Cloning Methods…

Me too, and I keep them out of any direct light until I see roots :slight_smile:


In the dead of summer around here max sunlight is 16 hours so I figure that’s good enough.

I use direct but very weak light.


What light do you use? I’m going to try to grab something from Walmart.


@Nextlevel209 I just use water from my hydro setup in a pan with rapid rooters and then top off with tap water. An aeroponic cloner works even better.

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I used one of these from Amazon for about 20 clones. Spillover light in the tent works as well…

LED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, JUEYINGBAILI 80W Full Spectrum Plant Lights with Auto ON/Off 3/9/12H Timer, 9 Dimmable Brightness for Indoor Succulent Plants Growth

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I use T-5 fluoros.

I doubt Wall Mort has them, but they do sell grow stuff.

If there’s a box store like Home Depot, you could get either a cfl or led bulb, and a clamp on socket.

I’d get an led in the 8-16W range, 4000K, and for clones you wouldn’t even have to pop the globe/diffuser off. They don’t want much light. One bulb would do it.

Good luck :slight_smile:


@Reefer it didn’t make that link clickable :thinking:

@HorseBadorites you’re correct, Walmart doesn’t have much. They have a couple small fluorescents I think (not sure the color of light, etc- I haven’t made it up there yet) and a “grow light” that’s like $40 and gives off purple light :woman_facepalming: Idk if that would work for clones or not. My Walmart doesn’t even sell the cfls anymore! Only the led bulbs for lamps now.

I do have a Home Depot about 30-45 min away. I may have to make a trip and check it out.

I have some clip on things you can plug a light into but it’s hooded- for flood lights I believe? I have a couple of those.


@hollyho Hrm… not sure what the issue is. It’s one of the armed lights with blue and red channels. Brought out interesting colors in some plants early as well. There are many brands of basically the same light.

Also, the Bestva 100w lights are inexpensive and are quite nice for the price, also on Amazon.


Those work just fine, if they’ll fit your space. If not, most of those reflectors will screw off.
You can aim those, too, so the cuts aren’t blasted.

Wall Mort has these listed, but who knows if they are in stock?

I like the soft white, but others differ :slight_smile:


$12 at walmart and works for my clones…we always have these in stock at my local walmart or just order online…cant beat em for $12


Yep those will 100% work just fine. Just like mine, you can clip em anywhere


@Nextlevel209 Hey! I’ve actually seen those! I like that little shelf/cart you’re using too! :sunglasses: how far away you got that one?

@TopShelfTrees1 you talking about that “under cabinet light”?


@hollyho yhe ones @Nextlevel209 is referring to. They are very similar to mine.

His shelf is actually a mini tent minus the tent part, just supports if I’m not mistaken. A lot of places sell this mini clone/propogation tents. My buddy has like 6-7 setup all over they are super convenient


Cool. I was thinking it was one of those laundry things that roll around :joy:


Ha, maybe now that you say it it could be I suppose. Hmmm?


Lol actually its like a plastic shoe rack my wife threw out n i figure would be perfect hanging height for clone light its a hair short of 40 inches lol…n its raised like 3 inches off the ground…


Both wrong…. Booo! Lol I love how you designed your cloner to fit inside the mondi dome! Now that has given me an epic idea, thank you sir :pray:t2:


I get my clone lights at Walmart too haha. They have these other ones that have a plastic cover, but if you take that off there’s a nice long strip of 4000k led diodes. Wicked cheap and they work.


Good old Wal-Mart