Cloning Methods…

I can’t speak high enough about the trichoderma , I was a tester for a company that was trying to get it licensed for sale around 2007 but they failed , it wasent made available after that until around 2016 and never was realy available outside of the test group anyways. Stuff works so good after we lost the source for it we used to talk about growing and culturing are own but couldn’t get it anywhere.
Word of caution it realy makes nutrients more readily available to the plants especially phosphates. If you are a heavy feeder you can easily have nutrient toxicity with your normal feeding regimen.
Another benefit it can cut your nutrient use by 1/8 - 1/4.


@grief that pool shock solution… would that be useful in other ways? I grow in coco w jacks and sometimes I start seeing a buildup of something in my 5gal rez buckets. I was reading that stuff you posted and it says at such small doses it’s harmful to bacteria but not harmful to plants. I use recharge also tho. Don’t want to kill that. So I’m thinking just use as a water treatment?

Yeah pool shock will kill microbes. You only want to run it if you run a sterile rez.

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So I could use it when flushing? Just added to my regular water? I stop recharge mid way through flower

Lol, wrong thread! Carry on😜

You could I don’t see why not

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I take cuttings with a fresh razor blade, dip in Clonex gel, then place them in an EZ-Cloner. I’ll pH the water after adding some Clonex nutes and UC Roots (I’ll look into making my own with pool shock once I run out).

This took about a week:


So I took these 12 days ago. In motel coffee cups, in my window sill, no hormones, nada!

26 pre-98 Bubba kush


Here’s today! 22 of 26 rooted and the others may still only one looks like it’s dying.


@TopShelfTrees1 Looking good man!

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Thank you my friend :pray:t2:

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Same here… Ive clone them in just water before. I do use root bond from lowes when I clone just to encourage the process along. I left clones in water for two months before and then did just fine. I just stick them in the window seal in the summer and put them under low lamps in the winter during shorter days so they don’t flower.


A very old picture, it works folks…back in the day I was always doing a lot of experiments with this weed that we all grow…


That’s dope @PhilCuisine tried it all haven’t you brother?


It’s just a water fountain with blue food coloring…but it works.


Didn’t even notice the food colouring tbch


I read that 4:1 ratio of water/hydrogen peroxide will kill the gnats.
I saw one yesterday in my basement grow area. First time…so will be mixing up some peroxide solution as soon as I see another one.


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How long does the pool shock treatment stay “treated”? The stock, not the res. Does the shock gas off? I made a gallon of it and it doesn’t take much. I leave the lid on. Just curious if anyone knows :v:

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@grief will know. as I’ve yet to use it myself

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I have a quick question. Would well water that runs around 7.5 pH be a problem for establishing roots? I was just thinking of a trickle system for my clones that wouldn’t entail monitoring pH.