Cloning Methods…

All of you all have me over here itching to take some clones. Unfortunately, all of my over winter plants except for one didn’t make it. The one that did was a reveged skunk and its a mutant at the moment…


Yeah I dipped them too but it came off. I have the purple clonex gel. Some of them I forgot to angle the cut lol I was so worried about labeling them correctly. And the plants are real squatty. In week 6 now. I just needed some clones so I can flower and sex them. Then!! I can finally clone them when they’re bigger and more mature. I plan on making seeds tho (hopefully feminized) so I won’t have to sex them next time. Plus I don’t have room for a mother plant so if I can make more seeds, it will just be easier for me next time I want to grow this particular strain. Thank you for your help! Every time I try something new, this time being the aero cloner, I always find it helps when you have someone guiding you a little bit. At least for the first time lol


I took clones of my GG4 yesterday; 3 had been wrapped in plastic-covered paper towel soaked in willow water last week, 4 hadn’t. I was planning on 4 and 3, but one of the ones I wrapped turned from a lower into an upper branch in the week I was waiting. :stuck_out_tongue: That said, I’m not sure this will be a decent side-by-side either way because the paper towels were bone-dry by the time I took the clones. It was a quick job, and clearly I didn’t seal it or factor in the evaporation, so they didn’t get much of a prep. There weren’t any roots under the paper towels, or even nubs. I also didn’t scrape the stems, for any of them - I might have to try that next time. Hopefully I can scrape the stems without scraping off my own skin in the process. Anyway, I’m keeping track of which were prepped and which weren’t. We’ll see how long they take to root.


Another possible reason why the willow water seems to have been ineffective; apparently IBA has very limited solubility in water, around 0.25mg/mL. It’s most effective at 3mg/mL, so I’d need to boil down ~48 gallons of willow water to 4 gallons in order to fill my cloner, which is probably too large. That, or I could make willow-branch RSO after I’m done making my real batch of RSO. :stuck_out_tongue: It’ll dissolve to 50mg/mL in ethanol, 40+ in other alcohols, so in theory I could soak the branches in a quart of alcohol and then dilute it with water and boil off the alcohol. Not sure if that’ll actually work, it might cause the IBA to crash out of solution. Maybe I’d have to do a solvent transfer to some sugar, plants should be able to survive sugar water just fine. More carbs might not help with no microbes to feed, but shouldn’t hurt.


All credit is due to icmag post i read many manu moons ago and many air layering techniques . I too filled an aero cloner only to have all 24 fail tried peat pellets, rapid rooters, rockwool , bubbles and sprayers in the end the only roots I saw were the pre painted ones . They still took 2 week in the aero cloner (using just tapwater and bleach ) .

In the end I gave up on the 14 week cut r.i.p. church cookies .

I almost got it too graft to another mom. One day I would love to have my 4 or 5 favorite cuts grafted into 1 plant .


I’ve always thought this would be pretty cool too.


sticking a branch in the dirt with cover crop seeds, with a dome (gallon of water with the bottom removed)

i’m no scientits but something to do with the cover crop germinating and growing roots i think


Reading about the amount of root starter in Willow makes me wonder if the soil Dad and Grandpa used was from around the pond. That soil must have been saturated with the stuff. :thinking:


Pretty cool, so many ways to clone. I love this!


I can’t believe it,I managed to litfa one cutting of each enough for them to pull thru ! I didn’t want to put a curse on myself,but they are ready for me to take another one of each ,I can’t decide if it’s Aloe Vera (where do I get enough of that) and vermiculite ,or styrofoam in my fish aquarium ,its got airbubbles and some nutrients (from the fish)
I’ve some insanely small Aloe plants,I’ve been trying to grow out for what seems to be years now,I just seem to get more tiny ones,is there somewhere that I could source a substantial amount of clean healthy Aloe? Love and Respect everyone, before I stumbled onto this thread,every cut I have taken had died !(I suppose a couple made it over the years,but less and less over time, until I just killed everyone for a while now ! So grateful !

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So, following up on my research into IBA, it seems that it’s soluble in methanol at a slightly lower rate than ethanol. Methanol, shockingly (to me), is not only non-toxic to plants but has been found to actually help them when applied at a 30% concentration. Has anyone ever used methanol in their grow, not necessarily with IBA but in any way at all?


Awesome! This makes me very happy! Not sure exactly, I know a few garden centres by me have tons of little ones in the summer for dirt cheap. I always grab a few . I’d check there . Stoked for you my friend

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This is news to me as well, I have never used it towards plants but have friends in the racing industry and have heard of it’s use as a high octane biofuel. That’s why this surprises me , I do know it’s HIGHLY FLAMMABLE as well. See, you learn something every day. Had no idea this could be beneficial.

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Just reporting back on this method, here are my 4 clones after 10 days in the cloner. The GG4 has the best roots, but the others are starting to pop roots too. The roots really popped after day 8 when I changed the rez to 40ml Clonex and no Hormex. Will report back after a few more days to show root development on the other ones. Crazy how the stems ballooned out like they did from Hormex.


Nice @iamyou_youareme that one is really firing off, I’m sure the others aren’t far off. Awesome


Day 11 in an aero cloner with ph’d tap water.


Just a follow-up, here’s 15 days in the cloner. Seems like a solid method if you’re wanting solid roots in two weeks.


Those are solid root systems for sure! When those hit soil/buckets etc. they are gonna explode! See 2 weeks is DEFINITELY enough for me, I’m never in a real hurry that’s why I’ve been sticking with the domes and rockwool. But I think you guys have converted me back for a few reasons.
1- I can put my cloner in a Veg tent and leave it and with the domes that’s a nightmare IMO. and causes chaos
2- it’s more set it and forget it than my method as I’m spraying a couple times a day, emptying water, replacing, cleaning if algae etc.
3- it’s faster.
4- I find this method makes better roots for RDWC systems etc. with the method I use the roots never seem as thick and pronounced which is fine for soil but I like them thick and sturdy for RDWC as sometimes even the hydroton breaks off roots even being gentle and with CC net pots (with a ledge). I never had that problem when I used my turboklone and know the person I gave it to never has that issue either.


I also forget you used the griffin tech right? @iamyou_youareme did you find an improvement over your normal regimen ?


So, my experiment has been cancelled. Apparently I wasn’t using willow water in the first place. :blush: The tree I was taking switches from looks a lot like a willow when it’s dormant, but now that it’s started to flower it has revealed itself as a weeping cherry tree, not a weeping willow. Not even the same genus, unfortunately; it’s closer to a rose bush than a willow tree. A few of my GG4 clones died because the “willow water,” despite being filtered through cheesecloth before I put it in the cloner, slowly separated into water and organic sludge, which ended up coating the stems. Bad things ensued. Hopefully I can still get the ones I have left to root normally with plain filtered water. If not, at least it’ll be easier to clean up afterwards. :wink: