Cloning Methods…

I kinda hate it. At least the way they treat their employees… But once upon a time I had next to no budget to grow and I found some useful goodies there.



I think everyone has a love/hate relationship with Wal-Mart see in Canada at least they treat their employees awesome. (That’s what I’ve been told) the stocks alone they received are worth a very nice chunk) and they get all sorts of bonus’s among other things. ( just hearsay tbch) I hate the place cuz I go in for a damn pack of batteries, come home with a cart full and a 350$ credit card bill, EVERY SINGLE TIME! I feel you on the budget growing, would blow your mind to hear my first setup WAY BACK. Lol


Yogurt containers are the best. I’ve got quite the collection.

Sometimes I have to make sure I’ve put holes in them before I use them I accumulate them so fast :+1:

I don’t get them from Walmart :rofl:


I used to work for Walmart. It was one of my favorite jobs tbh :joy: I was a stocker tho, I don’t think I’d like the cashier stuff. I’ve been there before and didn’t like talking to people all the time lol

I think I’ll grab one of those $12 lights later today :star_struck:


Ya I could not imagine having to deal with that many people each day, especially the rude, ignorant ones. Actually my friend who said she loves it is a stocker as well here in Niagara Falls.


I agree. I worked at a gas station for too long. So many drunks :joy: they always want to flirt and I like a job where I can stay busy. I don’t want to talk :rofl: :woman_shrugging: and I don’t like the weird stuff they do/say- like when they pay and hand you their card, but hold onto it like they want you to beg for it. Wtf- and when they would come in and tell me I should smile more. Get out you dirty ol bi*ch. I was so over it.

Working overnight at Walmart was a breath of fresh air after that. Ours never stayed open past 11 so there were no customers and I could stay busy. Ahhhhh :sweat_smile:


Women really do not have it easy being at a storefront, especially the really pretty ones. I’ve seen heard a lot of BS from friends/family and I can only imagine what else (being a young man once ) its gotta be frustrating as hell being in that position day after day.


Apologies from a man. Some of the shit like that I see even I think is tacky as hell.

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I’ll second that @hollyho apologies for the majority of us with that chromosome. Truly


12 days later, rock wool, tap water, temps at 70F , vents open no cloning hormone/gel
Bubba kush
The runtz and ghost have zero roots in same time frame :angry:


Nice! My Gojis are almost identical in days in cloner as well and pretty similar in root production, I’ll snap a pic when I get home.:raised_hands:t2: Ahhh Bubba my oldest, closest friend, you’ve got me through so much ! :heart: :drooling_face:

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Ironically some people I know with the ghost dident keep the bubba because they say she is hard to root, I have the opposite experience where the bubba kush roots at 100% rates and in less then 14 days and the ghost I get like 75% and it’s always more then 14 days
The runtz and mac1 are also incredibly slow to root ,will probably ditch the runtz now that I have gushmints.


Tbh I wasn’t impressed with the runtz either. just not my style. But I know a few people who absolutely love it. The banana runtz was the best I tried but have never came across clones or beans, still more a once in a while smoke for me.


Ghost is the hardest one of my plants to root for sure. Mac roots for me in 10 days, bubba takes a bit longer.


@TopShelfTrees1 @Foreigner no biggie lol it wouldn’t have bothered me as much if it didn’t happen every single day and the same people would say the same things, it was very monotonous lol

What’s the hardest strain to clone in each of your personal experiences?

My fedex update says my clone king will be here tomorrow :crossed_fingers::partying_face:


runtz rooted really slow for me

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It’s just cheap and it bothers me.

In general sativas are easier to clone than Indicas. In a very general way.

The biggest factor I’ve found is that at low temps they take forever.

I have a bubble cloner which is set and forget.


How is a bubble cloner different than an aero cloner?

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Bubble cloner uses air stones and aero cloner uses jets.

Both accomplish the same thing but a bubble cloner is simpler.

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Sounds like hydro. I wish I could learn to grow like that lol I don’t think I have the space tho. For the big buckets and res. I get tired of watering coco and fighting w gnats :joy:

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