Cleaning bubble bags (mildew)

hey all so while my knee was messed up I had been making bubble hash when I had the chance and accidentally left my bags in the water for a few days and ended up getting mildew in a few of them, what’s a safe way to clean them/kill it? Or are they pretty much junk now? Any advice/input would be awesome. I’ve thought about using iso alcohol but anything over like 70% is damn near impossible to find here.


alcohol is the way to or at least some home chemistry expermients. :laughing:

try laundry detergent & bleach, using as little as possible, rinse the #$%&^* out of them & soak in clean water repeatedly & rinse until that soap & bleach are gone.

this will possibly probably wreck your bags. :slightly_frowning_face:

time to get that still out of the shed. :joy_cat: :banjo:




Maybe in the washing machine?

When I wash stuff that you’re not supposed to wash I pad it with a layer of other laundry under and over it. I picture it like a gentle cocoon, delicately massaging the item lol


If you can’t get iso, the resin also dissolves into fat. After I trim, my hand washing process is to use iso, (which leaves a sticky film all over my hands), and then coconut oil followed by soap and water.

Maybe you could oil em up and then toss in the washer?


Go to the hardware store and get denatured alcohol if you can’t get iso.

Same action, far cheaper.

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@lefthandseeds @beacher when washing it in machine what would you recommend to use for soap/detergent? @vernal i think i might actually have some out in the shed I’ll have to look tomorrow.

@cannabissequoia thats kinda what I was thinking except I don’t have a still yet lmao, though I do have a bottle of diesel 153 (its like 151 but a little cheaper if i remember correctly) but even still being in Michigan we don’t get the good 151 :frowning:

I’ve thought about like maybe vinegar or something organic like that. The wife gets all kinds of shit like that.but alot of them have super strong smells which I worry would leave a residue/taste.p

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If you have a bottle of 150+ booze that’ll do it too. Warm it up a bit and it’ll dissolve the hash like sugar in coffee. If you recover the booze, you can drink it and probably get a rockin’ buzz from all the hash. Can’t drink denatured alcohol haha.

Vinegar won’t dissolve hash. You need a real solvent.

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The vinegar would be to kill the mildew, screens aren’t clogged just don’t want it to be something that causes a mold that ruins hash/gets me sick

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Ohh I see. Well, the alcohol would do both things. So that’s a plus.

If you just need to kill mildew a very mild bleach solution will do the trick. Like, a teaspoon in a quart of warm water. Rinse right out after no worries.


Awesome thanks thats what I’ve been trying to figure out, I mean I kinda figured it would clean it and should kill the bad shit. But I’ll definitely give the bleach a try

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