CLBA Outdoor 2023. Jason returns

Yesterday i received these to 999,9% pure silver bars in the mail to use on future feminise STS projects :metal:


200 subscribers?

more like 201…

One hell of a selection you have going on!


thank you for the kind words.
i dont have close to the genetics regarding seeds and clones compared to back in the days.
but im starting all over again from scratch with hopefully a good start choice of genetics to keep working and improving on


There havent been much growth the last days and some leafs,mostly lower, has started yellowing.

It seems Ive run into either Nutrient lockdown or PH issues, or both.

Ive only been feeding them organic nutrients and i believed these are hard to overdose but i suspect that might be the case.

My cheepo 3 in 1 soil meter says PH is around 7,5 which is a little high, but high enough to cause lockout?

My tap water is hard but chlorine free and at around 7,2 in PH

Should i rinse them out with a spray pistol hose with tap water ( the easy option)

Or maybe give each pot 3-5 liters of winegar 6,5 ph’ed water?

Im not sure what and why but Ive been giving plenty of organic nutrients and addons and yesterday i also gave each pot between a tea and a table spoon worth og ash from the fireplace, which is suppose to be somewhat alkaline

Im aware that flushing with water will remove most of the microbes Ive been getting in the soil and that it compacts the soil.

But i have to stop this yellowing before it gets too bad


A little video update.

The water flush seems to work.

The plants are greening up again :partying_face::shamrock::heart:


Do you guys have fish fertilizer?

Made my seedlings bounce right back from similar symtoms.


I still needs to find a few more spots for the pure seed grows.

And i cant plant those planned for garden grow permanently yet, as im having a big party in my house soon, so they need to be in pots so i can move and hide them from guests.

But ill replant them soon in larger pots

And i got some very good news to day.

I have been driving in my new area, Potland and found 2 forrest spots and A CORNFIELD :partying_face:

And the best news came today when i was back in my old area, where i use to live, i took a chance and contacted a farmer that i know a little, and laid the cards on the table, as to what i was looking for, and that i was willing to pay cash for it.

And to my big surprise he was all in on a renting deal:

I plant cannabis in his field and pay pr plant and he then looks the other way and provides me with dates for last pestice spray and harvest :heart::partying_face::metal::kissing_heart:.

Its a long way from where i currently live but its worth the drive, and that way in garantied not too loose the harvest, so also worth the money we agreed.

This year i told him its just a smaller seed run for a small amount of plants but next year i have a lot of seeds so we could go bigger

And he was all into that

Cash still comes a long way and opens new doors​:wink::+1::grin:


Much have happened since last but i havent gotten around to make an update yet.

ill make a written and a video update within the next few days.

i had to remove and put all the plants in the garden, inside my indoor grow room temporarily as i had a big party and i didnt want my guests to know about my little side project [image]

the Leb27, GG3 and Royal Danes are going out in the corn very soon, but its also very much about time since they slowly start showing pistils and i dont want them cross pollinated with the cheese auto male im using in my garden to pollinate the garden strains

my first indoor grow in the grow tent is close to being switched to flower.

ive ordered more new seeds for future projects and ive ordered a complete Hydroponic pvc pipe NFT system from China, so my next indoor grow will be hydroponic.

ive also secured sponsorship for hydro fertilizer and im about to secure a deal, hopefully, on sponsored seeds for the next hydro grow.

things are starting to look better and better [image]

while you wait to the coming update then have some fun and a laugh with this little video i made from messing with an android app and a young and handsome Jason out in the corn back in 2009


Love hi northern latt grows im latt 55 N in the uk, I recieved some latt 65 N seeds from Finland from zavorotnuck and Faithisyours recently that i will do some breeding with over winter indoors, they are all reg autos and some are super and ultra fast versions, never done it before so I will be on OG for loads of advice. This is the list of the names, I believe the Finland guy has spent 25 years crossing these to where they are now .

Good luck with yours XLNordic :+1:


Ive been and still am very busy with several project and doings but heres a little teaser for an update coming when i have more time.

The strains for the corn has started the outplant and the first strain, Royal Dane, has gone into the corn and Leb27 and Guerilla Gold 3 iare being transplanted currently

Ive purchased and received a 108 hole 3 layer Nft pvc hydroponics system and is modifying it to horizontal cannabis growing and Ive postponed the flowering of the first batch of plants for my new indoor grow rooms and is currently removing the from pots, cleaning roots for a hydroponic run

And im going to start germination of a lot more seeds being mostly autoflowers for some Girl Scout Cookies Auto and Cheese Auto etc cross but also some CBD seeds and Malawi for some breeding projects in order to try and make a kick ass high potent 50/50 sativa/Indica cashcropper with the working title Jasons Bloodbath Kush

Stay tuned for more coming soon



cleaned and removed soil around each pot in an apr 1m x1m area ( 3x3 feet) and buried some of the pots and put others on the cleaned soil, for now.

I sadly has no pictures of the buried pots.

A Car was approaching and it was starting to get daylight so i decided to GTFO.

