Cloning Methods…

no the pool shock is the uc roots alternative. the pool shock solution is to keep the cloning solution in the rez sterile.


Oh ok! Pool shock to help a plant root? I would have never thought of that :joy:

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yes they use calcium which pool shock is calcium hypochlorite. Helps keeping the rez clean and sterile from pathogens and adds a bit of calcium.


Got pix of the clone king?


You can google it. Mine hasn’t made it yet :cry: I ordered direct from the people who make it. Hopefully they send it soon. I talked to the guy and he said it ships discrete thru fedex. We will see.

The one I ordered is the 25 site


One of my little auto flower clone farms as of yesterday. These were all taken in mid flower from lower less developed branches, most added veg and most are stacking well and have outlasted their mother donors by several weeks.

I’ve already pulled 2 ounces from the clones I’ve already chopped. These were treated much nicer and cut later, so they just seem to want to keep stacking and growing. Some have 12-18” long roots. The non rooted pics are of autos that just don’t want to die and we’re taken from some 110 day+ plants. While they were ready to be harvested weeks ago, they will not stop throwing pistils and stacking, so dod a staged crop And want to see what happens how long there will be signs of life.

What has this “experiment” taught me?

1.) Not only can autos be cloned, but they can become small viable plants that are capable of producing a useable amount of bud/seed or pollen.

2.) If clones are taken and reversed soon enough, it may be possible to produce a selfed clone with a reverse of the same plant. I believe if stunted by cloning, the plant will be able to run long enough to produce seeds :thinking::crazy_face: This probably won’t work with autos that simply want to rocket to a finish, but those that are stunted and stressed seem capable of lasting quite some time.

3.) Most of all, auto clones have use if you want to go through the trouble…

If anyone wants to follow along while I attend this, check out my new grow…

I will be able to take clones, reverse half, self the other half, without having to interfere with my grow in any way.


I actually googled it to check it out, looks pretty killer to me from what I saw, I loved my turboklone when I was using it, and it appears similar . I bet it will kick ass tbch .


I’ve been hearing alot about people defying the odds with autos lately. Very cool, thank you for the info. I need to delve further into auto’s one day soon, my experience is limited and they have definitely upped their game from 5-6 years back, Mephisto, Night Owl among others I can’t think of off the top are absolutely killing it out there.


I just reversed a blackstrap to do exactly what @Reefer was talking about. Took 2 bottom branches off and decided to clone them. Reversed one to pollinate the other. I didn’t want to mess up a whole plant just in case it didn’t work (first reversal). It’s in my journal. I did the cloning as a last minute “let’s see what will happen” and used jiffy plugs lol it seemed like it took forever. Almost 3weeks I think? And she went about 3 weeks longer than the mom. She had a weird reveg look to her but she did her job and made plenty of seeds! Very much worth it! I just got a 3 pk of marathon og that cost me $60 and some moth man freebies that I can’t wait to try it out on! I’m hoping the clone king will make rooting a quicker and more dependable process :crossed_fingers:


@hollyho Dark Owl? Been wanting to pick that and the the BB3 up!

I’ll be topping my jammy dodgers 2 soon, that’ll be my reversal, then lower branches will be cloned for beans!

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Nice @hollyho

How does cloning autos work better now?

When I cloned them a while back, each successive generation would mature at about 1/2 the size of the donor. Which was understandable. Has something changed?

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@HashstasH a wealth of info in here.

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What do you use in water ? Plain water or add solution and ph ?

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I use tap water and don’t do PH…


What do you mean? Idk about others but I just clone them to make seeds without having to mess up the whole original plant by spraying sts on it! Or filling it full of seeds :rofl:

Idk what u mean by “better”. It’s definitely not a loss, though, if you take bottom branches off (like I do) that u intend on throwing away anyway. Or if you take the top off :woman_shrugging:

I just received an email from Harrigan’s saying my clone king JUST shipped :woman_facepalming::joy:

While I’m here I’ll also add (for the sake of clone related discussion lol) that I’ve read of people storing their clones in the fridge?? For x amount of time (don’t remember the details). Why would that be useful? Has anyone done it?


I can’t speak to this from personal experience but I have read a number of times that a clone will root faster when stored in the fridge first.


Hmm :thinking: sounds like a good experiment lol do you remember how long to let it chill? :joy:


That’s interesting. Definitely calls for some tests to be run haha

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