Cloning Methods…


Definitely @Rabeats2093 . Be slow but it will work 100% if you notice any adverse affects from not enough light just throw a bulb , cfl whatever close by. That’s my go to for things I’m just trying to slowly keep going until later down the road. I use the 14w cfl’s for all sorts of crap.


How much of the net pots do you guys cut off?

And! I’m guessing u have to go ahead and fill all the holes w net pots and inserts so the water doesn’t spray up? Lol


That will be fine I bet the spray is minimal. Some are crazy but no way they would put them that close if they were super powerful. I’m pretty sure it’ll all be good once it gets rocking . Looks like it’s well made. The top portion looks similar to one of the current culture 35pro modules. Very nice :+1:t2:

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I use net pots that are “collars” so they have no bottom, just holds the insert. I would cut the pots to give enough room for roots to grow and be easy to remove.

You will get soaked if you do not plug all the holes

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Lmao ok thanks bud!

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Ahhh yours has net pots, not neoprene collars. So it’s like my cc pro. I don’t cut off any of the net pots personally I just set some hydroton (clay pebbles) then my macro plugs with plant on the tier (current culture net pots) and cover further with hydroton. Hold up I’ll get a pic

Ok mine came with different little foam looking inserts that go into the net pots.


Yes cover all the holes. I make special covers from panda film for the holes I’m not using atm.

Sorry for the pic quality as they are in with a blurple/and reg LED . The hydroton helps to block out light but I still use covers to keep the light out and prevent algae .


Those were added to the RDWC yesterday so I didn’t even really wanna pull them out but I did lol. So that’s all I can get atm. I prefer to leave them for 4-5 days without touching until I see the growth spurt begin then I will inspect the roots


Ahh ok. I think these inserts will block the light out. I’ll just cut the very bottoms of the cups so I don’t have to worry about the roots tangling up in them. I think I’m ready to go.

Oh and I’m probably going to use primo ro water bc something keeps happening to my tap. Looks like something maybe went wrong a couple months ago and I can tell when they treat it lol it’s had a blueish tint then it will get a pinkish tint. I’m pretty sure that’s what caused my flowering plants to develop a lot of crunchy weird leaves. The ppm has gone down and the ph has gone up. I can tell they’re doing something to it.


I know previous owner had chickens in part of the garage and there are some strange looking bulbs out there I will have to go check them out if all else fails !

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@hollyho u can use those collars without the net pots as well. I think the net pots are more for when you are transplanting the net pots right into another module like I do in my RDWC. If you are going from cloner to soil, soilless etc you are better off just using the collars as the net pots once the roots get truly established can be really hard to pull out without leaving behind root matter, collars the stem just pulls out, no root damage whatsoever

I just tried it and the inserts fall right down in there by themselves.

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Here is the cloner I use. Sometimes I will just use a cup of water if I’m not worried about the time it takes. Usually dip in a rooting gel or I will use honey if I have no rooting gel on hand.


I run strictly RO and have for years,just makes life easier tbh. I have a hydrologic stealth RO 150 and I absolutely love it. (Just something to consider) everyone I know now uses one after seeing mine and how well it works and how simple it makes things. If you want to cut the net pots do it, but tbh I’d try it with just the collars first to save you from ruining them if it’s unneeded.

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Ahhh okay so they are meant to be in the net pots , yep cut the bottoms off 100% be a nightmare transplanting if not. @VPDisKey i also use the cup of water method often . I actually started this thread so people could see all the methods and get a better understanding because I bet I get PM’d at least 2-3 times a week regarding cloning practices. Did you build that cloner or purchase it?


this is what the looked like before I put them into the DWC setup. This was just a dome with thermo/hygrometer built in, two 14w fl tubes and a reflector, a heat mat set at 75-78 and a very very minimal amount of clonex and then about 8-14 days of time


@iamyou_youareme thanks for sharing that, very interesting. I’m a huge fan of clonex, guess I need to try some hormex as well next time. I love stuff like this, everyone expanding on the last guys idea! This is how awesome ideas converge. Thanks again, definitely giving it a shot.


Yeah, I actually just got some Hormex and some Clonex solution to try it out. I usually go for the simple and easy method, but if I can pull off getting the plants to root like they’re pictured in the method above, it might be worth the effort. I feel like you could save some time on vegging if the clones have really established roots like that. I’ve got bleach solution running thru the cloner now, I plan on taking snips today, so I’ll let you know how it goes.