Cloning Methods…

I just looked at one article that said you can hold them unrooted in the crisper inside a ziplock bag for up to 3 months. Not sure if there is a time you need to keep them to get the faster rooting effect. I doubt it would be long. It says just open the bag a couple times a week and recut the end when it comes time to root them. There is some info here. As I say, I have never done this but if you can store them that long and they root faster than it would be a no brainer. You could have your whole grow backed up in case of a disaster. As a matter of fact this could be perfect for keeping my grow going when I shut down over the summer. Got to check this out myself and see if it’s true or broscience.


If this actually works, :scream:
This would seriously make things much easier.
You could do as you said if you wish to take a break, you could take cuts and finish out the mother to halt your grow for awhile, or you could take 3 or 4 cuts a month and save up for a larger SOG.
Like if I started saving cuts up at the end of the summer, I could potentially have 30+ more clones to start up come early Spring.
I could then root and place them all outside. And trading them would be a lot easier too. You could just have 5 or 6 ready to go and not need to bother your mother the next time someone wanted one.

Well you have certainly peaked my interest now haha. I’m off to go find more info. Thank you


Thanks for the info @DougDawson ! I see where this could be utilized now lol at first I was thinking why would anyone need to do that bc I like to know I have roots before flowering. But I guess it could be a useful tool. Whodathunkit :joy:


So, do you think roots would develop if you had soil in the bottom of the refrigerated bag? :thinking:


I bet it has kind of a suspended animation effect on the cuttings being in the cold so I doubt they would root but can’t say for sure.


Doug is right, cold will slow down most processes.

Putting unrooted cuts in the fridge is a method mostly used by those with smaller licenses where unrooted cuts don’t count has a plant towards their limit


High hollyho,

Ha, sorry, I meant were they worth it. Like since they kept getting smaller, were they worth the space.

I guess they are!

What I grew years ago couldn’t be managed in any way, besides LST. They were very touchy, and it didn’t take much to slow them down. And then, they never caught back up :frowning:

A new breed, nice :slight_smile:


I don’t know if there’s any science involved, but I’ve put them in the fridge. I used to do that when I’d shape one, and didn’t have time to mess with the cuts. Wet paper towel in the bottom of a ziploc, behind the beer. I never left one longer than a week.

Until, I found a bag later that had been in the fridge for over a month. Most of them rooted. :slight_smile: Anecdote,not bro science, lol!

I never paid attention to how fast the roots showed, though. Definitely going to try that!


I knew it would be slow but we were talking up to three months. I was wondering if you could take some cuttings and prep them just like normal only put them in the crisper. Three months later you might have them ready for spring planting if you time it right. :slight_smile: My mind runs wild with me sometimes. lol
You’re probably right though. It would most likely just sit there.


No matter your choice method of cloning- what light do you use for your cuttings? Light cycle, how far away? I was going to turn my sf1000 down and keep using it but I may need to use that tent for drying every now and then, so I was going to set up a small area somewhere else for now. A light just big enough to power a clone king 25. I think it’s about 14” w,l,h.


This could be especially useful to us Northern growers. I could take cuttings late October, fridge them until 1st of Feb, and then let them rip.
So much to learn, so little time!



I have kept clones in the fridge for 30-45 days many times. It’s one way to keep things in stasis you can do it in a cup of water, in a bag, I’ve even seen them just layered in wet paper towels.


Definitely not bro-science my mentor taught me this about 12 years back, do it quite often in fact , it’s one way we are able to hold so many mother plants in fact. Our stable would blow most peoples minds . Literally


In my experience, clones don’t need much light and if they’re too close to the light source they can burn or get crispy. If you have the clone king 25 I’d go with one of those clip on leds. My girl has a few of these for her house plants and on occasion I’ll keep my clones in water under them. It says 50watts. I haven’t used my meter to test what it’s actually pulling from the wall, but it works for small stuff. I keep the light 12-18" above clones.

GooingTop LED Grow Light,6000K Full Spectrum Clip Plant Growing Lamp with White Red LEDs for Indoor Plants,5-Level Dimmable,Auto On Off Timing 4 8 12Hrs


@hollyho i use and prefer flourescent bulbs for clones. I run two 14w 2ft bulbs which give the perfect amount of residual heat unlike LEDs which do not and is necessary for clones/cannabis especially in developing stages. You can use a heat mat instead but I prefer just one source tbch


@wbSamadhi cool, I’ll check that out- thanks!!

@TopShelfTrees1 it doesn’t matter what kind of florescent bulb? They have different color spectrums too don’t they? How far above them? And which light cycle do you use? Ive used 18/6 before but im open to opinions bc I haven’t tried it any other way lol


@TopShelfTrees1 good point on the heat from bulbs vs leds!

I tend to keep my veg tent (where my clones are located) around 80F and use leds, so there isn’t an issue, but if they’re out in the open or something bulbs are a good idea.

@hollyho my veg tent light cycle is 17/7, so that’s what my clones get. I know some folks do 24hrs. Anywhere in between would work. I like to run my lights as little as possible haha


I do 16/8 :joy:


I run my clones 24 hour light actually. I use Philips cool white , think 3500k . The cool white seems to work better for Veg, warm white not as well, the radiant heat is the key though, plus they are cheap ish and don’t use a lot of power so it’s also a bonus


Awesome guys! Thanks for the help! I can’t wait to get a small setup JUST for clones :grin::grin: