Cloning Methods…

It is hydro. Actually it’s the only hydro I do.

I’m not a hydro guy. I use Promix. I soak it and let it dry and soak it again. No gnats :+1:


Sorry to get off topic- but isn’t prolix a lot like coco? I let my coco fry a little bit too. I still water daily tho in 3 gal. Maybe I should let it fry a little more.

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Yes they are very similar in that they are soilless products.

Everyday sounds like a lot. There are lots of variables like size of plant but mine are currently pretty big, in 3 gallons, and they get soaked every third day.


@Baltimore i saw you asking about cloning. This thread I started a few weeks back is an absolute wealth of information. I’m literally at basically 100% success from both methods I utilize and neither involve a cloner.


These are Goji OG three days ago, so appx 8-9 days.


And these are all today . As we speak So today is 12 days total

@Neb id say they are pretty good to go now :thinking: lol. Much respect my friend :facepunch:t2: Appreciate you :pray:t2:


Damn! What are those little things you’ve got them in? Is that rock wool?

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Yes, they are called macro-plugs. From grodan come in 50ct bags. I’ve been using rockwool for so long it’s actually sad. And it may be old school but it works and well. I love them because with the slit none of the gel-powder is scraped off .


Hell yeah! Whatever works best for you! I’m still trying to find my favorite method! I think they’ll root any way people choose as long as the conditions are right. Just depends how long you wanna wait! 11 days is awesome for no cloner!! Good job!


It’s typically 10-11 for me with warmth, 14-15 without. Tbh these could have been planted two days back but I’m in no rush atm so they stayed. You are exactly right, I’ve tried most of it and most of it works, it’s the little tricks/tweaks that will significantly increase or decrease the length of time depending. The only two I use anymore is rapid rooters (gotta cut the slit) or these, and with these I use my own secret solution or straight clonex at 1/2ml per Liter and it works great, the rapid rooters are pre soaked so no nutes/hormones needed.


Ghost gives me the most trouble, they take forever and it’s hit or miss if they make it to rooting without rotting. I’ve also been having issues with the GMO Rootbeer I received. I was sent like 3-5 cuttings of it, only got one to root (though none of the I95 rooted in that batch). I’ve taken 2 cuttings off that plants since, and neither of them rooted for me, fingers crossed on the next set of cuttings.


Makes me wonder what they’re wanting before they give you roots. I’m sure they would if given whatever that is :joy: are they picky when growing too? Or only trying to root cuttings?

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Just throwing this out there, anyone heard of this method? I saw it on reddit the other day, called the Griffin tech? I’m gonna give it a shot in my aero cloner and see what’s up.

Here’s more info from the man himself…


Super shoots those are! I was wondering about ph fluctuations in the aero cloner myself!

What’s a household hack to cleaning these btw? My clone king just came in and I want to clean it before I start it up! And what about cleaning in between runs? Any way to do that with normal cleaners without having to order something special for it?


I usually use a 5%-10% bleach to water solution and run my aero cloner with that inside for a few hours and then rinse with soap and water. Hopefully you don’t need any special cleaners or anything, because I’ve not be using any :slight_smile:

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Thanks Im excited and ready to put it to use!

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I really don’t need to dedicate a big space for cloning…nowadays part of my kitchen counter is where I clone, under my under cabinet LED light…I have 5 rooted clones in cups, 4 mother plants, 13 cuttings in my cloner and a rooted fig clone in soil…

Seedlings being sexed by mother nature on my kitchen window sill…


Ok guys… I’m just now getting around to setting up this clone king. What is this?

I have googled and watched videos and none show this


Not sure tbh, ones an elbow to redirect the line, the flat black plastic looks like it concentrates the water into a spray rather than natural flow. Not sure about the rest tbh. Always extra parts with stuff. Perhaps? Also I clean my RDWC and cloners with hydrogen peroxide usually every 4-6 months and a quick wipe and rinse with HP in between taking cuts


Bag of pump / plumbing fittings? perhaps extras? I don’t have a clone king, but have seen lots of pump fittings. The bottom one looks like a ball fitting > fan piece… Next to it looks like a venturi / injector. an elbow, and a reducer. the nipple on far left I am not sure of.