Cloning Methods…

They didn’t even mention these pieces in the instructions :weary:

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Lots of things use pumps made by other companies, which may include fittings like this. I used to do water feature installs, and have seen plenty of “spare fittings” included. The pump maker wants to cover as many bases as they can sometimes.

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Ok so ignore them and put them away just in case I ever need them? I’ve watched some videos on setting up this particular model and none even show this?

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I have like 5 bags of various parts that came with cloners, my current culture system, my pro current culture system, my chiller and my 5 water pumps and 3 air pumps. Like grocery bags full of extras. Also they usually give extras for parts that tend to wear out or need two different sizes.

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I’ll take one of those haha

Had to post this for those utilizing HP for the first time or especially when using the concentrated kind like I do 35%


I’m not even seeing these parts used on the main… hold on… maybe the manifold? Looks like it’s put together with plastic like that? But it was in the pump box so I have no idea.

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Ya the pumps always always come with extras for different applications. They usually buy the pumps from other companies as they don’t build their own. I bet if you find that particular pump, they always come with those parts. No joke you should see the amount of extra shit I have that I’ve never touched in many many years of use.

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I don’t even have access to that kind of Hp :joy: I’m sure others do tho.

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We actually buy it by the skid to save tons, but 2 of the three local hydro stores sell it as well. You just have to ask as it’s in the back like other stuff :wink:

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I just got a new pump yesterday and it came with all sorts of extra parts as well. Looks like you are about to be cloning!

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So I finally have a sour lemon clone that has taken root it’s been about three weeks but have noticed top growth …
so here’s my question .
She is in a 12/12 hr room am I at risk of her flowering or do I have time for her to mature ?
Would she better off in windowsill to get more hours of light ?


I would 100% take it out of 12/12 as she will switch, and it’s only a matter of time, I’ve had clones continue to flower when kept in 12/12 they just stunted somewhat. (It was just a test) . Windowsill, even a little cfl bulb will work as they need very little light in this stage.


I would take it out of 12/12 if you do not want it to flower. I usually take clones straight into 12/12 if I am sexing the mother plant.


Some are fast , some are slow, it’s genetics but imho I’d go safe rather than sorry especially if it’s something you are excited about and was hard to root.


I’m already out of likes wtf :triumph:

The manifold is a lot closer to what will be the bottom of the clones. Didn’t see that in the pictures when I was doing research lol

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I’ve seen it sold at health food stores too.

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So window sill shall stall her out but still grow her long enough till middle of April …I wanna take clones off of her for outdoors


Should be ok, as long as the spray isn’t insane but some you can control the flow/pressure. Looks just like my brother in laws, if it is it works great, you can also determine the length hanging below by placing the collars at your choice of height @hollyho so you can do a short length hanging to keep them further away

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