Cloning Methods…

That sucks! Especially a Vietnamese black ! I’ve only ever seen it a couple times , but seen many that are just tough or take forever (bubba, pink Kush) I really do like that idea!

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Yeah she had the pearl buds on her too.
Stem rub was strong and smelt just like Vic’s Vapor rub. Very Sativa looking in structure and leaf.
After cure she smells like a minty pine. I don’t know how else to describe that. I’m just really upset I couldn’t keep her. She was already in the ground and about 5’ tall when I was taking cuts, so the times I could take cuts was on a clock.

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Man, now your making me wanna grow the black, I witnessed a small 1/4 room grow of it once with other heirlooms of similar descent. I think I need to find some beans now.

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I think I have a few more left. I need to check, but I didn’t have to many left. If your interested let me know and I’ll take a look.
They are (Fem) Kiona Vietnam Black 164

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This is how my Grandpa and Dad cloned their fruit trees. They would tie a bag of soil soaked in Willow tree tea on a branch. Then they would moisten the bag every so often and before you know it there were roots showing so they would just cut it off and plant it.


I would love some, wanted to work an old line for a while, this is worthy imo. Fems :thinking: interesting. I’d be curious to try cloning it now too

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No kidding eh? I absolutely love this idea, willow water is used by all the old timers huh? Aloe and willow are all I used to hear when I first started cloning many many moons back. So awesome this I’ve gotta try


Willow water is amazing stuff. I used to use it when I had a willow tree out back. It died off a few years ago thou. It was struck by lightning.

But the willow has two main ingredients in it. I forget the names, but I can look them up if interested.
One is a natural plant harmone used to stimulate root growth, and the other is pretty much aspirin.

It triggers the plant into defence mode and it helps fight off any kind of molds fungus or pathogens. I do believe it can also spread this response to other plants nearby by converting the ingredient to a chemical one and exposing it to other plants.

But yeah it easy to make too. You basically just soak willow branches in water for awhile and it leeches out into the water.

I think I read that the tips of the younger branches are the best to use, but any of the wood has those two ingredients in it.


IBA is the rooting hormone, and salicylic acid is also found in aspirin. Some people recommend dissolving aspirin in water, that’s basically a halfway measure. Aspirin and a rooting powder/gel are just about as good as a few branches of a young, budding willow. :slight_smile:

I was reading this and realized I could probably use the water to pre-root cuttings as well, so I took a paper towel, soaked it in willow water from the cloner, wrapped it in plastic and put a few pieces on the branches I’m looking at cloning from my GG4 next week. It’s supposed to be a pretty easy strain to root, we shall see! Maybe it’ll already be rooted before I cut it.


Haha killer! Stoked to see how it works.


Yes definitely tell us how she does !
Can you possibly do a side by side comparison ? It would cool to see the results.


I only wrapped 4 branches, and I’ll probably take more than that since she’s a re-vegged clone from a 2" long flowering cut in the first place. It’s a bit messy down there. Then she topped herself at 6 nodes like Tony advises, taking it out of my hands entirely… so it’s getting a bit messy everywhere, and by next week might be overgrowing the pot. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll try to remember to post a few pics in here while I’m at it, I’ll certainly be posting some in my thread so they’ll be around even if I forget.


@hollyho not sure what those parts are for but I have the 36 site cloner with just the slit foam things no net pots. Pump and the part with the spray nozzles. It works quite well.


I definitely want to see your experiment Cormoran. Please post it.


How I clone with rockwool without a dome…a lot simpler and less work…


On day 8! Looks like the lip smackers are starting to root! I love the ease of the clone king! I haven’t had to do anything really except clip them and stick them in there lol I’ve used a dome before (little greenhouse style setup) and I was always having to check and make sure the dome didn’t dry out or it didn’t get too hot in there. And the earliest I ever saw roots was 9 days. Pretty damn good but took a lot of attention and other times it took way longer. I’m kind of in love with this thing and will be using this a lot more than I originally thought. I have bought so many things I thought I needed and only used them a couple times lol


Awesome, nubs are the first step for sure. Stoked for you my friend


Thanks, I am too! How much longer if u had to guess? Before I can throw them in some coco and move them to the tent?


Honestly that’s a hard one to judge, I’d say a week. Next time you are taking cuts.
1- I find middle lowers to root fastest but tops, sides work great as well.
2- I prefer longer clones 4-5 inches min.
3- slice on an angle :triangular_ruler:
4- I take my scalpel and scrape/cut gently the outer shell/layer of the stem all the way around about 1-1&1/2 inches above the cut. (This prepares that entire area for making roots)
5- even when using a cloner I’ll dip in clone gel slightly and then wipe off any excess so it won’t drip in/off.

I guarantee this process in its entirety will speed up the process 100%


I see you did the angle It’s just my cut rules. @hollyho

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