Cloning Methods…

Yes, the clones that I had in the aero cloner were using the griffin method. I transplanted to soil yesterday and they didn’t experience any shock or anything like that, just kept on truckin’. I did take some cuts around the same time and put them in rock wool cubes (the method I normally use) and those haven’t shown roots through the cubes yet, although I can see that they have rooted. Giffin method gave healthier, faster roots, but at an added expense and complexity.


Sooo, I’m about to plant my clones and notice the water is starting to feel a little heavy. Not full on slimy yet but I need to clean it! What do you guys do w your clones while you’ve got their home away from them? Also, should I cleanse the roots of them before putting them back in the clean water? What should I use to clean the roots before transplanting the ones with lots of roots?

These are a cpl I just threw on the fire bc I flowered the parent plants and these are boys. The roots don’t look bad? But I don’t want to keep them in filthy water :slightly_frowning_face:


I have found many topics related to cleaning between cycles, but not while you have clones still trying to root! Help meh please!

Usually just change the water every couple of days… last round I went a week between changing the water in the cloner. You don’t need to clean the roots, just keep them in their collars or the lid while you change out the water.

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I have to take the res and dump it and wash it out… I just don’t know what to do w the babies while I’m doing all of that

Use something like uc roots in the rez every 3 days to keep the rez sterile. A diy uc roots (uc roots too expensive for what it is) using pool shock is in this thread. It’s not the 4 in 1 or 7 in 1 it’s just hth pool shock


I will have to look into that for next time! But for now I don’t have any of that and need to clean this thing out… I just don’t know what to do w the babies while I’m doing it. About 30 minutes without water- u think they’ll be ok? I could sit the lid w all the babies still in it over a 5gal bucket

You can also use bleach but I don’t know the amounts. Anyway new water change out will work (if your city uses chlorine) but that too won’t last long. Try doing the change out in less than 15. I’ve done griffin’s tech before and left them in the open air before for about 15 min. You can must them with water to keep them alive and wet while you do your thing


15 Days in an aero cloner. Running 5 min on, 15 min off just to keep my water temps low.


Ok! I’ll have someone help me keep an eye on them while I clean it! Thank you!

Ok! I got it cleaned and got them back in there! Hopefully that will be ok. They didn’t go limp or anything. I was scared with no water they would start dying, I guess they’re stronger than I thought :sweat_smile: thanks for the help :ok_hand:


that’s what i’m trying to do, and recently i’ve had bugs infest my moms, what is your “preventative treatment regimen” if you don’t mind sharing i’m very interested

what i do is spinosad on the plants and predators in the dirt, but i have totally slipped up


I have a few products on hand, like spinosad and mammoth canacontrol, but I usually stick with garden soap and sulfur powder. I try to give my bonsai moms weekly baths in a gallon pitcher of water garden soap solution. Sometimes I’ll mix in 1/4c of powdered sulfur into that gallon of soap water. I have a piece of plastic cut to cover the container, with a slit for the stem of the plant. I flip the plant upside down, give the soapy water a good stir to get a whirlpool going, and dunk the plant into it to give them a swirly. I keep them submerged up to the container for at least 30secs to make sure everything gets well saturated. I give it a few dunks up and down before taking them out. Then I spray the outside of the container and the surface of the soil with garden soap.
If you have an active infestation, you need to repeat this twice a week for at least two weeks. That way any nights that were missed and eggs that hatched since the last dip get hit again, and again. Since soap works by drowning them, there’s no building up resistance, it’s just getting them all and breaking that life cycle.


Ok so a few days after putting fresh water in the closet, the roots are looking brown, not white. Have any of you had this happen? What should I do?

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Would it be possible to plant with some recharge, water, but then start letting them dry out? Or is this root rot already?



The first two look like they are on their way to root rot. The last picture doesn’t look too bad. Are you using any nutes that might be staining the roots? Is the water in your reservoir cool or is it getting warm?

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Should be cool. It’s sitting on a tile floor and the room is around 73f. Maybe even cooler in there.

I’m using clonex and tap. How can I save them? The parent plants have already been put into flower :weary:

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I would go ahead and plant them but thats just me. I went ahead and planted mine from above and they are doing well.

If your res temps are high because your pump is constantly running, you might need to look into hydroguard or something similar. Clonex shouldn’t stain the roots like that.


I just ordered some pool shock that someone shared above, you? I don’t remember at this sec. I’m thinking about planting them in solo cups so I can keep an eye on the roots. When/if I see them doing better I can plant into bigger pots. What do you think?

I use a turbo kloner, I like the idea of just walk away and return 8 days later to roots. I like to add some kelp nutes to the water.