REason for removing the top soil is that the pesticide is a contact killer agent.

its my idea to bury all the pots so they will draw water from the ground although in periods of no or

limited rain i plan to visit and give them some nutrient infused water.

by using pots i can dig them up at harvest and bring them back home to finish maturing seeds, if they arent fully mature when the farmers start to harvest.

The Royal Dane and Leb27 will finish with mature seeds by harvest mid September here but im a little worried regarding the Guerilla Gold 3 as both RD and Leb27 has started flowring for both some of the males and females but none of the GG3 has even shown sex yet.

if i planted them directly in soil i will probably end up with many immature seeds.

so im going to put some fast growing Autos out in the corn also, probably Girl Scout Cookies Auto and Gelato Auto so ill get a cross for next year that for sure can finish in corn…

This year im growing in the corn for seeds with hashish as a bi product but its my plan that next year the seed grows will be more limited and ill grow more sensimilla in a quality that is on par with indoor grown weed.


been busy but an update is on its way.

i also finally got my new pvp pipe nft hydro indoor system working properly.

more info soon :slight_smile:

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Finding a good cornfield for breeding some early Danish landraces are hard work and involves driving around a lot and using google maps and then driving out again and so on.
Some times you just gets lucky as theres not so many cornfields here in the southern part of Denmark.
Heres the cornfield that now holds the Royal Danes for seeds.

an update from the garden
the Girl Scout Cookies auto has been a pleasant surprice.
grows well for an auto and with good trichome production

Cheese auto from Dane Strains is a little smaller and slower than GSC A, but still a pleasant surprice with a nice smell and trichome production.

Fruity, also from DS, is a slow grower but it looks potent already

GSC A, Cheese A and the other autos are all being impregnated by Cheese auto males.

Heres Vanilla Frosting and 6 regular Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 in which i hope theres a nice male for an upcoming Cheese project.

Heres OG Kush, Gorilla Glue, GSC and Bublegum.

Chemdog and Copenhagen Kush ( cup winning 30% thc)

to be continued…


im praying for a good harvest this season in order to bring out a lot of early genetics and rare heirloom seeds and so that i can have some bills and debt removed that would otherwise threaten bankruptcy in the beginning of next year.

if theres cash left after that i hope theres enough left for one of these insulated polycarbonat tunnel greenhouses.

i know a guy who is also growing cannabis.

he says theres never frost inside despite heavy frost outside and he is able to finish exotic strains, start the season very early and run 3 rounds of autos each season

heres a very different view on cannabis.

i played around last night in pitch black darkness with my thermal camera in the outdoor cannabis garden [image]

heres my tomatoes :slight_smile:

my AK47s

Guerilla Gold 3.
They are on their way out in a cornfield :wink:

pregnant autos

Ydrassil from Northern Seeds

flowering Leb27 females


I thought i would share my thoughts and plans in here.

And in general just to shed some lights on my thoughts, ideas and plans.

Currently i have 3 outdoor strains in cornfields ( or on their way).

Royal Dane

Guerilla Gold 3 and

Lebanon 27 aka Leb27.

My thought was i could see that the Danish online community have almost died compared to back in time and Ive not seen HFH online anywhere, so preservation of the Danish/Nordic landraces was my first thought. Later Ive seen that HFH is still active on his Facebook page, so he is not all retired, but soon many from back in the days are nowhere to be seen now.

In My garden i currently have pollinated:

Girl Scout Cookies Auto

Fruity Auto ( Dane Strain)

Cheese Auto ( Dane Strain)

With the Cheese Auto male.

And i have some later flowering auto i will try to hit the Cheese Auto male also if he has more pollen left.

Amnesia Haze XL Auto

OG Kush auto

Strawberry banana auto

Banana Purple Punch Auto

But these are very small so probably not going to give many seeds, apart from maybe a few limited Freebies to SeedHeaven.

Then i have the following photosensitive plants i plan to pollinated to Afghan Nordic Outdoor later ( aka DCF Afghan):

AK47 ( some are currently showing preflowers)

Early skunk ( early? No flowering yet?

Beast, cph seeds, fem
Chemdog, fem
Columbian jack, kannabia, fem
Copenhagen Kush project, cphseeds, fem
Copenhagen Kush S1, cphseeds, fem
Girl scout cookies, fem
Gorilla glue, fem
Gungner, Northern Seeds, reg
OG Kush, fem
Skunk#1, Sensi Seeds, reg
Strawberry banana, fast flowering, fem
Vanilla Frosting, Anesia, fem
Ydrassil, Northern Seeds, reg

After the harvest, all the trimming, seed cleaning and shipping to SeedHeaven and others, then i currently have a few winter projects in mind.

C99 regular seeds. ( currently only Br Grimm has regular C99, But for 120 usd a pack😳, and they dont ship outside the US.)

Ive purchased some femmed C99 from Blimburn seeds

C99 regulars for cheap was a project of mine back in the time, but then a lot happened and i stopped growing for many years and lost all seeds and genetics in time.

But now its time to start again with a vengeance :metal:( and a well butt f…ked credit card :joy:)

I still need a C99 male but ill try to find a cross with regular seeds with C99 in it to save time and then backcross, or ill use a Skunk1 male to C99 and backcross from there, but any way to save time on my way to the goal of a stabil C99 with regular seeds ill follow.

I also have a big crush on CHEEEESE, so Ive purchased 3 different femmed strains ill work with to hopefully one day get a stable and really cheesy Cheese line with regular seeds

I also have an idea on trying to create a new high thc outdoor early Indica dominated hybrid for nordic climates.

My idea is to cross Afghan Nordic Outdoor to Copenhagen Kush ( cup winning 30 % thc) and then work on selecting early, mold resistant genetics without loosing too much potency, but i think thats a project to run for many seasons before something stable with good traits are found.

My goal is to produce a good tasting high potent outdoor strain that can go as indoor skunk without the normal compromises in taste and potency most nordic outdoor strains and hybrid has

A good Cheese influenced outdoor hybrid, that is possible to stabilize over time is also an idea of mine

I also have a plan about trying to make a top end indoor cashcropper.

My idea currently focuses on Malawi ( Aceseeds) x Copenhagen Kush.

Maybe a tree way cross with something similar in yield and potency.

Maybe crossing some Cheese into it if my Cheese Project reveals something useful.

Time will tell how much is possible regarding genetic magic and time

I was diagnosed PTSD some years ago and that sets some limits but Ive worked with it and gotten better to handle it

Well, that was a little of the many green Spaghetti inside my head at the moment :grin:

Happy growing every one


Tonight i visited my guerilla spot with Royal Danes in a cornfield with a crappy Night Vision camera, a showel, a hand drill and some water bottles with bloom fertilized water.

Sorry about the crappy lightning but my Night Vision camera is actually a cheap Chinese NV riffel Mount and the light is designed for longer distances and cant be dimmed, so theres some reshine from close objects.

If not for the picture quality, then enjoy the soundtrack instead Beaming face with smiling eyes :grin:

I havent visited the site since i planted them out and some where digged down in their pots and others sat on the ground.

I had 9 out of 10 seeds sprout and i ended up with 4 females

2 of them havent grown much since they where out there, one had a medium size and one was just about average at about 1,2 meters/4 feet and the corn is currently around 2 meters/6 feet.

I digged holes for all of them and give them nutrient water

That reminds me that if you are from Europe and have a Lidl nearby then go check out their flower and plant section.

I just found 10 liters of both Bloom and Grow nutrients with NPK 5-4-6 and 6-4-5 with micro nutrients at 2 euro a liter.

I will be visiting the spot at least once a week for trim and nutrient feeding for the rest of the season.

The 2 small females where long into flower with a nice trichome coveridge, but unfortunately the flash had too much Regine to show it properly.

The 2 larger females had less trichomes but was also not as far into flower.

I dusted them all with a very early male that was at his end of his lifecycle now.

Left some other males around so that the later flowering females also could have some sex.

But even the later flowering ones will be finished before the corn is harvested, so despite the size of some of them, due to my neglect, im pretty satisfied with the result of that field so far.


First harvest batch, yeahhh Partying face :partying_face:

The first, and most of them, batch of Autoflowers will be harvested tomorrow and available later at SH, and maybe other places later, and as freebies after drying, sorting, bagging and shipping.

Its Girl Scout Cookies Auto x Cheese Auto

Cheese Auto F2

Cheese Auto x Fruity Auto

And some mixed autos in mix bags.

Theres a few that still needs a little more time.

OG Kush auto x Cheese Auto

OG Kush Auto x Guerilla Gold 3

Amnesia Haze XL Auto x Cheese Auto.

Amnesia Haze XL Auto x Guerilla Gold 3

Strawberry Banana Auto x Cheese Auto

Strawberry Banana Auto x Guerilla Gold 3

And others


I moved many of the plants into our new indoor grow Room/ grow Tent to finish.

The chickens had a blast from the first defoliation.

ive purchased security cameras and smart units like smart plugs , smart humidity and temperature meters etc

that all run by wifi and can be remote metered and controlled using wifi, internet and a smartphone.

you can sit half around the globe and turn your lights off or read the wattage use, temperature and humidity etc.

Set the ventilation exhaust at a certain level or temperature or the lights on 12/12, or monitoring your grow Room or security surroundings on your smartphone .


I was out tonight to check and feed the cornfield spot with Royal Danes.

I had some flower dry nutrients and a can with 7 liters liquid Bloom nutrient water.

I only ended up with 4 females of which 3 turnout small but sticky and 1 in normal size.

The normal sized female.

All of them was quite sticky.

A nickname of the RD is: Potent Catpiss :wink:

I decided to keep the Leb27 and Guerilla Gold 3 in my own garden and make “hore houses” for them.

I purchased 2 small plastic greenhouses and placed the males there and then letting the females in there to have sex and when they have been gang raped for some time the are moved separately for a few days in order for all pollen to interact, and then they are moved back to full sunshine with the others


I know this is an outdoor thread and today i just have an indoor update but the in and outdoor grow is currently close connected so for now i dont see an reason yet for an separate indoor thread.

Day 1 flower indoor update: Defoliation and the use of cheap smart plugs, units and sensors for controlling indoor grow