenhagen Kush in search for the ultimate THC sativa/Indica hybrid cross.

Ive grown Aceseeds stuff before, back 12 years ago when i was growing last time

They make some great stuff and i like their preservation ideas


Thanks man :slight_smile:

15th of May

5 days after planting they suddenly starts showing life.

To day is the day it seems, for many of them

All the Skunk#1 from Sensi Seeds are still sleeping though

Girl Scout Cookies Auto and Fast Strawberry Bananas

The Beast, Copenhagen Kush ( Project), Copenhagen Kush S1 ( The English Cut) and Early Skunk.

Gorrilla Glue #4, Girl Scout Cookies, Chemdog and Kannabias Colombian Jack.

All 10 Lebanon 27 has sprouted Red heart :heart:

Cheese Auto and Fruity (freebie) also from Dane Strain


I can only grow the very early strains like Leb27, Royal Dane and Guerilla Gold 3 in the corn because here they normally chop at mid October, but sometimes start October so end September they must be harvested with ripe seeds.
Ill collect some pollen also from these early corn grown once for later use.

3 corn spots.
one for each strain for pure seeds and then some other females out there to
for crosses
if time allows it i hope that the more exotic strains thats simultainiously been grown in my own garden, are enough grown so that i can take clones, force them into flower and bring them out in the corn fields for pollination.
Because in my own garden ive already selected an Auto Cheese to be the male for crosses there so i cant play with pollen from the cornfields in my own garten without risking cross pollination.

My 3rd grow spot is my indoor 120x240 cm growtent where im going to play with only exotic indoor strains.
At first maybe regular pollen from the cornfields but later play with STS for female seeds.

I still have some stuff to learn about breeding with autos as back when i was growing last time in 2010-11 autos was mostly only low quality Lowryder and some inferior crosses but autos have come along way the time ive ben dwelling on the bottom of Crystal Lake [image]
But as ive understood it if you cross an auto with a normal photo strain then some of the offspring will be auto, some semi auto and others just early/fast finishers?
thats why ive selected the auto Cheese as male for the crosses in my own garden.
It will give me various earlier finishing crosses of many known strains that i can do further experiments and selections from.

15th of May part 2

A tiny Leb27 aka Lebanon 27

In contrast to when i was growing last time ive gained more knowledge om how the soil and micro bacteria works so Ive decided to keep it organic and returned the chemical fertilizer i bought and swapped it for organic <3

Starting with Grow and Bloom by Biobizz with some Root juice.

And some all purpose bat shit mix by GK, highly recommended by my growstuff dealer ( and one of my free range chickens trying to eat it)

I swear.

This little Diy greenhouse looked a lot cooler om photo Rolling on the floor laughing :rofl:.

Well, it might work better if i hadent been lazy and skipped on the part involving screws and screwmachine.

I mostly think if this as a way of letting the girls get air without the chickens having a very expensive dinner.


17th of May


18th of May


Light, lux and par readings was done on mobile phone using the Photone app for Android






27 of May.

Some of them are starting to look a little like plants now and not just seedlings.

Now i cant wait until they grow some size

Girl Scout Cookies Auto

Only one of the 2 OG Kush seeds germinated.

But one is better than none Thumbs up :thumbsup:

Guerrilla Gold 3 from LBH/Breederbrad

If im not right besides them i cover them with this netting as it would take only a few seconds for one of the chickens to Massacre them for a little bit very expensive meal Flushed face :flushed:

If im correct theres around 116-117 plants currently.

I still have some ungerminated in soil but since they have been in wet Soil since 10 th of May, so if they havent surfaced yet i dont think they will


i tought i could do a copy paste from original post elsewhere, so i shouldn’t do all over over again, and at first it worked, but now suddenly it bitches over size for most pictures.
All have to hand edit it all and im too tired for that now.
ill edit it later today so all pictures are visible again.
Stay tuned


Awesome! Looking forward to watching everything grow :grin:


Interesting pedigree on that Royal Dane

I haven’t come across that one before



its one of our best Nordic genetics.
Early, potent, mold resistant and decent yielding.
She can grow rather big.
Shes good on her own but also used in crosses with more exotic strains to make them finish earlier and give them better mold og coold weather resistance

The Real Gorilla Seed guys from the UK is also using her in one or more of their outdoor crosses.

( not my pictures. not grown by me)


Very cool, looking forward to seeing these grown out! Welcome my friend


They can only grow to slow now :face_with_raised_eyebrow::partying_face::hugs:

I went by my local grow and seedpusher ( Smokeshop DK) to order some Perlite, fem Cheese and some regular Malawi from Aceseeds for future breeding projects.
And he trew in some nice freebies ( more Ydrassil and Gungner from Northern Seeds, bred in DK a few yearsback) and some Seedsman freebies also
Including another try at Peyote Zkittles

Im in serious need of cash so the 10 AK47 are going in 12/12 in a combination of outdoor and growtent depending on the weather in 2-3 weeks.
My growtent is around 10 meters from my current outdoor spot so i can use a combination of natural sunlight, and growtent for the clouded days, and save some money on the electricity bill :wink:

The rest are going to be left outside and later in a coming Diy greenhouse for cuttings and flower outside, although i might have to finish the most exotic of them inside
Time will tell.

Ofcourse the Leb27, Royal Dane and Guerilla Gold 3 are going into separate cornfields later for seedrun and crossed when the last pestice sprays are done
Usually mid/end June here.


Ive been out driving, looking for spot for guerrilla growing most of the day.
This southern part of the country mostly has beets and very few cornfields.
Most of the smaller forrest spots are infested with hunters so its not easy.

Found a cornfields, although very small.
On the positive side it seems its grown for the wildlife and dears, that means its not being harvested early, but left for the animals.
But again, very small.
This also answers the questions from those asking how tall the corn are currently in Denmark.
Anywhere from 2 to 10 cm.

I also found 2 or 3 suiting forrest spots but didnt take any photos beside gps screenshots i for security reasons wont post here :wink:


I love it :pray:


Im addicted to it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
The cornfields are for early finishing strains and hybrids and the forrest spots are for later finishing plants


53,87 lattitude here , some interesting strains you are running there.
Ive been in Kopenhagen Last year and Visite cphseedbank.
Purchased a few Coldhawai seeds and others.
The are 6 Weeks in soil now :blush:
Good Lück wich your Projekts and take care !


Cold Hawaii is suppose to be an early finisher in Nordic climates but Ive never heard of it or seen grow reports.
It sounds interesting
Please keep us updated on how it goes and after harvest report :hugs:


My first grow related Youtube video in 13 years or so.
it also includes a little update on the plants and a quick strain list etc.