Cloning Methods…

I have clone king. Only using clonex and tap ph to 5.8

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I think somethings up w my misters. I’m new to this but they’re not “misting” just throwing water everywhere. Is there any way they could be getting too much water? Hell idk lol I transplanted some of them. Gave them recharge and root stimulant that came as a freebie from hembra (azos?) with a little bit of ro water. Hopefully they will grow out of it and be okay :sob: I only had 2 females out of 6 Lipsmackers by exotic genetix and was going to make some feminized seeds so I don’t have to sex next time. Oh boy…

And when I lift the lid, it smells like dirt? Not sure what’s up w it.

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They will be fine, doubt it’s root rot unless the water was horrible . I’d throw some hydrogen peroxide or the pool shock idea and run it throughout. I pretty much guarantee they will be ok. Now that everything is established you can even just run straight water too no clonex . Maybe try that atm

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I already transplanted the ones with a lot of roots. There are 4 left in there. 2 that got cut today and 2 from about 4-5 days ago. No roots on any of those. Idk why the red smells like dirt. I just cleaned the damn thing. I was thinking I would clean it again. The pool shock won’t be here til next week. I don’t have many options right this sec.

The ones I transplanted I let them sit in tap water with reg peroxide in it. In hopes it would clean anything that may be on there. Then I planted in recycled coco with recharge/ro water.also dusted the roots with powdered root stimulant. Hopefully they will be ok. I’ll let you guys know if anything bad happens :grimacing:

U think the clones w no roots will be fine to stay in there or clean it AGAIN?


Clean it again won’t hurt but they should be good

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thanks! so sulfur powder kills PM huh? what garden soap do you use?

noted. the infestations i get are always in my soil, never on the greens, maybe my spinosad spraying does something

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If you want to see explosive root growth while protecting against root born disease look into
Thricoderma harzianum T22 , it can also be used as a spray to kill pm. It been shown to combat types of mosaic virus…
Need to kill root aphids, fungus nats or any other soft body soil dwelling pest you want to treat with
Beauveria bassiana.
These are both standard items in large scale greenhouse production but have seemed to be missed by a large majority of the cannabis community.
In regards to sulfur I use bonide orchard spray with a weak mix and mites nor powder mildew stand a chance. Pro tip , where gloves or your hands will smell like sulfur for at least a day.
I only use it in veg and I rinse them off before they go into flower , the sulfur lingers for a long time on the plants. Most of the time I use take down at its 1% concentration and it keeps all things at bay but the orchard spray is a great end all solution. I’ve seen people wipe out broad mites and russet mites with it when nothing else would work.


Back when I first started I used clonex and did the whole bagging them up thing and the like

These days I just take the cut trim back to the node and straight into the coco pre wetted with a drop of kickstart then throw them into the tent with everything else that’s vegging
Seems to work just as well as all the pissing about I used to do :joy:


Definitely looking into this, a root expander that protects against all of those as well, killer!

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I only use ph balanced water, pH 5.8, with 300ppm of GH grow formula nutrients with a small amount of LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria), low light (80-100 ppfd), and keep the cuts above 78°F. I use Mycostop, Botanigard 22wp and bacillis subtilis (hydroguard) to stave off root diseases, kill bugs, and assist with maintaining the root zone, and AQ-10 (Ampelomyces quisqualis) if there is ever any PM but I have not had PM nor any bugs except gnats since 2006 and the botanigard has gotten rid of my gnats.

These are example rooted of cuttings of Matt Bergers Bubba Kush from Orgnkid and Trinity


Would the pool shock work for that? Or something else you can just grab at Walmart?

Also, when using pool shock for rez water, can u just add it after your nutrients?

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you can use green clean by biosafe but a cheaper alternative is zepps sulfuric acid drain opener.its like 90% sulfuric acid (did i post the dilution rate). use a respirator and chemical resistant gloves. spray the inside and outside of rez. put your pump in there run it as if you have clones in there for a few hours. scrub the pimp back of pump etc.
yeah you can add the diluted pool shock straight to the rez. Unfortunately biofilm is resistant to it and bleach.uc roots,rez clean,pool shock is more of a preventative i believe.

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Not that I know of. In a post way up :top: you said you could share details if we wanted it. At that point my cloner was still in transit I believe lol

Mixing the pool shock with nutrients doesn’t cause anything wild to happen?

Would that work? Lol it says lye tho.

Has to have sulfuric acid. And yes pool shock is ok with bytes even bleach.

Credit to advanced buffalo




Thanks for that @grief and @advancedbuffalo awesome.

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So, I was just about to clean out the presumably-dead clones from my cloner and replace them with ones from the fridge to try again, when I saw that this little trooper actually has a root now, unlike yesterday… anyone wanna bet on whether it’ll make it or not? :wink:


I switched to plug cloning with Ihort 40/40 cubes and will never use an aero cloner again! Haha. That cleaning method works, but plug cloning takes 1/10th the effort and is more reliable.


I like aero cloning or bubble cloning because you can see if the bottom of the cut has calloused (closed properly) and not left open. It’s easy to tell. Where you made the cut will be brown or white. Brown me as me it’s not sealed/calloused. You can’t really tell on plugs or rockwool etc.

i took a screenshot of this, thanks for this great information!

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