Clone moved to window .. what are the possible issues

Hey there everybody,

I have a clone that I roooted, put in soil and have been vegging for about 2 weeks under a small LED board. How much would it hurt to move it to a window space that gets decent sunlight and then normal home lights for a bit a night … like a regular house plant? Im tying to keep it as a backup but ive popped a few more beans that need to get moved into my small vegging cabinet.


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As long as you keep the hours right and it doesn’t get too chilly I see no issue.


Yeah, I agree with Foreigner. The only concerns that I would have this time of year is the hours of light and the chill coming off the window itself.

Just put a small florescent or led bulb next to it or above it on a timer, so it gets long enough days to keep it in veg (16hrs) and it will be fine. Ive done it with small moms that didn’t have room in the tent.

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Put it in a bucket with saran wrap on top. Leave in the veg room. You won’t wait 2 weeks usually and you’ll have healthy rooted clones. Use seed trays and plant in dirt right away. They clone perfectly! :100::dove:



Thanks ill move it and see if it needs any supplemental light in a week or two.