Cloning Methods…

This is a great thread and I am sure it’s helped many people! This one was actually purchased, it was on sale and I couldn’t beat the price, was like 60 bucks and came with everything. I would have had to go out and buy a hole saw and a few other things to even be able to diy my own currently.

The cup of water works great, just slow. I think I average around 21 days but you can’t beat just tossing a cup in the corner of a veg tent and having rooted clones in a few weeks.

Do you run your pump on a timer?


@VPDisKey No, mine runs 24/7 actually. Thank you, I appreciate it. And @iamyou_youareme definitely let me/us know how it goes, I’m not far out from taking cuts from everything I have going now so perhaps I’ll try it then, maybe a side by side. Who knows but it’s definitely intriguing to say the least


Ok so I have this… do you think it would work?

The bulb is 14w at 5000k (led since my Walmart doesn’t have the curly q’s anymore)


Should work just fine. Looks similar to what I use sometimes. I’ve used 9w leds in the past with success.


Awesome! I have another clip on light in case I end up needing it


Do you guys fill the clone king all the way up? It says 4-5 gallons :flushed: could I get by with 1-2? Does the whole pump have to be covered?

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The whole pump would need to be covered if I am thinking of the right type of pump. You can just fill it until the pump is submerged then maybe add an inch? The more water you have in there the less the pump will heat it up. Are you running a timer with your pump?

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Nah, I have some smart plugs but it would take all day to set 1 minute in/4 off! Lol! I’ll just leave mine on I guess.

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It’s this kind of pump except it doesn’t have the little thing poking out of the part that’s pointed up

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You’re gunna want that pump submerged then.

What type of smart plugs do you have? I just set a couple up today using “Rules”. Running the pump constantly is fine, just be sure it doesn’t heat up your water too much.

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Idk “Gosund” brand off Amazon I believe. When I had Alexa up and running, I used them. Now I just use the app on my phone to turn them on and off. I’m NOT doing that all day lol

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15 min after putting them in the cloner and they’re limp. Wtf


Clones can sometimes look pretty rough after right you cut them. They should perk up in no time.


I went ahead and took off a cpl more leaves. I had left 2 sets plus the center. But they don’t look bad now. I have my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: thanks


All you guys with stubborn cloning varieties .

I had a church cookies plant the only way I could reliably get it to root was paint the stem (where u plan on cutting) with cloning gel and cover it up with plastic or better yet Rockwool then plastic . Do this a week before cloning. This will get you nubs or bumps before you cut off the mother . Pop these pre nubbed clones in your regular cloning method and they will root way faster and more reliably every time . Giant p.i.a but it works 100% or your money back.


Sweet, I have a strain I’ll try that on, as it’s virtually impossible to clone. Thanks for this @Waxman420


Checkout this thread @Calix literally a ton of options using basic stuff to build cloners. I use 24hr light myself on cuts, the Rubbermaid with collars and a pump is easiest for sure though imo. Well besides a cup and water lol


Well I don’t own one either, can you show the other part of the cloner ? Maybe that would help solve it.

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Awesome ! Thank you for this info. I had a Vietnam Black last year I wanted to keep but it would never root ! I took close to 25 cuts and tried ever technique I could find. But in the end she never gave me roots so I don’t have her anymore.
I’m definitely trying this next time I have trouble.
Appreciate it
:v: :blush::heart:

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